Red, Light, and Blue
Terumah "Contribution"
from Creation Gospel Workbook Five Vol Two
Exodus  25:1-27:19

Or What?

The instructions for building require ram skins dyed red.   A ram-skin dyed red can represent the Messiah.  Skin is pronounced or in Hebrew, but it sounds like or, which means light.  The Tabernacle was colored and dyed red, light, and blue, which resulted in the purple.  Purple is 100% red and 100% blue, a picture of Messiah, 100% Heaven and 100% earth.

Or spelled ayin -vav -reish is a skin.  It is a skin of flesh exposed.  In the spelling, the ayin, or eye precedes the man, represented by the vav, and his head, rosh.  When the lust of a man's eyes (his soul) precede his head (his spirit), then he is exposed. Messiah came as our Ram in the flesh to redeem man from the sins that proceed from him when the hot passion of his eyes precedes the authority of the ruach in his head...and his Head.  Yeshua's torture ensured that his skin was covered with blood that dyed it red. 

Although the skin of the ram is naturally white until tanning agents are added, in the preparation of a Tabernacle, the skin was to be dyed red, adom, which is the color of man, adam, and the color of his blood, dam, which contains the life of the man.  Red signifies the soul and body, which are formed in the heat of the red earth.  

Mashiach came as the Son of Man, Ben Adam, the Second Adam.  His own transparent, pure, and shining coverings were exchanged for a dyed ramskin of flesh, which also was glorified, and he is the firstfruit from the dead.  Although caught in the thicket of curses for our sacrifice, Yeshua was the perfect provision and restoration of the Light within the Mishkan of Israel.  We can partake with Yeshua in his suffering and allow our own flesh to be dyed red even when we know our unseen and hidden glorified skin is shining white Light like our Messiah's.  In this, we suffer for His sake to bring life and hope to others.

Like the story of the prince and the pauper, in this world we may wear dyed ram skins. Although we are kings and priests with white robes of righteousness in a heavenly Kingdom, in this world we appear as paupers.  We are wearing skins dyed red with suffering, yet in the World to Come, we will exchange these skins of blood for the clothes of a royal priesthood.  They will be glorified, full of another kind of rwa -light. 

Or spelled with an alef instead of ayin is the  light of God, which shines.  Alef stands for Elohim.  When God's will precedes the man and his head, then he reveals the Light of the World, Yeshua.   Yeshua's disciple is the Light of the World.  This is the point of the anointing oil.  Just as special oil, fragrance, and incense were an important component to lifted-up offerings, so the anointing is important to break the yokes of tradition, superstition, and anti-Messiah doctrines.  

The sweet anointing builds lives according to the pattern so that Israel will lift up the proper things and not stubbornly do something the Father did not command.  The death of the techelet and the tola are required for the dyes, but in their death, these lowly worms shine with the Divine Presence and give hope to man that like Job, he will be lifted from his sufferings and partial understanding.    

Those who do Adonai's will on Earth, those who are clothed in Mashiach's testimony and His commandments, those who build his Tabernacle exactly according to the pattern, will exchange  pauper's clothes for robes of pure white.  They will take on the brilliant white wool of their Anointed One and be clothed in all His shining white light.  

That's what. 

Passover in Israel
You Can Still Register into March
If you plan to go with us on the study trip to Israel for Passover, please go ahead and register for the trip at the link below to hold your place.  I don't think you'll find a better price at that season.  
If you want more information on the tour, please contact the Blossoming Rose soon (not The Creation Gospel).  Our page on their site is here, and you can locate the phone number to call here: 
Next year in, this year in Jerusalem.

Wintertime is Study Time!

Wintertime is a great time to start a new group study.  We have several options available in workbook form, each with lesson objectives, study material, and questions for additional learning and review.  Browse through the options on our website, or on Amazon. Workbook Five Volume Two: Shemot (Exodus) and Vayikra (Leviticus) are available on Amazon.

LaMalah Children's Centre
Orphanage Update

Thank you to all who contributed to the purchase of a car for the orphanage. We have disbursed the funds along with some extra so that the children can celebrate Passover.   We also sent assistance toward the building of the new facility at the Hadassah Orphanage in India, a Torah-based orphanage managed by Beit HaTorah.  

Special thanks to our regular donors and our new donors.  You keep the food in the pantry, the staff paid, the clothes on their backs, and school fees paid.  

Click on if you are new to our orphanage effort and want more info.

If you have children's clothes or children's books (in English) to send, you can mail them to:   
Peter W Ndungu
P.O.Box 724
Limuru 00217
East Africa

If you can help toward this goal, as always, we welcome your assistance.  For those of you who send monthly support to the orphanage, we can't thank you enough for fulfilling Messiah's commission.

Another way to help...

Want to help The Creation Gospel every time you purchase something on Amazon? Our ministry is part of our local congregation, The Olive Branch, in East Bernstadt, Kentucky. If you reset your amazon home page to  and select The Olive Branch Messianic Congregation Inc. as your charity, Amazon donates a small percentage of each sale. Every penny helps, and our congregation is a great help in meeting special needs at the orphanage and other outreaches.