Club President
Well, Summer is in full swing and with the heat we are experiencing, I hope it isn’t a long summer. Hopefully, it will start to taper down some as we move into August. I would like to remind everyone to be sure to drink plenty of water while at the range so that no one experiences the symptoms of heat stroke. Also, with this heat it makes the fire danger at the range extremely high. We want to remind our smokers to be very careful. Please ONLY smoke at the practice butts and at the refreshment stands where there are water hoses. Everyone please be very careful.
Heith Drake who is the owner of S & H Tree Service brought out his son, one of his employees, and their 80ft boom truck and did some safety tree trimming around the assembly area. I would like to give him and his son a big “Thank You” for all the work they have been doing for us.
If you are interested in some firewood before we chip up everything, give me a call and I will tell you where the good stuff is. You will need your own chainsaw and vehicle being that this is a self-service job.
We had nine Oranco Members, along with Members from the Mojave Archers, the Riverside Archers, and the Cherry Valley Bowhunters for a total of 40 volunteers at the Youth Safari Club event at Raahauges on the 16th. We gave approximately 1200 kids archery lessons and they all commented that archery is one of the most fun events there. The Safari Club also said that we were one of the most organized events there and they were surprised we were able to process as many kids as quickly as we did. I want to thank all our Members and the other Clubs for all of their help.
The Army Corp of Engineers is going to perform a building inspection at our range on July 31st, so we are trying to get some much needed exterior work done on the cook shack. John Peot, Jason Duysings, and Steve Smith have been doing a great job and it is looking a lot better. We are hoping to get the entire exterior of the cook shack done this year and then start the inside next year.
The CBH State Target is on September 10th & 11th so both of the Roving Ranges will be closed until about 2:00 pm on both days. The practice butts will be open as usual. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Also, if you have a target assignment, this is the time of the year when the tumble weeds will take over your target if you aren't taking care of it. I know it's hot but that is the agreement you entered into when you agreed to do it, in exchange for your Club Dues.
Good Hunting
Joe Dotterer
(951) 897-5685
Club Vice President
Nothing to Report.
Range Secretary
Nothing to Report.
Tony Tobin
Club Secretary
Nothing to Report, Thank You!
Don Reiter
Range Captain
Nothing to Report.
Chriss Bowles
While hunting this year, watch out for fires and rattlesnakes. I heard that the rattlesnakes are in more abundance during drought season, so beware when you are out and about.
I also heard that they spotted a Wolverine in the Sierra Mountains, it would be nice to see one in the wild.
For the JUNIOR HUNTERS there are low cost or free hunts that can be obtained from the DFG or TEJON RANCH. Here is the contact information:
DFG – (916) 455-O411
TEJON RANCH – (661) 663-4284
Bill Leal
(714) 803 - 9617 - Cell
(714) 523 - 5284 - Home
Membership Chairmen
We are at 305 members. The weather has turned for the worst. Stay hydrated, if you wait until you're thirsty, it's too late. It's better to stay ahead of the game. There will be some changes in the by-laws coming soon.
We'll keep you informed and you'll have an opportunity to vote on them. Stay tuned. Keep an eye on the Newsletter for more information.
Ross Scamperino
Scalps and Skins has come to an end for 2016. I would like to thank everyone who came out and participated in the 5 shoots we had this year.
I hope everyone enjoyed them. I would also like to thank those who helped me with the set up and the take down of the targets, (Travis, Samantha, Jason, Jessica, Matthew, and Wally), it was a huge help having your assistance. “Thank You”.
I also appreciated those of you who came up to registration table before and after the shoots with your comments on how the shoot went or what you felt we could do in order to make them better. Please continue to do so, your feedback is welcome. Feel free to contact me or email me in regards to any comments you may have.
Next year's shoots will consist of 24 targets every time and I will be utilizing more of the range like we did on the last shoot. Thanks again, I look forward to seeing you at the shoots next year!
Jason Duysings
lub Newsletter
Summer is upon us now and the heat is a force to be reckoned with. Please make sure you stay hydrated while you are out on the range. If you feel yourself starting to get dizzy slow down and find some shade and drink some water. Archery is supposed to be fun.
There were no Guests or Members in attendance at the last Club Board Meeting so here is a quick run down of what you missed:
- A motion was brought up stating that the Club needs to have two people working on Sundays in order to properly handle the range operations. Suggestions were made that each Board Member needs to select a volunteer to help them in return for their Club Dues for the year. If you would like to volunteer, contact your favorite Board Member today.
- The Club received a letter from the Department of Recreations notifying us that the Corp of Engineers will be performing a building inspection on 7/31/2016.
- Somebody keeps leaving the PA system on and keeps running the batteries down. God help them if Joe figures out who it is. :)
- The new Score Cards worked well for the Scalps and Skins Shoots.
- The new Range Map and Shooting Rules will be placed in the New Membership packets.
- Joe wants David to present these items to the other Clubs so that they can utilize them as well.
- There was a discussion as to whether the Club should donate or charge Mojave Archers for the Excelsior bales they borrowed from us. It was decided the Club would donate them.
- Joe brought up some great opportunities available for Junior Hunters (under 18) to go on free hunts. For more information check out: www.westernhunter.com
- The NAFAC Shoot was well attended by 111 shooters, of which, 8 were Mexican Nationals. Of those who attended, 73 shooters earned awards. 41 of those shooters won a 1st Place award.
- The Club will be putting in a bid for the NAFAC Shoot for next year as well.
- The Club Board Members scheduled a meeting for 7/30/2016 in order to review and discuss the Club By Laws.
- There was a discussion as to whether the Club should eliminate one shoot next year due to the fact that the Club’s calendar is so busy. If so, which shoot should it be? At this point, the Shoot Schedule remains the same.
- There was a discussion on whether to increase the Club’s Shoot Fees as we have had the same fees for the past 8-10 years. Shooting Fees were voted on and will remain the same
- The Flint Captain made a motion to increase the Scalps and Skins Shooting Fees due to the fact that he wants to be able to utilize better targets during the Scalps and Skins shoots. It seems that a few of the shooters complained about the quality of the targets that were used. A Motion was raised to increase the first round fees from $12 to $15, and the second round fees to $8, children under 11 remain Free – It was voted on and passed.
As you can see, there were a lot of topics that were discussed at this last Club Board Meeting. Some of these issues may be important to you. It is held the SECOND Tuesday of each month at the Club House at 7:00 pm.
Nick Scamperino
Hogs are growing by the numbers across the United States. Some states admit they are infested and overcome by hogs while some states won’t acknowledge they have hog presence. As the population grows, it is up to hunters, trappers and other controlled methods of taking hogs, to keep the numbers in check. It has been said that in some states if over 50 percent of the population is not taken during the year that the population can grow in substantial numbers.
Hog hunting has increased in many states as the population of hogs increases. Many see the opportunity as a sport and means for food. Some see hog hunting as the only way to protect their property as hogs can greatly damage crops and property.
Although many states have added the regulations or season of hunting hogs through the years, only a handful of states allow year round hunting. Each state holds regulations or will imply within their laws of an unregulated season.
The following states below have a 365-day open season on hogs:
- California
- Florida
- Georgia
- Louisiana
- Michigan
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- South Carolina
- Texas
- Virginia
- Wisconsin
Range Beautification Party: We would greatly appreciate your help and support to the upcoming Work Parties. Keep an eye out for the email blast. All Club Members and their families are invited. Per Joe Dotterer, Club President there will be an “
ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH” served for ALL of our Volunteers who come out and help. Your assistance ensures that the Oranco Bowmen Archery Club remains the best in Southern California. There is a reason why people travel from all over California to shoot at our Archery Club. Get involved and help us out.
Cook Shack Workers Needed: Positions are still available for volunteers to help out during the upcoming shoots. Please call Tony Tobin today to reserve your spot at: (626) 354-2268. First Come, First Serve.
Target Camping: This is NOT Allowed...Period. Your Membership will be terminated for doing this! The Practice Butts are for sighting in, improving your archery skills, and honing your accuracy. The Roving Range is just that, Roving. Shoot 4 arrows, Score them, then move on to the next target.
You have been warned. Don't do it. It is not worth it.
- NFAA Qualifier Round Shootout
- The 1st Sunday of March, June, September, and December
For More Information: Contact Tony Tobin: (626) 354-2268 - Range Secretary - Email
Heat-Related Illnesses and First Aid
Read Full Article Here
Heat Stroke - the most serious form of heat-related illness, happens when the body becomes unable to regulate its core temperature. Sweating stops and the body can no longer rid itself of excess heat. Signs include confusion, loss of consciousness, and seizures.
Heat stroke is a medical emergency that may result in death! Call 911 immediately.
Heat Exhaustion - is the body's response to loss of water and salt from heavy sweating. Signs include headache, nausea, dizziness, weakness, irritability, thirst, and heavy sweating.
Heat Cramps are caused by the loss of body salts and fluid during sweating. Low salt levels in muscles cause painful cramps. Tired muscles—those used for performing the work—are usually the ones most affected by cramps. Cramps may occur during or after working hours.
Heat Rash, also known as prickly heat, is skin irritation caused by sweat that does not evaporate from the skin. Heat rash is the most common problem in hot work environments. The chart below shows symptoms and first aid measures to take if a person shows signs of a heat-related illness.
***Remember, if you are not a medical professional, use this information as a guide ONLY to help persons in need.
Heat Stroke
- Confusion
- Fainting
- Seizures
- Excessive sweating
- Red hot, hot, dry skin
- Very high body
- Temperature
First Aid*
- Call 911, while waiting for help:
- Place person in shady, cool areas
- Loosen clothing, remove outer clothing
- Fan air on person; cold packs in armpits
- Wet person with cool water; apply ice packs, cool compresses, or ice if available
- Provide fluids (preferably water) as soon as possible
- Stay with person until help arrives
Heat Exhaustion
- Cool, moist skin
- Heavy sweating
- Headache, Nausea, or Vomiting
- Dizziness, Light Headed
- Weakness
- Thirst
- Fast Heartbeat
- Irritability
First Aid*
- Have person sit or lie down in a cool, shady area
- Give person plenty of water or other cool beverages to drink
- Cool person with cold compresses / or ice packs
- Take to the clinic or emergency room or medical evaluation or treatment if signs or symptoms worsen or do not improve within
- 60 minutes
Heat Cramps
- Muscle Spasms / Pain usually in abdomen, arms or legs
First Aid*
Have person rest in a shady, cool area
Heat Rash
- Clusters of red bumps on skin often appears on neck, upper chest, folds of skin
First Aid*
- Try to work in a cooler, less humid environment
When possible keep the affected area dry
CBH / SAA State Target 900
September 10th & 11th, 2016_ Pre-Registration is Required
Adults & Seniors - $25.00_
Couples - $40.00__
Family - $45.00
Youth (Ages 12-17) - $15.00 ____
(Age 11 & Under) - $12.00__
NFAA or NAA w/ CBH / SAA Cards
in order
to Qualify for Awards__
Range Opening Schedule
Hunt Chairman
Membership Chairman
Range Secretary
Flint Captain___
Mission Statement: My Goal as Newsletter Editor is to help Members stay informed with the Operations and Activities that are going on in and around the Oranco Bowmen Archery Club. Your suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Check out our new website.
Oranco Bowmen Archery Club Website