GO! Bulletin

All families deserve support to raise their children at home. Since 2011, the Family Networks have partnered with the Department of Human Services to provide trusted peer-delivered support to now more than 12,250 families of children with developmental disabilities, and connections with now more than 1,800 non-profits and businesses to help make communities more welcoming and accessible for everyone. 

“My family has received more support from our local family network than anyone else ever!”

The Family Networks are cost-effective and efficient. Only $1.3 million per biennium provides vital funding to these regional programs reaching 20 counties across Oregon that have:
  • Strengthened families to build connections and supports to raise their children at home,
  • Created natural supports to live a full life and reduce the need for crisis-related services,
  • Built community capacity to support and welcome people experiencing disability, and
  • Developed partnerships in local communities to help families rise to the challenges of the moment with resilience.

“The family network helps us help our son and make us stronger.”
State leaders recognize that Family Networks provide essential support to families of children with developmental disabilities when they need it most. Yet despite an outpouring of support from hundreds of families and community partners from across the state, funding for Family Networks was eliminated last summer during the Second Special Session due to budget concerns. We are now asking that the Legislature reinstate funding for regional Family Networks by adding $1.3 million to the Office of Developmental Disability Services budget in SB 5529.
“The support we receive from our family network is so important especially when it is a daily struggle to keep our heads above water. Just knowing they are here when we need help is comforting.”

Without their local family network, families report they would experience greater levels of isolation, they would be more likely to experience crisis, and would rely more on state funded services costing Oregon more money.

“Having the support of our family network has been key in getting through this pandemic. I am not sure that we would have been able to stay safe otherwise.”

Reinstating the $1.3 million for Family Networks in the Office of Developmental Disability Services budget allows Family Networks to continue to have a positive impact on the lives of children with disabilities, their families, and communities.

How You Can Help:
  1. Download and review the 2021 Family Networks Fact Sheet (Double Sided)
  2. Email a brief statement requesting the reinstatement of funding for the regional Family Networks with your name and city of residence to [email protected] so we can share it with our state legislators. Include why it is important that funding for Family Networks is reinstated.


Legislators from the Senate Committee on Finance and Revenue and the House Committee on Revenue convened a joint session last week to receive the March 2021 Economic and Revenue Forecast from the Office of Economic Analysis. The forecast painted a fairly rosy picture of both the economic recovery ahead and the revenue forecast for the next biennium. The bottom line is that the state budget writers are expected to have an additional almost $800 million in additional forecasted revenues to work with in developing the budget for the next biennium (over the forecast that was delivered three months ago). This is due in part to the massive amount of federal aid that has been dropped into the economy, with yet another fiscal aid package already working its way through Congress. Other reasons cited for the upbeat forecast were that we are making progress in getting the virus under control, and Oregonians are saving more than they have in the past because they are not taking trips and spending money on things that they normally would. Of the 160,000 jobs in Oregon that were lost, the forecast was that half of those jobs will come back within a year, and the other half will return the following year. The economists also forecasted that there would be fairly significant kickers, both individual and corporate. 


The DD Coalition is keeping an eye on bills that could have an impact or be of interest to individuals with developmental disabilities. Please see our DD Coalition Priority Bills report for more information. Below are some of the hearings and bills we’re tracking during the upcoming week.     

MONDAY — March 1, 2021

1:00 pm / Remote C: House Committee on Early Childhood will be holding an informational hearing on “Federal Funding Update” with invited testimony only from the Early Learning Division. 

1:00 pm / Remote BSenate Committee on Health Care will hold
Public hearings on:
SB 355Delays sunset of requirement that health insurance reimburse cost of applied behavior analysis for autism spectrum disorder.
SB 358: Relating to applied behavior analysis; creating new provisions.
SB 584: Requires Oregon Health Authority to provide medical assistance to employed individuals with disabilities without regard to individuals’ income or resources. Allows consideration of income when determining cost-sharing for program.
SB 748: Requires Public Employees’ Benefit Board, Oregon Educators Benefit Board and private insurers to provide insurance coverage to adult disabled children and adult disabled siblings of insureds under certain circumstances.
Work sessions are scheduled on the following bills:
SB 428: Extends for one year sunset on Task Force on Universal Health Care and extends deadline for task force to submit recommendations to Legislative Assembly.
SJR 12: Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution establishing obligation of state to ensure every resident of state access to cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health care. Requires state to balance obligation to ensure health care with funding of public schools and other essential public services.

3:15 pm / Remote FHouse Committee on Human Services will be holding public hearings on the following bills:
HB 2340: Appropriates moneys to Department of Human Services for transition services for current foster children and former foster children.
HB 2105: Prescribes standards for supported decision-making agreements. Provides scope of valid agreement. Limits liability of supporter acting under authority granted in written supported decision-making agreement. Limits liability of individuals relying on supporter’s authority under written supported decision-making agreement. Requires court to consider supported decision-making as less restrictive alternative to protective proceeding. Directs school district to provide child with disability and child’s parents with information regarding alternatives to protective proceedings, including supported decision-making.
HB 3116: Requires Department of Human Services, in collaboration with community developmental disabilities programs, to study and make recommendation for new funding structure for community developmental disabilities programs and report findings and recommendation to Legislative Assembly no later than December 31, 2022.

3:15 pm / Remote B: Senate Committee on Education will be holding a public hearing on SB 564, a bill that requires the Higher Education Coordinating Commission to design question or questions allowing each student to identify whether student is parent or person acting as parent or legal guardian that will be placed on one or more forms used on annual basis to collect demographic information by public post-secondary institutions of education.

3:15 pm / Remote 174: House Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Civil Law will be holding a work session on HB 3041, a bill that removes “gender identity” from definition of “sexual orientation” in ORS 174.100 and creates standalone definition of “gender identity” in ORS 174.100. Adds “gender identity” or “gender identities” to all statutes that reference “sexual orientation” or “sexual orientations.”

3:15 pm / Remote AHouse Committee on Revenue will be holding a public hearing on HB 2429, a bill that modifies the provisions of the recently enacted corporate activity tax.

TUESDAY — March 2, 2021

8:00 am / Remote D: House Committee on Housing will be holding a public hearing on HB 2372, a bill that eliminates a landlord’s ability to terminate residential tenancy without cause. Clarifies damages available to tenant for landlord’s unlawful no-cause notice or fraudulent landlord-cause notice. 

8:00 am / Remote ASenate Committee on Judiciary and Ballot Measure 110 Implementation will be holding a work session on SB 190, a bill that modifies the permissible methods of providing notice of appointment of guardian to protected person.

8:00 am / Remote BSenate Committee on Labor and Business will be holding a public hearing on SB 716, a bill that requires employers to reasonably accommodate employee's work schedule availability related to child care.

1:00 pm / Remote E: House Committee on Education will be holding the following hearings:
Public hearings on:
HB 2697: Requires education provider to prohibit use or display of any symbols of hate on school property or in education program.
HB 2408: Directs Department of Education to conduct study on meeting students' behavioral health needs and to report results of study to interim committee of Legislative Assembly related to education by September 1, 2021.
HB 2631: Prescribes notification requirements for school district upon receipt of report of act of harassment, intimidation, bullying or cyberbullying.
Work sessions on:
HB 2052: Requires school district to allow students to wear Native American items of cultural significance at public school events, including high school graduation.
HB 2056: Expands high school diploma requirements related to completion of credits in English to allow completion of credits in language arts. 
HB 2828: Requires Department of Education to provide technical assistance to school districts in adoption and implementation of child sexual abuse prevention instructional program.

3:15 pm / Remote FHouse Committee on Health Care will be holding
Public hearings on:  HB 2088, a bill that Requires Oregon Health Authority to adopt by rule qualification criteria for tribal traditional health workers as additional category of traditional health workers. 
HB 2359: Requires health care providers to work with health care interpreters from health care interpreter registry operated by Oregon Health Authority to provide interpretation services.
Work session on:
HB 2337: Requires state agencies and third-party contractors that collect demographic data on behalf of state agencies to comply with rules adopted by Oregon Health Authority for collection of data on race, ethnicity, preferred spoken and written languages and disability status.

WEDNESDAY — March 3, 2021

8:00 am / Remote C: House Committee on Behavioral Health will be holding a public hearing on HB 2949, a bill that requires the Mental Health Regulatory Agency to establish program to improve Black, indigenous and people of color mental health workforce, including pipeline development, scholarships for undergraduates and stipends for graduate students, loan repayments and retention activities. 

8:00 am / Remote B: House Subcommittee on Equitable Policing will hold a public hearing on HB 2575, a bill that directs the Department of Justice to establish program for awarding grants to law enforcement agencies and local governments for training of groups and agencies that interact with persons who have experienced trauma. 

1:00 pm / Remote EJoint Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Education will begin holding its public hearings on the Oregon Department of Education budget bills (SB 5513 and SB 5514) with invited testimony from the Oregon Department of Education. 

1:00 pm / Remote BSenate Committee on Health Care will hold a public hearing on SB 567, a bill that includes as unlawful practice medical provider's denial of treatment that is likely to benefit patient based on patient's race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or disability.

3:15 pm / Remote FHouse Committee on Human Services will be holding a public hearing on HB 2333, a bill that Directs Department of Human Services to report information regarding prescription of psychotropic medications to children in foster care. 

3:15 pm / Remote B: Senate Committee on Education will be holding a public hearing on SB 744, a bill that directs the Department of Education to review state requirements for high school diploma and to report results of review to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to education and to State Board of Education. The committee will also be holding work sessions on SB 328 (Prescribes requirements for annual school district and school performance reports, including requirement for inclusion of data related to suspensions and expulsions ) and SB 736 (Establishes a Task Force on Restorative Justice).

THURSDAY — March 4, 2021

8:00 am / Remote ASenate Committee on Judiciary and Ballot Measure 110 Implementation will be holding a public hearing on SB 418, a bill that prohibits peace officer from using deceit, trickery or artifice during interview of youth concerning act that, if committed by adult, would constitute crime.

8:00 am / Remote BSenate Committee on Labor and Business will be holding a public hearing on SB 569, a bill that makes it an unlawful employment practice for employer to require employee or prospective employee to possess or present valid driver's license as condition of employment or continuation of employment. 

1:00 pm / Remote C: Senate Committee on Housing and Development will be holding a public hearing on SB 282, a bill that directs the Housing and Community Services Department to study issues related to rental housing and report to appropriate committee or interim committee of Legislative Assembly on or before September 15, 2022. 

1:00 pm / Remote E: House Committee on Education will be holding a public hearing on HB 2590 (establishes Task Force on Student Success for Underrepresented Students in Higher Education) and a work session on HB 2835 (requires each community college and public university to hire benefits navigator to assist students in determining eligibility and applying for federal, state and local benefits programs). 


In order to prevent COVID-19 from spreading, entry to the Oregon State Capitol is for authorized personnel only until further notice. The Oregon Legislative Assembly has established a process to accept remote verbal public testimony on bills by video or phone during this time, in addition to written public testimony.  For more information, see the helpful information posted online. 

  • Use the Oregon Legislature's Capitol e-Subscribe service to receive bill alerts for individual bills as they move through the legislative process, receive committee agendas, news from members of the legislative body and more.
  • You can also watch or listen to live or archived video and audio of Senate and House chamber sessions and Committee hearings. 
2021 Legislative Session Budget Priorities

  • Reinstate Regional Family to Family Networks ($1.3 million GF)
  • Set DSP Wage at 150% of minimum wage (HB 2964)
  • Fully Fund Case Management Entities
  • Develop Statewide Data System

GO! ONLINE: DD Advocacy Videos
We created a series of training videos to support your preparation for remote legislative advocacy. Visit our You Tube Channel or Facebook Page to view them.

  • Introduction to the GO! Project NEW Version
  • 2021 Legislative Advocacy Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
  • Why Is Advocacy Important?
  • How To Develop Your Message
  • Making a Legislative Appointment
  • Preparing For a Virtual Visit
  • Expecting the Unexpected
  • What to Do After a Legislative Visit
  • Advocacy Via Email
GO! ONLINE: 2021 DD Advocacy Days
2nd Wednesday of each month from 10AM - Noon

Join the Oregon DD Coalition’s GO! Project Advocacy Team online to learn about:
  • Legislative Budget Priorities
  • Sharing Your Story & Effective Messaging

It’s quick and easy to find out who your State Senator and State Representative are at www.oregonlegislature.gov
About the Oregon DD Coalition
The Oregon DD Coalition advocates for DD services on behalf of and with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and support organizations in Oregon.

We influence DD service and community support systems and legislation by communicating with a common, consistent voice – creating better opportunities for Oregonians with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Interested in signing up for the GO! Bulletin or
becoming a member of the Oregon DD Coalition?
 1775 32nd Place, Suite F, Salem OR 97301