The Optimist International Global Spotlight was created to improve communication between Optimist International and the Optimist Clubs outside of the United States and Canada.  The newsletter is sent monthly. If you have suggestions for improvements, Club projects, articles for inclusion and/or other information about your Club, contact
Optimists in Nepal, Thailand, China

A lot has happened in recent weeks with our Optimist Clubs around the globe.
The second annual Optimist International-Nepal Conference was held the first weekend in May in the city of Pokhara. Sixty Optimists from seven Clubs came together for workshops involving Optimist International programming, effective communication, and leadership development. 

Conference attendees also heard remarks from International President Rebecca Butler Mona via videoconference. The conference also produced news of two new Optimist Clubs to be organized in Nepal by the end of June, and that work had begun for a second Junior Optimist Club in the country.

Optimist International Nepal Conference

Director of Strategic Growth Jim Boyd attended the Nepal conference, and also traveled to  Bangkok and Beijing, to visit representatives of Optimist Clubs in those cities. It is encouraging to see the mission of Optimist International spread throughout Asia.

Optimists in Bangkok meet with Jim Boyd, fourth from left.

Optimists in Beijing meet with Jim Boyd, second from right.

Hard work in Haiti

New Club development efforts are also beginning to flourish in Haiti. An organizational meeting is expected within a few weeks for a new Club in St. Michel. Work is also beginning to develop a new Club in the community of Jacmel. 

This would bring to four the number of Optimist Clubs in Haiti. We look forward to seeing new members from this Caribbean nation.

Administrative Corner: Membership Roster 

This month's administrative corner returns to an area frequented by the newsletter because of its importance for the health of our Optimist Clubs overseas. It is imperative that leaders of those Clubs examine the membership roster on a regular basis. 

If you have members who are no longer interested in the Club, they must be removed from your roster. Effective roster-maintenance practices dictate that replacements for those being removed be found as soon as possible to maintain the strength of the Optimist Club. 

Our Optimist Club leaders are also encouraged to review where their Club stands with regard to its financial obligations to Optimist International. If funds are still owed to Optimist International for the 2018-19 fiscal year, every effort should be made to make payment by the end of June.

Global Spotlight: Ghana 

The Global Spotlight this time around is focusing on the Optimist Clubs of Accra, and the Tema District Optimist Club of Ghana. 

  They conducted a fantastic project   in April at Easter time at an orphanage in the capital city of Accra. In addition to just having a good time with the children, the Optimists also taught them wood-working and bead making skills.  

Members from the Optimist Clubs of Tema and Accra visit children in an Accra, Ghana orphanage.

The Accra orphanage event took place at Easter time.

Thank you to our Ghana members for organizing this project!