A free professional development opportunity featuring The White Coat Investor

CSRO is pleased to announce that Dr. James Dahle, The White Coat Investor, will be returning to join us in San Francisco for the 2023 Fellows Conference!

Designed by rheumatologists, this annual event helps rheumatology fellows successfully transition into their future roles as practicing physicians. Dr. Dahle will share his insights on physician-specific personal financial management, a presentation tailored to those just starting their careers. 

As a practicing emergency physician and Air Force veteran from Salt Lake City, Utah, Dr. Dahle's interest in personal finance and investing began after becoming disillusioned with the way he was treated by several unscrupulous financial professionals. In an effort to help his fellow physicians and other high-income professionals avoid the same errors, he started The White Coat Investor website in 2011.

Complimentary registration and a full outline of the program is available on our website. We encourage rheumatology fellows, residents pursuing a rheumatology fellowship, or practitioners early in their careers to join us in San Francisco; sign up today!

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2023 Fellows Conference

March 10-11

InterContinental Mark Hopkins

San Francisco, California

Fellows! CSRO will pay the way for you to attend. 

CSRO offers a stipend for rheumatology fellows, or residents pursuing a rheumatology fellowship, to underwrite the cost of travel and lodging expenses for this event. 

Attendees will have the opportunity to network with CSRO's Board of Directors, comprised of practicing rheumatologists with years of varied real-world experiences – visit our website for more information and to register.


Help us spread the word: Forward this email to your network, especially fellows you may know and those associated with rheumatology fellowship programs, to let them know about this FREE professional development opportunity!

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