Sharing the love of Jesus by welcoming, connecting, and serving.
Mini –Prayer Retreat Day, Friday, February 14 from 9 AM to 12 PM
We will gather here at First Farragut UMC to encounter God, to learn some different ways of praying, and to have time to be alone with God. Register at this link or when you arrive.
Get connected at FFUMC by joining our Next Step Class this Sunday!
Sundays, February 16-March 22 at 10 AM in Room 206
Pastor Martha and other FFUMC leaders will explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus in the Wesleyan/United Methodist tradition. For more information, email Renni Morris or call 865-386-8125.   
M&M Sundays, February 16 and February 23
Everything we do as a church family is mission and ministry. Whether it be from opening the door for someone to serving breakfast to our homeless friends. Sundays, February 16 and 23, will highlight opportunities for you to serve. God created each and every one of us to be in mission and ministry (M&M) right where we are and just as we are. Join us these Sundays and, yes, there will be M&M's available!
Ash Wednesday Service
February 26 at 6:30 PM
Music Matters: One Accord to Begin Rehearsals March 11
at 6:30 PM in the Worship Center
FFUMC’s recent worship survey confirmed that music is an essential part of worship in our congregation. As we worship together beginning April 5, look forward to sacred music from One Accord.  Several scripture references refer to being of one accord -- of the same mind, serving together, having the same love, all together in one place.  One Accord will include all FFUMC musicians: piano, organ, acoustic guitars, bass, percussion and vocalists. Worship will include a variety of hymns, choruses, anthems, and praise songs, as well as special music including cantatas, solos, duets, etc.
People of all ages are invited to participate in this worship ministry. Beginning March 11 , rehearsals will be on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. in the Worship Center. Childcare will be provided. Mark your calendar now and plan to join One Accord.
Parents - Mark your calendars for Children’s Choir Practice for Palm Sunday
March 1, 8, 22, and 29 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Registration Time is Almost Here!
Trinity Learning Center is preparing to open enrollment for our 2020-2021 school year. As members of First Farragut United Methodist Church, you are given priority for enrollment at Trinity. Registration forms from church members will be accepted on February 24th and 25th between 9 AM. and 2:00 PM, before we open to the general public. Contact us with questions about our program at 865-288-3420 or email .