Club President   

By: Joe Dotterer - Club President

Nothing to report.

Joe Dotterer
(951) 897-5685 
Club Vice President

By: Pete Whitworth - Club Vice President

Nothing to report.

Pete Whitworth
(909) 223-5822
Club Secretary

By: Amanda Duchardt - Club Secretary

Nothing to report.

Amanda Duchardt

By: Louie Lopez - [email protected]

Nothing to report.

Louie Lopez
(714) 538-7202
Range Captain
By: Chriss Bowles - Club Range Captain
Nothing to report.

Chriss Bowles
(951) 757-4571
Hunt Chairman

By: Bill Leal - Club Hunt Chairman  

Nothing to Report.

Bill Leal 
(714) 803-9617 - Cell
7328 El Dorado Drive
Buena Park CA 90620-7589
Range Secretary

By: Mark Houston - Club Range Secretary

Hey there Oranco Bowmen,

I hope the New Year finds you all well and in good spirit! The last 2 years have been extremely hard on all of us, and our heartfelt prayers go out to any of you who have suffered setbacks or loss of loved one's.  
Joe, Roxy and family all thank you for your support and prayers for Joe's recovery.  
He's been moved from ICU to a recovery facility, please continue to pray for Joe as he still has many serious complications and is not out of the woods yet.

The Oranco Board will continue to work hard to keep our range open to all of our members, archery community, and for Public Sundays. Please check the website Event Calendar for upcoming tournaments.

This years "Club Champ Shoot" will be held Sat. March 5th, 2022. As always it is free to Members and PM's in good standing, no guest.

The "Bowhunters 3-D Championship" will be Sat. April 2nd, 2022. Again this shoot is free to Members and PM's in good standing, no guests. 

All food and drinks are provided free courtesy of Oranco Bowmen to our valued members and PM's. Details of both tournaments will be posted soon on the website, flyers to follow.

The 1st Sunday of every month between 9am to 1pm we will be holding ( Qualifiers ) for any archers who would like to do qualifying rounds for State Field Competitions. Oranco Members and PM's In good standing are free, non-members may be subject to public Sunday fee's.

Please check into Clubhouse office for scorecards and to have your scores recorded and verified and card stamped after qualifier. Contact Club Range Secretary Mark Houston : email [email protected] or call (760) 605-1155.

We just finished our "Winter League" thIs last Saturday. If you haven't shot this yet you're really missing out! 5-mini 3D shoots 2 arrows per 12-3D's and 1 extra long bonus shot just for the heck of it! The perfect quick warm up for hunting season or just having fun with friends and family. Great shooting, great food, and a really great League. My hat's off to League Chairman Al Wiscovich and everyone who helped to make these league shoots a great success!

That's all for now folks!

Mark Houston
(760) 605-1155
Tournament Chairman

By: Chris Stout. - Tournament Chairman

Nothing to report.

Chris Stout
(909) 730-0045
Membership Chairmen 
By: David Bacon - Club Membership

Nothing to report.

David Bacon
(909) 217-4441
League Chairman

By: Al Wiscovitch - League Chairman

Hi there Oranco members,

Hope everyone had a great holiday season, and have spent some time with the ones you all love to be with.

As most of you know we just finished our winter 3-D league and I want to take a moment to thank some of you for taking time to work and support this league. Thank you Brad, Mark and all the volunteers for giving so much of your time. They say it takes a village to raise a child, with my friends it takes a club to put on a league. I am appreciative of all of those that give of their time to help keep our club moving in the right direction. Saturday was our last shoot and we had a lot of fun with great food, good weather, and we even had a shoot off to determine who would be our winner of the men’s senior freestyle class. Great job Eric Oats. It’s nice to see so many of you coming in to your own as shooters.

I was once told that archery is a deteriorating sport, so when I say good job to those that have gotten better, it shows that you guys have put in the work/ time it takes to be winner’s... So keep those arrows flying.

I would like to bring this news letter to my final thoughts as most of you know Joe Dotterer, our club president and leader, has been in the hospital fighting for his life. I’m asked many of you to please continue to pray for him as I have and hope that we can appreciate all he has done for Oranco, so please take a moment and say a prayer…

Thank you

PS. Looking forward to our next league.

Al Wiscovitch
(909) 322-3869
Two Year Board Member

By: Bill Waltz - Two Year Board Member

Nothing to report.

Bill Waltz
When a Wrong Tournament goes very Right

Every archer has a tournament where circumstances are not in their favor. Everyone knows the feeling; weather is rough, location is sketchy, maybe your equipment was damaged in travel or a flight was delayed. If you’re lucky, the tournament will go smoothly or perhaps just one thing goes wrong and it can be managed. Sometimes we aren’t so lucky. But it is in those moments that the archery community really shines.

My name is Anessa Williamson and this story starts on the 17th of August. My coach and I are heading to Virginia for Outdoor Nationals, boarding a plane all the way across the country. The trip immediately took a detour from the plan: we were stuck on the runway because our layover in Dallas was shrouded in an intense storm. Three false starts, four hours later, we take off and make it to Dallas- but our connection was cancelled, and we are forced to spend the night there in a hotel the airline wouldn’t pay for. We ask the airline if we can have our bags back to make sure they get on the plane with us the next day, and three times they assure us they’ll make it to Virginia. Luckily, our next two flights went smoothly, and we arrived in Virginia unscathed. We would miss practice, but hey, we train for a reason, no big deal.

But as we wait, tapping our feet at the baggage claim, watching the luggage make its way around the carousel, our worst fears are confirmed. None of our bags made it with us. At this point I can feel panic welling in my chest, and my hands start to shake. My godsend of a coach, addresses the employees and we learn that one bag was sent up to New York and would arrive much, much later that evening, but we didn’t know which bag it was and had no way of finding out. The remaining two bags wouldn’t arrive until the next day. Keep in mind, qualifications start the next morning. We would later find out that the one bag was not my equipment.

And so, we scrambled to find a solution. “Do you know anyone that has any spare equipment?” I ask.
“I’ll check,” she replies, whipping out her phone, typing away furiously like the hero she is. Theresa Caballero, a local archer and friend, pointed us in the right direction.

That night, within hours, we were saved. The archery community, notably the Women Master’s, Master’s 60+ and Master’s 70+ division, converged upon us in the digital realm of Facebook, everyone offering something, people pointing out suggestions and tuning and plans for the following morning. Many were up until the late hours of the evening in order to put together something, anything, for me to shoot. A bow here, a quiver there, several sets of arrows, a spare finger tab, an extra stand, all of it. One person in particular spent the night setting up her spare bow and waited for us to get there to try it out. Her name is Elizabeth Ginebaugh and I will never forget her kindness.

The next morning, I got to meet everyone else who had volunteered to help: Cadice Raines, Allison Eaton, Martha Anderson, and Barbara Schettler-Jehl, among others. The setup wasn’t perfect, but the fact that I had a bow in my hand, and (several!) sets of arrows in my quiver, meant the world to me. These people put in so much effort and kindness for someone they didn’t know, who they’d never met before, and I am forever grateful to them. I was surrounded by people trying their best, pinning a too-big chest guard together with safety pins, all saying words of encouragement. I had been adopted by their group, and I’m not going to lie; I almost cried tears of joy. It was my last big tournament of the season, and my fourth qualifying tournament for national rankings; I had to shoot, and they made that possible.
I’ll admit that my score left a lot to be desired, but the truth is, I was just happy to be there, on the line, alongside my fellow archers, participating in the sport that I’ve dedicated the last 9 years to. And more than the logistical gain, these people have gifted me a memory that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Years from now, I will look back, and I will think of them, and I will think about the family that we all have become in the archery community. We have each other's backs. We take care of our people. And above all- we overcome adversity together.

To those of you that got me through this tournament, I want to say: Thank You. I couldn’t have done it without you, and I hope your kindness is repaid in kind. See you at the next tournament!

Side note:

I asked Anessa to pen down her experience on her own words about what other archers (and Coaches) would consider their worst nightmare during a tournament season:To arrive at your destination, physically worn down, patience stretched to its limit and no archery bowcase to meet you.

For a moment, that day it happened to us, our spirit sank - briefly - but I came to a decision that the next day, with or without the equipment, we will be at the field first thing in the morning. I’m glad that Anessa said it first and that’s when I know, I have to do something, anything. Giving up was not in our vocabulary. Sure enough, someone heard our plea for help and it went down the great grapevine of contacts, exchanging information, meeting up until 11pm, the night before the first round of ranking. In 30 some years of my archery life, my fellow archers, my adopted community have never failed me and this is the best take away, in the worst travel experience we ever had. KINDNESS and SUPPORT.

Anessa is right, this is the best “gift” we can ever give, to her generation and the next. Not a medal, or 15 minutes of fame. Out of kindness, we lift someone’s spirit. Out of unconditional support, we show them that you are never alone. Heroes don't always wear capes and leap tall buildings. We all know how precious our archery equipment is, specially we spent days tuning, assembling and matching it to our skills. There were no questions asked, handing them over other than what else she needed. There was not one doubt if they could trust their arrows and bow to strangers. All they heard was that a fellow archer is in need and that we can’t allow one to stay off the field.

Put aside everything else, the world is full of good people, it just happens that most of them are archers. Thank you to the Masters Divisions for the tools and equipment. Thank you Masters Ladies for the pep talk and for stepping up with encouragement during the competition. Thank you for reminding me that what we do on the field and off it help shape and define what it means to be in the archery community. You deserve proper recognition for your outstanding act of kindness.

Oranco Bowmen Archery Range

Occupying about 45 acres, Oranco Bowmen Archery Club is a NFAA certified 5-star range. This is the highest certification given by NFAA. We are the only range in Southern California with practice butts from 10-80 yards in 5-yard increments. If you need a place to "dial in" your bow, this is it! 

Oranco also has two NFAA roving courses: Our Valley Course is a level 28-target course, consisting of 14 animal and 14 hunter paper targets. For those who desire a bit more of a physical challenge, our Mountain Course is a hilly 28-target course offering 14 Field targets and another set of 14 animal paper targets. The Layout changes occasionally.
Oranco Bowmen Archery Club - Range Map 
Oranco is not responsible for lost or stolen belongings.

Please remember to lock your vehicles when you are not present and always take your equipment home with you. We have received reports about stolen equipment, and want everyone to understand that you alone are responsible for your belongings. We advise you to put your identification information on your belongings and try not to leave anything unattended.

Remember: We are open to the public on Sundays and during shoots. During these events it is much more difficult to track who is on range property, especially if people do not sign in at the office.

Be safe and responsible everyone.

Range Beautification Party: We would greatly appreciate your help and support to the upcoming Work Parties. Keep an eye out for the email blast. All Club Members and their families are invited. Per Joe Dotterer, Club President there will be an “ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH” served for ALL of our Volunteers who come out and help.

Your assistance ensures that the Oranco Bowmen Archery Club remains the best in Southern California. There is a reason why people travel from all over California to shoot at our Archery Club. Get involved and help us out.  
Cook Shack Workers Needed: Positions are still available for volunteers to help out during the upcoming shoots. Tony Tobinis back and will be taking over Cook Shack Assignments effective immediately. Terry Lopez will no longer be accepting calls for Cook Shack volunteers.

Please contact Tony Tobin in order to reserve your spot at: Cell# (626) 354-2268. Due to poor cell service in his area please contact him via TEXT message to assure he can receive your information. First Come, First Served.  

Target Camping: This is NOT Allowed...Period. Your Membership will be terminated for doing this! The Practice Butts are for sighting in, improving your archery skills, and honing your accuracy. The Roving Range is just that, Roving. Shoot 4 arrows, Score them, then move on to the next target. 

You have been warned. Don't do it. It is not worth it. 

That Deer: When Good Bucks Become Great Buck

This special deer is proof positive that bowhunting will never leave you short of emotions.

New Year’s Resolutions for Bowhunters

A new year ushers in new opportunities for the bowhunter. It’s an exciting time of the year as we put the wraps on one season and look ahead to the next. 

The question is, what will you do different this year to ensure success when the season arrives? 

With all the resolutions made at the beginning of a new year, now is the perfect time for some new resolutions as a bowhunter. Here’s a look at 5 to consider putting at the top of your list. 

Mission Statement:
My Goal as Newsletter Editor is to help Members stay informed with the Operations and Activities that are going on in and around the Oranco Bowmen Archery Club. Your suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Check out our Club Website: Oranco Bowmen Archery Club Website