Health Choice Vermont is calling for all concerned individuals and organizations to help oppose “minor consent” provisions in the Vermont Legislature this year.
S.151 - currently in Senate Health & Welfare Committee - has two sections on “minor consent to preventative services” (aka vaccines) and “consent to treatment by minors”. The bill is being marked-up and discussed this week.
Oppose ‘minor consent’: Contact your Vermont Senators, + Committee Members
YOUR ACTION IS NEEDED: Please contact your own Senator (find yours here), and Senate Health & Welfare Committee members, to OPPOSE minor consent.
1- Telephone (802) 828-2228. Leave your name, your town, and a message for your Senators: "Please oppose minor consent on drugs and vaccines." Ask for a call-back. Bill S151 is the problem bill.
2- Email testimony letters of opposition against minor consent, to Senate Health committee members: <Senator Ginny Lyons>; <Senator Weeks>; < Senator Williams>; <Senator Hardy>; <Senator Gulick>; and (ask for your testimony letter to be shared with the committee and publicly on the website.)
It is a violation of Federal law to allow vaccination of minors without parental consent.
Drugs and vaccines carry known and unknown, untoward risks. Moreover, vaccine makers and administrators have been indemnified from liability in cases of harm. Parents and legal guardians play a crucial role here.
Children do not have fully developed executive function and are not developmentally able to adequately assess medical risk, or to give informed medical consent. The statutory age is 18 for medical consent. (See: VTMD Health Policy Guide, “Minor Consent law in Vermont” pages 24-29).
Consumers hold genuine concerns and tragically, vaccine injury does happen. 860 adverse reports are already on hand in Vermont since 2000 (children under age 18 only, from Vermont only) - including 12 post-vaccine deaths. Why would you not involve the parents?
Positioned as ‘preventative’, there are a swath of drugs and vaccines this bill would enable - behind parent’s backs. That’s a lot of billing and reimbursement, without any accountability for the outcomes, which are quite poor in highly vaccinated populations.