Club President
By: Joe Dotterer -
Club President
Tuesday, February 14th is not just Valentine's Day, it is also Election day at Oranco Bowmen Archery Club. We have two people running for Flint Captain: Jason Duysings and Dave Bacon. I want to encourage everyone to come out to the meeting and cast their vote.
The Stump & Varmint Shoot was a huge success and the weather was great. The work party wasn't huge, but we had some of the best workers in attendance and we were able to get quite a few things done. A big thank you to everyone.
The Rendezvous Shoot is on February 12th and this is normally our biggest shoot of the year. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate. We will need a lot of help on Saturday, February 11th and for the shoot day on the 12th. We really need all cook shack volunteers to let Tony Tobin know that you are coming, so please get a hold of Tony.
We brought in about 10 more trucks of gravel for roads. Our goal is to get all the Valley Range roads done this year. I would like to thank Member Xenio Williams for making the arrangement for getting the gravel and doing the trucking for us.
With all this rain, the gun range across the street had to bring a lot of equipment over to our range for temporary storage due to flooding. We are hoping the rain will lighten up so he can take it all back before our big shoot.
The CBH-SAA State meeting is now over. We still don't know where the State Broadhead will be. With any luck, we will know in the next couple weeks. As soon as we know, we will pass on that information.
Oranco will be the single site host for this year's State Field Championship in June. We will also be one of the host ranges for the State 900.
Due to the heavy rain we have received, all of our Target Assignment Members will have their work cut out for themselves this year. Please make sure you get out to your targets soon before the weeds and grass over take them.
A reminder to everyone - heavy rainfall results in the range being muddy and slippery, so please be careful.
Good Shooting,
Joe Dotterer (951) 897-5685
As of January 1st 2017, the public shoot fees will be $14 for head of household and $6 for additional family members. Family shoot fees will increase to $26.
Today is January 18th. The next Oranco invitational shoot is on February 12th.
We will have the usual work party on Saturday the 11th. Please set this day aside to come out and spend the day enjoying the company of your fellow archers as we create the setting for this classic shoot.
We will be trying something new at the Rendezvous shoot this year. In the full spirit of a Rendezvous, we will have a clout. It will be set up in the area to the right of the Broadhead Pit that is reserved for teaching groups, such as the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts.
Rojen Besha has been working on this idea since last year when he saw the “Swingie Dingie” at the Big Bear shoot. It has already been built and he has tested it out with the help of some of the regular Thursday shooters.
Depending on the support we see for the clout idea, I would like to see us include something along these lines at our other shoots,
especially the Rendezvous, since it is the first major shoot of the year, and historically a Rendezvous has always been a place for people to gather and celebrate with sporting games.
Everyone and anyone is welcome to come out and camp for the weekend. Take care, and I hope to see everyone on February 11th and 12th.
Pete Whitworth
Range Secretary
2017 has arrived, and a new tournament season has started. January is the month of the State Indoor, which is an NFAA 450 round. If you are seriously thinking of taking part in any state level or higher tournaments this year, I need to remind you that you have to be a current member of the NFAA to be eligible to receive any awards.
I’ve personally know of a couple of individuals, who have set new state records at other tournaments. That’s an accomplishment in itself, the only drawback was the scores were in the guest class.
This year, the Club Champ Shoot will be held on Sunday March 12th. The CCS consists of 14 Field, 14 Hunter, and 14 Animal Targets shot in an NFAA format. All awards will be given out at the Annual Club Banquet on Saturday March 25th. Look for an invitation in the mail, Check the Newsletter, or stop by the Club House on any Sunday to pick up an RSVP to secure your spot for dinner.
Other than that, I really haven’t had too much to write about lately. Work and the house have been taking up most of my time. With sunset coming at around 5pm, by the time I’m done with my chores, it’s dark and I can’t get any practice in.
Till next month, shoot straight and focus on the gold.
Tony Tobin
Club Secretary
Nothing to Report.
Don Reiter
Oranco Club Board Member Election
Nominations are now open.
If you are interested in a Board Member position and want to know more about what is required, contact any Board Member or attend the next Club Board Meeting. Votes for Board Member positions will be cast at the next Club Meeting on February 14th, 2017. The newly elected Officers will take their new office effective March 1st.
Range Captain
By: Chriss Bowles - Club Range Captain
It is pouring down rain as I write this article and I thank God for it! Hope everyone had a prosperous New Year celebration and is safely into 2017. This rain event is a welcome relief from the five years of drought and I hope everyone is enjoying it as much as I am. The year has had some ups and downs so far. As most of you know we had a tragic accident at Raahauge’s Shooting Sports just last week.
A young shooter was accidently shot and killed as he waited to shoot at a running gun event. Details are still under investigation, but it appears to be just a tragic accident. I hope this event goes to reinforce our ongoing commitment to safety at Oranco. The new bows that many of us are shooting can very easily cause just such a tragedy. Please follow any and all range safety rules to the letter. A serious shooting or death at Oranco could potentially put the Club out of business. Many of us on the Board could have some personal liability. Please understand that when any of us are yelling at you or appear to be upset it is usually surrounding a safety issue. Getting shot by modern compound bow can be just as deadly as a gun injury.
I saw a few of you at the CBH/SAA Big Game Banquet. Thanks to all that came and I hope you had a good time. There were some great mounts on display and some great awards were handed out. It looks like Vince Dimiccelli was the big winner and I think he and Art Cain are enjoying a very special new “bromance”.
We had very few petitions to vote on. The NFAA has changed their schedule, which puts their petitions later in the year, so the meetings were light. I think we have some great Board Members and I am looking forward to a great 2017. We will be hosting the State Field again at Oranco as well as the State 900 outdoor target championship. Please look at your schedules and plan on attending both. I can use the help at both, so if you are unable to shoot please plan on helping out and getting some work party credit.
The rains will undoubtedly bring a lot of weed and grass growth at the range. If you have a Target Range Assignment, please keep an eye on things as we will get overgrown very quickly. Please do however, keep in mind that the mud will be a little thick for a couple of days, so next weekend may be a better time to get started.
We will be voting on Officers at the next Club Meeting so please plan on attending to vote and see what your new Board is going to look like. Come on out and get involved as we always need help. The next Oranco shoot is February 12th. Some of us will be unavailable, so Pete will need a lot of help on Saturday. Please plan on coming out and helping with the target set up.
We will have some target gluing and non-physical work available as well so don’t miss out. We will also need help with Registration on Sunday morning. I will be there and will be more than willing to train you as to how it should be done. We are always looking for help at Registration and its ½ a work party credit for 1 hour of easy sit down work. I cant see how you would not want to jump on that. Once finished, you can still shoot! Come out and get involved!!
Once again, I would ask each of you to pay attention and shoot safely wherever you are. Get ready for a great 2017! Thanks again to all of the great Members that make this Club fun. It has been really cool getting to know all of you. See you next month!
Chriss Bowles
Hunt Chairman
People have been asking me about pig hunting. If you go to the CDFW HUNTERS UPDATE Website there is a link for pig hunting in California. The good part is that pig hunting in California is open year around. Although, you do have to your buy tags. CDFW Website - Pig Hunting
Deer Tags for California hunts must be returned to the CDFW by January 31, 2017. Otherwise, there will be a fine charged in the amount of $21.60 the next time you buy your Deer Tags if you don't turn them in. To learn more click on the link: CDFW - Deer Tags Reporting Requirements
We are extending the date from JANUARY 31, 2017 to FEBRUARY I5, 2017 for turning in your Game Cards for Awards on any game you have taken during 2016. This applies to ORANCO MEMBERS only.
Have a good year this year, 2017.
Bill Leal (714) 803-9617 - Cell (714) 523-5284 - Home
Membership Chairmen
Nothing to Report.
Samantha Ewertz Membership Chairman
Flint Captain
It's almost that time again for some Scalps and Skins. Please take a look at the schedule for this year's Scalps and Skins dates as they are on the website now.
Scalps & Skins Schedule - 2017
For all the kids out there who plan on shooting, I have ordered some special Dinosaur targets just for you kids. They will be strictly for the kids, so please don't shoot them if you are not a Cub Shooter.
If you are interested in helping with the set up or pick up of targets for shoots for work party credits please call or text me. Also, if anyone has any ideas for target set ups please let me know. I would love to get your input.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you at the next Scalps and Skins.
Jason Duysings (951) 906-.4021
lub Newsletter
Hope 2017 has been treating you well and you have been able to keep dry over the past couple of weeks. As the 2016 year has come to an end, I have been reviewing our Newsletter numbers and here are the results:
- Every month I send the Newsletter out to approximately 800 Current and Past Members via email and snail mail in order to keep everyone informed with what has been going on around the Club, as well as, providing information on upcoming Shoots and Events.
- Of those 800 people that receive the Newsletter each month, only about 250 people actually open the Newsletter.
- Of the 250 people who actually open the Newsletter, it is unknown how many people actually read the Newsletter in its entirety.
That being said, it still amazes me when I hear Board Members mention that they have spoken with a Member of the Club either in person or over the phone in regards to a question or concern that has been addressed in the Monthly Newsletter.
It does take a little time each month to go through the Newsletter, but I have worked diligently to try and keep everyone apprised of the past, present, and future activities surrounding the Club. If you are not regularly reading the Newsletter, I would highly suggest you start. There are two ways to figure out what is going on down at the Club; either read the Newsletter or attend a Board Meeting.
Since the beginning of the year until now, there have been a lot of things going on down at the Range. For those of you who missed the January Club Board Meeting, here is what was discussed:
Club Board Meeting - January 2017 - Topics
- The Stump and Varmint Shoot went well. Although there was some confusion as to whether the shoot was going to be rescheduled, we ended up having a great turnout. We apologize for any confusion.
- Pete wanted remind everyone that the Rendezvous Shoot is coming up on February 12th. He is asking for some Volunteers to help out with the Work Party Shoot Setup.
- Chriss mentioned that the Range is looking good. He is going to be working on firming up Target Assignments for 2017. He is also working on finalizing the carpet bale order for the Club. If you are interesting in purchasing your own private carpet bale (for your own personal use at home) make sure you reach out to Chriss and let him know. Range Captain - Email
- The Club will need to do some tree trimming work in February. We will be contacting the tree trimming guys who helped us out last year.
- Joe has asked the Volunteers who are helping with mowing to please watch out for the target plugs.
- Bill mentioned the Deer Tags reporting requirement by January 31st, 2017. He also mentioned that he has been getting quite a few questions on Pig Hunting. For more information, please see his article in this month's Newsletter.
- Samantha wanted to remind everyone that CBH checks need to be made out to CBH and Oranco checks need to be made out to Oranco. It appears there was some confusion last month. She also will not be accepting receipts for CBH Membership. Members will need to either bring in a copy or picture of their CBH Membership Card or email it to her at: Membership Chairman - Email
- Membership as of the January Club Meeting was 367.
- Bill said he is extending the Deadline for Members to turn in their 2016 Game Cards for awards from January 31st, 2017 to February 15th, 2017. This applies to Oranco Club Members only.
- The Club By Laws Meeting is scheduled for February 4th, 2017 at 5:00 pm in the Club House.
- There was a discussion as to whether we should have the Champ Shoot on a Saturday or a Sunday. Tony will be opening that Sunday. There was a vote and the Champ Shoot has been moved to Sunday, March 12th.
- The Annual Club Banquet will be held on March 25th, 2017 at the Mandarin Garden restaurant located in Riverside. Click here for more information: Mandarin Garden
- Jason made a motion to allocate money towards new 3-D targets for the Scalps & Skins Shoots. There was a vote and the Board approved the purchase of some new targets.
- The Club is looking to make a larger target order later his year. Jason and Pete will be reviewing our current inventory.
- The February Club Meeting is on Valentine's Day, February 14th at 7:00 pm. It was voted on and the meeting will resume on schedule.
- A motion to donate money to the Big Game Club, which goes to the CBH to pay for lobbyists, was voted on and approved.
- There was a motion to purchase more road grade gravel. The Board approved.
Some of these issues may be important to you and some may not be. The only way to have your voice heard is to attend a Board Meeting. They are held on the second Tuesday of every month. Please plan on attending the next one. We look forward to seeing you there. Happy New Year!
Election - Letter from David Bacon - Flint Captain
Fellow Club Members,
My name is David Bacon and I am running for the Flint Captain position at our Club. I have been an Oranco Bowmen Member in good standing since May 2012.
Shortly after I joined, I volunteered to help our Vice President, Pete Whitworth, with the scoring of our Club tournaments. I also personally wrote and donated the proprietary software we use for scoring our Club Events and managing our Membership Roster.
In 2013, I received the Henry Poteet Memorial Award for Outstanding Attendance at Club Functions from the Board of Directors.
In 2014, I was asked by that same Board of Directors to build and manage a new Oranco Bowmen Club Website, Email Broadcast, and Newsletter System. This has allowed us to send out important information quickly with our Email Blasts and deliver our Monthly Newsletter directly to our Club Members’ inbox.
In 2016, I re-wrote our Club’s Website to make it more mobile friendly and continue to manage it at no charge to the Club.
In Summary, since 2012 I have volunteered at more than 40 Club Events including; State Target, State Field, and many of the Educational Programs for the Boy Scouts with various other Clubs.
Per our Club's By-Laws:
The Flint Captain shall be responsible for the Scalps and Skin shoots. This includes the setup, take down, the keeping of adequate records, and awarding the prizes at the Banquet.
He shall render a monthly report during the time of the Scalps and Skins Shoots to the Board of Directors. He may have other duties to conduct the program or may from time to time be prescribed by the Board of Directors.
Our Club Website describes it as a casual mini 3D made up of twelve 3-D targets having two different shooting stakes set at different distance and angles. It is held on Saturdays between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm during the months of March through July and may contain one Broadhead Optional shoot.
This shoot gets its name in part from the tradition of purchasing a "Scalp" (a leather circle about the size of a silver dollar with our Club's logo pressed into it) from the Flint Captain for $1.00 which traditionally has been used as a token for a friendly wager between two or more archers participating in the shoot. The loser is encouraged to sign and surrender their "Scalp" to the winner at the Monthly Club Meeting.
Except for the last two seasons, the Scalps and Skins has held to this tradition. Each Flint Captain has put their own unique spin on the event. For example, there have been shoots with one round of 24 targets or a shoot with a specific theme. However, for the most part it is known as a casual family friendly mini 3-D where there are no targets further than 50 yards and utilizing smaller 3-D targets placed at realistic distances and settings, which usually tends to accommodate the younger or less experienced archer.
However, it is my opinion and that of many in our Membership that the Scalps and Skins has turned into a mini Big Game Shoot and thus has lost much of its tradition.
I believe I am accurate in saying that very few if any "Scalps" have been sold at the shoots or awards presented at the Annual Banquet. I have also spoken with some of our previous Flint Captains and have learned that in the past, it was not unusual for there to be between 60 and 100 archers at each shoot with many of them staying for a second go around. I am not saying that it is all about the numbers, however due to the change in format, recent years have shown a sharp decline in participation.
To put it simply, if you remove the "Scalps" and other traditions attributed to the Scalps and Skins from the shoot, it is no longer the Scalps and Skins.
As Flint Captain, I pledge to honor our Club’s tradition and restore the Scalps and Skins to its former glory. To do this I will rely on our Membership and past Flint Captains for advice on proper setup and execution. I also pledge to promote the traditions that make the Scalps and Skins unique and to accurately record and maintain shoot scores and so that awards may be presented at the yearly Club Banquet.
David Bacon
Oranco Bowmen Archery Club - Range Map
How to Make Your Own Archery Targets Using Old Carpet
Tired of spending good money on archery targets? Then try this cheap, but sturdy, option instead.
Archery targets can be expensive depending on how much you shoot and what you shoot into them. Coming up with a way to create your own targets can be a challenge. It has to be dense enough to stop your arrows from piercing through, but not so hard that they won’t penetrate.
Lucky for you, the guys at Antler Geeks have worked this out for you. They spend a lot of their time creating some pretty cool and useful DIY videos for all of us Macgyver outdoorsmen out there. This time, they found a pretty good way to make some tough, long-lasting targets from old carpet.
Read the Full Article
Range Beautification Party: We would greatly appreciate your help and support to the upcoming Work Parties. Keep an eye out for the email blast. All Club Members and their families are invited. Per Joe Dotterer, Club President there will be an “
ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH” served for ALL of our Volunteers who come out and help. Your assistance ensures that the Oranco Bowmen Archery Club remains the best in Southern California. There is a reason why people travel from all over California to shoot at our Archery Club. Get involved and help us out.
Cook Shack Workers Needed: Positions are still available for volunteers to help out during the upcoming shoots. Please call Tony Tobin today to reserve your spot at: (626) 354-2268. First Come, First Serve.
Target Camping: This is NOT Allowed...Period. Your Membership will be terminated for doing this! The Practice Butts are for sighting in, improving your archery skills, and honing your accuracy. The Roving Range is just that, Roving. Shoot 4 arrows, Score them, then move on to the next target.
You have been warned. Don't do it. It is not worth it.
NFAA Qualifier Round Shootout The 1st Sunday of March, June, September, and December
For More Information: Contact Tony Tobin: (626) 354-2268 - Range Secretary -
This Monster Montana Elk is the New World Record with a Bow
This Monster Montana elk is the largest ever taken with archery equipment. The hunting world lit up last September when news came out of Montana
about a monster of a bull elk that was believed to be a potential world record.
Well, after the 60-day drying period, Boone & Crockett has confirmed the 8×7 bull is just that, the largest ever taken with a bow at 430 inches even.
Orange County Archery - New LOCATION!!
We have a new location in Mission Viejo, Here is our new address:
25782 Obrero Drive Mission Viejo CA 92691
Phone: (949) 916-6855 / Fax: (949) 916-6951
We are open 6 Days a week, Closed on Mondays.
Tuesday - Friday: 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM / Saturday & Sunday: 10:00AM - 6:00 PM
View our Website
February 12th, 2017 Registration - 7 am / Starts - 9 am
Adults: $25.00 /
Man & Wife: $35.00
Family: $40.00 /
Young Adult: $15.00
Youth: $10.00 / Cubs: $5.00
$5.00 Discount w/ CBH / NFAA Card
42 3-D Targets, One Arrow per
All Styles & Age Groups Welcome
Range Opening Schedule
Vice President
Range Captain
Tournament Chairman
Hunt Chairman
Mission Statement:
My Goal as Newsletter Editor is to help Members stay informed with the Operations and Activities that are going on in and around the Oranco Bowmen Archery Club. Your suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Check out our Club Website:
Oranco Bowmen Archery Club Website