Portions of Monroe County Move To Orange Zone
Portions of Monroe County have met New York State's metrics for orange zone status which will take effect this Wednesday for businesses and Thursday for schools.
You can determine whether your address is located in the orange zone by using the following tool:
Real Estate Activity in Orange Zones
NYSAR issued the following guidance for real estate activity in all zones:
"Those licensees conducting real estate activity inside an “Orange Zone”, must continue to follow the “INTERIM GUIDANCE FOR REAL ESTATE SERVICES DURING THE COVID-19 PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY” under Phase 2 of the reopening plan. Mass gatherings of ten or more people are prohibited in an “Orange Zone”. Licensees should make every effort to avoid any such potential for “mass gatherings” when conducting a real estate activity such as an open house.

As you know, open houses are permitted under Phase 2 but only one party is permitted in the property at a time with appropriate face coverings. NYSAR strongly recommends that open houses be by appointment only to avoid any unnecessary in-person contact. Licensees should avoid having unrelated parties waiting outside of an open house even if there is adequate room to maintain social distancing. If the party drove to the open house, ask the party to remain in their vehicle until it is their turn to view the property. Full article
Empire State Development
Empire State Development outlined activity restrictions by zone in an article on the ESD website.
Activity restrictions include:
  • Non-essential gatherings shall be limited to 10 people
  • Houses of worship are subject to a capacity limit of the lesser of 33% of maximum occupancy or 25 people, whichever is fewer
  • Restaurants and taverns must cease serving patrons food or beverage inside on-premises but may provide outdoor service, and may be open for takeout or delivery, provided that any one seated group or party must not exceed 4 people
  • Schools must close for in-person instruction, except as otherwise provided in Executive Order.
  • Certain non-essential businesses, for which there is a higher risk of transmission of the COVID-19 virus, shall reduce in-person workforce by 100%; such businesses include:
  • Gyms, fitness centers or classes
  • Hair salons and barbershops
  • All other personal care services including but not limited to spas, tattoo or piercing parlors, nail technicians and nail salons, cosmetologists, estheticians, the provision of laser hair removal and electrolysis
At this time, only a small part of the GRAR service area is in an orange zone. However, we ask all members to continue to remain vigilant and follow the guidelines for your zone.
Reach out to us at [email protected] with any questions and check your Member Portal for general news items. 
Please visit the GRAR Coronavirus page for all updates, other related information, and links to NAR, NYSAR, and the New York State Coronavirus pages.
Also, please join the GRAR Members Only Facebook Group to get updates from GRAR as well as view and participate in discussions. GRAR Members Only Facebook Group.
Greater Rochester Association of REALTORS® | grar.org