Opportunities for Service


United Methodist

Volunteers In Mission -
North Central Jurisdiction
September 30, 2018  
Table of Contents
UMVIM Coordinators
Puerto Rico Update
Planning to Serve?
News from Around the Connection
Praying for teams
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UMVIM-NCJ Social Media
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  Advance # 901375
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More photos from the NOMADS gathering 
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I spent time with the NOMADS at their annual meeting in Memphis this week. What a beautiful spirit of grace and generosity! Over $45,000 was raised for NOMAD grants from more than 200 attendees. Donations were made in honor or spouses, parents, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. What will you do with your retirement? With NOMADS, you can serve a minimum of three weeks or be a full-timer. Use the skills you have and learn new ways to serve. Thank you, NOMADS, for doing the Jesus thing in the Jesus way. ~tk     

NOMADS board of directors 
"Faith, if not accompanied by action, is dead."  
~ James 2:17

THANK YOU for contributing to 
UMVIM Coordinators on the move
Many thanks to Alison Curts as she prepares to step into a new chapter with her family. Allison has served in several leadership roles in Indiana, including UMVIM coordinator and Disaster Response Coordinator.

Welcome to Kris Aves and Larry Dunlap-Berg, new UMVIM coordinators in NIC; Jody Pratt, new UMVIM coordinator in MI; and Gary Bochman, the new COnference Disaster Response Coordinator in MN.
Discover...Mission: China
The purpose of Discover...Mission is to develop United Methodist young adult leaders while interacting with young adult Christians in cross-cultural settings. Rev. and Mrs. Newhouse have been certified VIM leaders with journeys to Russia, Brazil, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Humboldt Park, Illinois and Kalamazoo, Michigan and one previous journey to China in 2010. Bishop Hee-Soo Jung, current Bishop of the Wisconsin Area and President of the General Board of Global Ministries, has traveled to China on behalf of The United Methodist Church on multiple occasions. In addition to these leaders, Discover...Mission China 2019 will have a bonus leader, Ms Ruhong Liu, a citizen of China and the Asia Regional Coordinator with Global Ministries of The United M ethodist Church.
Image result for china
Twelve young adults (ag e p reference 18-35) will be selected from US applicants. The early applicant (by December 1, 2018) estimated cost is only $2,650 per person ($3,150 single hotel occupancy) for all North Central Jurisdiction young adults and $3,250 per person ($3,750 for single hotel occupancy) for all other applicants. Discover . . . Mission China 2019 will meet Christian leaders in Shanghai, Nanjing, and Bejing, experience and partner with Amity Foundation Christian services, and work alongside young adults through the YMCA (exact projects not yet determined.) While the focus is learning, spiritual growth, and leadership development alongside Chinese Christians, there will be opportunity to visit recognized national sites like the Great Wall of China, The Forbidden City, and the Summer Palace.
Request an application here. 
Puerto Rico update
Are you considering leading a team to Puerto Rico for Phase 2 of the response? There's lots to know before you go! Check it out here!

Maria survivor: 'Thank you for returning my happiness'
Maria survivor: 'Thank you for returning my happiness'

Planning to serve in 2019?
Be sure to check out the complete US Project List . If you don't see your favorite project site, encourage the director to complete the US Project Profile.


Solar Oven Partners has two mission journeys to Dominican Republic:Jan. 7-16 and March 1-10. Solar ovens save people money on cooking fuel, present a supplemental income opportunity from selling baked goods, protect health by preventing smoke inhalation from cooking over a fire and allowing for water and milk pasteurization without cost and prevent deforestation from the search for cooking fuel. Each day of our two-day workshops, missioners and workshop participants share the food we have cooked together. Ovens are distributed to participants at the end of two-day seminar. Contact Marj Evans-de-Carpio.
News from Around the Connection
See what's happening with Global Mission Fellows. September 15 is the first day to apply for the 
class of 2019! Early application deadline: Dec. 3.
Final application deadline: Jan. 7.

Here's the news from missionary John Elmore in Chile.

Upcoming Trainings
Click Training Dates in the left sidebar for details, registration, and contact information. 
Connecting Neighbors
Care Ministry
ERT Basic and Recertification
UMVIM Team Leader Training 
October 11-12, 2019
Trinity UMC
4212 Broadway St
Mount Vernon, IL 62864-2263
UMVIM Team Leader Training
October 29, 2019
Church of the Saviour
2537 Lee Rd.
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Get the word out about trainings in your conference! Contact u mvimncj.coor@gmail.com with details! 
Praying for Teams
Please include these missioners in your prayers as they travel and do the good work with God's people around the world.


Sept 16-Oct 2 DAK team to Zimbabwe
Sept 30-Oct 5 WI team to WI
Oct 6-14 IGR team to Guatemala
Oct 6-14 WO team to TX
Oct 10-18 Ubuntu team to Peru
Oct 15-26 IA team to Palestine

through Dec, 2019 Janice and John Lage (MN) serving with Salud y Pas, Guatemala
Feb. 2018-Oct. 2019 Jane Wise (WO) serving with Kasenga District, Congo
Aug -Nov 2018 Margie Miller (IN) serving with Costa Rica
Nov 2017-Nov 2018 Emily Padilla serving in Zambia

Team leaders: Be sure to submit the reporting form when you return.
UMVIM-NCJ works for you !
The UMVIMNCJ coordinator is hired by and works for the North Central Jurisdiction. The agency has a Board of Directors that meets twice a year, has bylaws and is responsive to the needs of United Methodist Volunteers in this Jurisdiction.  We thank you for your continued support! Know that support is crucial for the work of this office to continue.
United Methodist Volunteers in Mission North Central Jurisdiction is Advance #901375 of the United Methodist Church and accepts cash, checks, credit cards via PayPal  undefinedand Online donations directly to the Advance! 

Thank you !  
Tammy Kuntz, Coordinator, UMVIM-NCJ  
Now you are the body of Christ  ~1 Cor. 12:27
Christ has no body now on earth but yours,
no hands but yours,
no feet but yours,
Yours are the eyes through which the compassion of Christ
is to look out on a hurting world.
Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good.
Yours are the hands with which he is to bless now.
~Teresa of Avila