District Deputies – Engage with the Grand Knights in Your District
For the last couple of years, members of our Fraternal Field Team have been conducting District Deputy Check-ins throughout North America. We have learned a lot about how to best serve and support DDs as a result of this engagement. We hope that you have found them valuable as well, and that you are conducting similar outreach to the grand knights in your district.
Based on lessons learned from the DD Check-ins, our field staff has developed a brief PowerPoint to guide and inform your engagement with grand knights. We hope that you will find it beneficial. Whether you use this agenda or your own the most important thing is that you be engaged. Your councils need the guidance and support that only you can provide.
District Deputies – Are You On-Track?
The goal for district deputies in our quarterly incentive was to be at 70% of goal or better by December 31, and to be at 100% of goal by March 31. Also, your state council has a goal of one Exemplification of Charity, Unity & Fraternity per district per quarter. Are you on-track to meet those goals? Visit kofc.org/membership for ideas that may help, and kofc.org/incentives for the details on our entire program of membership incentives.