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Are you doing everything you can to ensure your facility's HVAC systems will continue functioning efficiently and safely through the busy holiday season and throughout the winter months? Let Campbell, Inc. help with simple energy‐efficient upgrades at your facility that will give you the gift of savings and sustainability throughout the season.
Identify Where to Save Resources and Costs with an Energy Audit
We can help you pinpoint precisely where and how to save energy and costs throughout your building this fall. With a thorough audit of mechanical systems, HVAC equipment, ventilation, air quality, and building controls you’ll have data to develop an actionable plan. It’s possible to earn certifications and qualify for tax benefits or deductions through efficiency efforts, too. Let’s get started!
Creating A Path To Compliance
While each city and state has unique requirements around complying with decarbonization goals, there are practical steps building owners can take to meet energy efficiency standards for commercial buildings.
Did you know Legionella, the bacteria that causes Legionnaires’ disease, is still the largest threat in America’s water systems, as it is found in 50% of all large buildings? The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) created a standard for water systems known as ASHRAE-188. The standard was put in place to provide facility executives with the tools they need to combat Legionella in their water systems.

As we head into the winter season, it's important to consider the indoor air quality and comfort in our workplaces. With colder temperatures keeping us inside, here are some ways to ensure that your facility’s heating and ventilation systems are up to the task of providing clean, healthy air to breathe…

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Toledo, OH
2875 Crane Way
Northwood, OH 43619
(419) 476-4444

Findlay, OH
90 Stanford Parkway
Findlay, OH 45840
(419) 429-0052
Ann Arbor, MI
1077 James L. Hart Parkway
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
(734) 769-1190

Cleveland, OH
4555 Willow Parkway
Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio 44125
(330) 425-8000