"Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven"
UMH #66
Welcome and Sharing of Announcements
A Time to Make Connections
“Come Christians, Join to Sing”
arr. Lloyd Larson
Bell Choir
Call to Worship
Liturgist: We gather to pray.
People: We gather to praise.
Liturgist: May our prayers extend beyond ourselves.
People: May our praise rise to the heavens.
Liturgist: May our lives be salty with love.
People: May our prayers be reflection of peace. Amen.
(Resource comes from The Abingdon Worship Annual 2024)
Opening Prayer
Faithful God, inspire us to be faithful to one another. Open our hearts to meet the needs in our midst and in the wider world. Open our minds to notice the beauty and gift of your creation. Open our mouths to sing your blessings, joyfully and gratefully. Open our lives to welcome the stranger, seek the lost, and create peace in a troubled world. Amen.
(Resource comes from The Abingdon Worship Annual 2024)