September 20, 2020
9 AM Service
Welcome & Announcements
Hymn of Praise – Come Thou Almighty King, verses 1,2,3 (UMH #61)
Call to Worship:
Pastor: In the times we embrace God’s call and in the times we avoid it,
People: The Lord is gracious and merciful.
Pastor: Whether we are longtimers or latecomers in the life of faith,
People: The Lord is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
Pastor: Come, worship the Lord, proclaiming the mighty deeds of Christ’s kingdom.
People: Praise be to God, who is full of generosity and abundant in goodness.
Affirmation of Faith
The Apostles’ Creed UMH 881
Message in Music: Jeff Cartwright
"Great is Thy Faithfulness"
Prayer of Intercession
Prayer of Confession
Gracious and merciful God, we are continually amazed by the depths of your generosity. Thank you for your steadfast love and mercy that are generously extended to us all. Lord, we admit there are times that your offering of grace to all people troubles and even offends us. Forgive us for our grumbles, our lack of gratitude, and our self-centeredness. Fill us with the joy that accompanies service in Christ’s name. Strengthen us to welcome the last and the least, such that the hope and glory of your kingdom is revealed. Amen.
Experiencing and Extending the Peace of Christ (Note: we will extend the Peace of Christ without physical contact.)
Prayer of Thanksgiving
The Lord’s Prayer
Hymn – Come to Jesus
Sermon – Life in the Kingdom
"Moments of Uncomfortable Grace"
Pastor Brad
Hymn – There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy (UMH #121)