With your help, yesterday Oregon sent a strong message to EPA: No to auto emission and coal industry rules that protect industry over our children and the environment.

'We thought this is such an impactful set of standards and regulatory actions that the public here should have the opportunity to weigh in appropriately,' said Ali Mirzakhalili, air quality administrator for the DEQ on why he led an effort to organize this unusual public hearing.

"EPA wouldn't hold hearing about its rollbacks of the Clean Power Plan, vehicle emissions standards, and fuel economy standards, but Oregon DEQ did. Thank you!" - Melissa Powers, ED Green Energy Institute at Lewis & Clark Law School
Physicians, nurses, parents, "implored" EPA to drop proposed changes to auto/coal plant emissions standards as threatening health and children and the climate.

"This is intensely personal." - Oregon Thoracic Society member

"Our lungs, our children, and our environment are unprepared for the impact of more air pollution - I strongly oppose these rules that take us backwards when we know so much." NCA president, Mary Peveto
Our youngest participant at the hearing - these rules will have a huge impact on his life!
Girls, 7 and 10, tell EPA: "Governments are here to keep us safe. It's scary thinking when I grow up, it won't be safe anymore.''
"The proposed rules will increase emissions. Rules will drive up costs for consumers, endanger lives, and drive up greenhouse gasses. The people in Multnomah County cannot afford these rules." -- Multnomah County Department of Sustainability Director, John Wasuitynski
For more information about the content of the new rules, and key talking points for submitting public comment, click HERE.
If you couldn't attend the hearing in person last night, it's not too late!
To submit comments directly to EPA:
  • Vehicle Emission Standard Rules (The Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Rule for Model Years 2021-2026 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks) click here to submit online, by October 26, 11:59pm EST
  • Coal Plant Standards (Affordable Clean Energy Rule Proposal), click here for online, or email:, make sure to Include Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2017-0355 in the subject line of the message, by October 31, 11:59pm EST