Club President
By the time you are reading my report, the Firecracker Shoot will be over and a very busy June will be behind us. No more invitational shoots for the next 3 months and I look forward to the rest. I am sure others will feel the same way.
I would like to give a very big THANK YOU to all our Club Members that helped work all the cook shacks at the CBH State Field and the IFAA NAFAC shoots. We had a lot on the table with these 2 shoots and our Members stepped up and did a fantastic job.
The CBH State Field had about 108 shooters and the weather was fantastic. June gloom, very cool and no sun. It couldn't have been better for such an important shoot.
The IFAA NAFAC shoot was a little different. We had 111 shooters from all over the United States including New Jersey, Tennessee, North Dakota, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Washington, and Missouri. We also had eight Mexican National shooters that came up came from Mexico.
The only problem was the extremely hot weather. We have never had that kind of heat at any of our shoots in the past. Saturday it was 102° and we had three shooters that had to drop out due to heat related issues. We were able to finish the shoot on Sunday using only the Valley Range. With the 108° temperatures, the trees were a life saver.
The results for the State Field and the NAFAC are posted on our new website for everyone to look over. I would like to thank Dave Bacon for all his hard work in regards to the new updates to our web site.
It appears that it's going to be a very hot summer and we are already at an extreme fire danger level so we want to remind everyone to be extremely careful when smoking on the range. Only smoke where there is a hose station such as at the practice butts and at the cook shacks. Also everybody needs to be sure they drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
Again, THANKS to all our hardworking members that have given up their valuable time to help at our shoots and make Oranco Bowmen a successful host.
Thank you
Joe Dotterer
(951) 897-5685
Club Vice President
As I am writing this, we are in the middle of a very rough month. The STATE FIELD tournament was last weekend, this weekend we have the NAFAC tournament (I hate missing the King Arthur), and the following weekend is our FIRECRACKER tournament.
This report probably won’t hit the local news stands until after the Firecracker, so I will say Thank You now to everyone who came out and helped us run all of these tournaments.
Now we are going into a three-month period where the only shoots at Oranco will be the two remaining Scalps and Skins shoots, on July 2nd and July 16th, Plus the CBH/SAA State Target 900 round on September 10th and 11th.
Let me bring your attention to the WRIGHTWOOD SHOOT, on July 9th and 10th, brought to you by Mojave Archers. I will be there, and I hope that all of you join me in showing strong support to our friends in Mojave for all the hard work that is involved in transporting their animals and everything else that it takes to run a shoot of this magnitude. Personally I’m looking forward to getting up there on the North side of the mountain where is should be a lot cooler than its likely going to be around here.
Pete Whitworth
Range Secretary
Nothing to Report.
Tony Tobin
Club Secretary
Sorry - No Report
It is averaging around 110° here daily, and I am extremely busy at work. Take care!
Don Reiter
Range Captain
Nothing to Report.
Chriss Bowles
Interesting Archery Facts…
See The Full Article Here
- The first known use of bows and arrows in combat was in 2340 BC by the Babylonians.
- It is believed that bows and arrows have been used for at least 25,000 years based upon the discovery of arrowheads in Africa.
- Archery is considered to be one of the oldest sports in the world.
- The word archery is derived from the word “arcus”, a Latin term that means bow and arrows.
- The first book published on the subject of archery was written by Roger Ascham in 1545 and its title was “Toxophilus”.
- Archery has been an Olympic sport almost from the beginning. Its debut in the summer Olympics occurred in 1900. In 1924 it was discontinued and it was reintroduced in 1972.
- In the 1900 Summer Olympics live pigeons were used as the target in archery competition.
- In the 1904 Olympics, archery was the only women's sport.
- Bhutan is the only country in the world that considers archery their national sport. Almost every village has its own archery range. Bhutan is a Buddhist nation so archery can only be used for play.
- The Oscar winning actress Geena Davis participated in the US Women's Archery Championship in 1999. She came in 24th.
- Archery has been featured in many movies including Brave, The Hunger Games, Rambo, Robin Hood, and The Lord of the Rings.
- Splitting the arrow of a competitor is called a 'Robin Hood', in reference to the legend archer Robin Hood who won a competition by splitting his opponent's arrow with his own.
- Kyudo is a traditional and ceremonial form of Japanese archery.
- The very first compound bow was made 500 years ago.
- In ancient Tahiti, archery was a sacred sport that could only be played by those who were high-ranking.
- The first country with organized archery competitions was England in the 1500s.
Membership Chairmen
Hot enough for ya? The State Field went well. We had cool weather and a good turnout. This weekend we are hosting the IFAA International and it is supposed to be a scorcher. We'll have plenty of water and Gatorade available. The Firecracker shoot is coming soon too as well. June is a very busy month.
We had a lot more “Failures to Renew” than normal. We are currently at 282 members. There was a good response for current CBH, however a few are still showing delinquent. Let me be clear on this, CBH/SAA membership is a club requirement.
Failure to be current in December when the gate combination is changed will result in those not getting the new numbers. No Excuses, No Exceptions.
Dave Bacon did a real nice job on it. Also, we hope you are enjoying the New & Improved Newsletter. Dave and Nick have most of the wrinkles ironed out.
Ross Scamperino
lub Newsletter
The summer is upon us and it has brought the heat with it. Please make sure your are drinking plenty of water while you are out on the range. The key is to stay hydrated. If you are thirsty, it is already too late.
Yesterday a General Announcement was sent out notifying Members that the Club has hired a professional tree trimming company to come out to the range and handle some of the bigger tree trimming jobs.
They will be out there this Saturday and we will need a few members to help out with hauling branches and chipping. Starts at 8 AM, come out and lend a hand. Please keep an eye out for future opportunities to earn Work Party Credits towards next year’s dues.
Don’t forget the Monthly Club Meeting. Last month I made a mistake and stated that it was on the First Tuesday of the month. I learned my lesson by showing up on the First Tuesday of the Month to find a locked gate.
However, I didn’t feel too bad because Pete pulled in for the meeting right before I did. (Awkward) After a couple of minutes we figured it out, laughed, and went our separate ways.
So let it be known that moving forward Pete and I have decided to hold the meeting on the SECOND Tuesday of the month. Ha! This Month’s meeting will be on July 12, 2016. It starts at 7:00 pm at the Club House. Hope to see you there.
Please note that the Club Website address has changed to:
All of the Club Board Member's Email Addresses have also changed. Please visit the website to find the new contact information for your favorite Board Member.
Newsletter Editor’s Note:
With all of the media attention we are seeing every day in regards to gun violence and gun control laws it is almost overwhelming. I remember as a small child having guns in the house. I never ended up taking a gun to school. I never ended up shooting someone else. How is that possible with all of the violence we see every day on the news?
I came across an interesting article the other day and it reminded me of something my Dad used to tell me when my boys were young, “You need to introduce the boys to guns so they know how to act when they are around guns”. It was good advice.
It doesn’t matter whether you are PRO gun or ANTI gun, actually it does, but for the point of this article, it does not…
The point is that children are highly influential when they are young. When a child is taught about guns, gun safety, and the rules regarding the use of guns, it takes the mystery out of equation.
Education is crucial. It doesn’t matter if you have guns in your house or not. Little Johnny’s Dad might have a gun in the house that your child might come across while playing with Little Johnny. Teaching your kids how to handle and react around guns can make all the difference in the world between having an “accident” or avoiding one.
Here is the article if you want to learn more: Dad took the mystery out of guns, that kept us safe.
See the Full Article
*Disclaimer...the views represented in this article are solely the views of the Newsletter Editor and not necessarily the views of the Oranco Bowmen Archery Club. Please direct any comments to:
Newsletter Editor
Nick Scamperino
Range Beautification Party: We would greatly appreciate your help and support to the upcoming Work Parties. Keep an eye out for the email blast. All Club Members and their families are invited. Per Joe Dotterer, Club President there will be an “ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH” served for ALL of our Volunteers who come out and help. Your assistance ensures that the Oranco Bowmen Archery Club remains the best in Southern California. There is a reason why people travel from all over California to shoot at our Archery Club. Get involved and help us out.
Cook Shack Workers Needed: Positions are still available for volunteers to help out during the upcoming shoots. Please call Tony Tobin today to reserve your spot at: (626) 354-2268. First come, First Serve.
Target Camping: This is NOT Allowed...Period. Your Membership will be terminated for doing this! The Practice Butts are for sighting in, improving your archery skills, and honing your accuracy. The Roving Range is just that, Roving. Shoot 4 arrows, Score them, then move on to the next target.
You have been warned. Don't do it. It is not worth it.
- NFAA Qualifier Round Shootout
- The 1st Sunday of March, June, September, and December
For More Information: Contact Tony Tobin: (626) 354-2268 - Range Secretary - Email
Upcoming Events
Come out and support Mojave Archers at their 3-D at Mountain High shoot 0n July 9 & 10th, 2016. You can find out more here:
Mojave Archer Mountain High Shoot
Scalps and Skins
July 2, 2016
24 3-D Targets. Unmarked Yardage.
Registration from 8 to 10 am.
July 16, 2016
24 3-D Targets. Unmarked Yardage.
Registration from 8 to 10 am.
Turner’s Outdoorsman Youth Safari Day
Looking for something fun for the whole family? If you have not already attended the Turner’s Outdoorsman Youth Safari Day, it is a lot of fun for the kids. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, July 16th.
The event is designed for children under the age of about 14. There are lots of activities and events to partake in. They even have a raffle at the end where the kids can win some pretty neat prizes. If you plan on attending, make sure you register online and save $6 off each ticket rather than having to pay full price the day of the event. Here is a link for more information:
Turner's Outdoorsman - Youth Safari Day
CBH / SAA State Target 900
September 10th & 11th, 2016_ Pre-Registration is Required
Adults & Seniors - $25.00_
Couples - $40.00__
Family - $45.00
Youth / Young Adult (Ages 12-17) - $15.00
(Age 11 & Under) - $12.00____
NFAA or NAA w/ CBH / SAA Cards in order to
Qualify for Awards____________
Range Opening Schedule
Vice President
Range Secretary
Range Captain
Tournament Chairman
Hunt Chairman
Mission Statement: My Goal as Newsletter Editor is to help Members stay informed with the Operations and Activities that are going on in and around the Oranco Bowmen Archery Club. Your suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Check our new website.
Oranco Bowmen Archery Club Website