Yogi Berra's words continue to live!.
Lance Miller Speaks

This week Oprah Winfrey bought 10% of Weight Watchers for $43 million.
" Weight Watchers has given me
the tools to begin to make the lasting shift that I and so many of us who are struggling with weight have longed for." said Oprah Winfrey.
I have a friend who joined Weight Watchers three years ago. For six months he attended weekly meetings and did not lose one pound.
I saw him about two months ago and he had lost fifty pounds! When I asked him how he did it? He said Weight Watchers. But this time he not only attended the meetings, he did "The Program."
The same holds true for Toastmasters. Toastmasters has the tools to begin to make the lasting shift that so many who are struggling with communication and leadership issues have longed for...
Just like Weight Watchers, you won't become a great speaker or build a successful club by sitting in a meeting. You have to do " The Program."
" The Program" consists of moving rapidly through the communication and leadership manuals. Rapidly equates to completing one Communication or Leadership Level each year.
This year I will complete my 25th Competent Communicator
This after being a DTM, double Advanced Communicator Gold and a World Champion Speaker.

Why? Because I am in Toastmasters and I do "The Program!"
One of the main reasons Toastmaster clubs struggle is because 85% of Toastmasters do not complete any Educational Level in any one year. If you had a college where 85% of students did not graduate, that would be a struggling college.
Do The Toastmasters Program. One Level/Member/Year.
If you do - you will win!

If you get your club to do it - your club will win!
If we all do it - The world will win!

For more information on proven tools to 
Make Your Words Count!    
Please send me questions or topics you would like for me to address.

Lance Miller
World Champion of Public Speaking
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