Restoring The "Eternal Rules Of Order And Right" In America
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Dennis Linthicum For Oregon Secretary of State

A Watchdog, Not A Lapdog For the Portland Elites

After 8 years as County Commissioner of Klamath County and 8 more years as a Republican State Senator, I cannot stand by and watch our rights be trampled by a bureaucracy in Salem controlled by liberal elites in Portland.

We are not mere spectators in our government; we are its foundation. Together we can turn the tide, reclaim our freedoms, and restore accountability to the citizens of Oregon.

Restoring Oregon

Finally, ye…whose high prerogative it is to…invest with office and authority or to withhold them and in whose power it is to save or destroy your country, consider well the important trust which God…has put into your hands.  To God and posterity you are accountable for them.

Reverend Matthias Burnet – 1749-1806


My efforts in support of Dennis Linthicum's Campaign for Secretary of State is purely mine and not tied to Dennis or his Campaign in any way, financially or otherwise. I simply believe Oregon's slide into a legal, economic, political, moral and spiritual disaster will destroy the state if allowed by the Voters to continue on its present course. Oregon families, business, and future is all at stake in this election. Dennis Linthicum is far and away the most qualified to hold the second most important office in the State. The other two candidates are both from the Portland Metroplex. Go here to read their credentials. The research and opinions expressed below are mine alone.

David Crowe, President, Restore America, and Native Oregonian

The Oregon Legislature

Sept 21, 2024

"Can anything good come out of Nazareth?"

John 1:46

Imposing A Far Left Agenda On The People Of Oregon

Dear David,

Across the nation, and in Oregon, it is being asked, "Can anything GOOD come out of Oregon?"

"During the 2019 legislative session, the Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 2015 which removes the requirement for "people" to "prove" legal "presence" when applying for a standard Oregon driver license or ID card." (Quote directly from ODOT website, emphases mine).


This is the democrat-controlled Oregon Legislature's way of allowing non-citizens who have illegally crossed our borders to gain privileges normally reserved for legitimate citizens, in violation of our federal laws. This is "WOKISM" (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, (DEI), on steroids . . . no surprise to those who have been paying attention.

So how did this come about?

In 1993 Congress passed the Motor Voter Law, ostensibly for the purpose of encouraging American citizens to register to vote when they were issued a driver's license. It was intended to boost the number of American citizens to register and participate in the elective process. In Oregon It is being used to register non-citizens.

In March of 2015, Oregon became the first state in the nation to allow the DMV to Register "People" to Vote.

In January of 2016, the Oregon DMV started keeping records of who they registered to vote.

ODOT's charge to register undocumented 'immigrants' raises the question . . . Does ODOT have a rule or policy governing how, or on what basis a party is assigned? and if so, what is it?


One Year Later they added 8 LANGUAGES to the Driver Testing Record / and

Annual Reporting. (All Data below is from the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles.) 

Here are the top 4:

Year                 Language        Annual #         Pass%        Fail%

2017 (No record)

2018                 Arabic             1,147               25%       75%

                         Chinese           3,317               35           65

                         Russian           1,086               43           58

                         Spanish           10,223             29           71


2019                 Arabic             974                 25           75

                         Chinese           2,594               36           64

                         Russian           966                  51           49

                         Spanish           9,920               30           70

2020                 Arabic             356                  39           71

                         Chinese           909                  37           63

                         Russian           441                  54           46

                         Spanish           5,286               31           69


2021                 Arabic              495                 30          70

                         Chinese           1,170               38           62

                         Russian           485                  52           48

                         Spanish           77,562           38          62

(During the first year of the Biden/Harris Administration)


2022                 Arabic             550                  28           72

                         Chinese           1,432               35           65

                         Russian           3,557               44           56

                         Spanish           49,358           26           74

(During the second year of the Biden/Haris Administration)

2023                Arabic            806                  23           77

                         Chinese           1,422               33           67

                         Russian           4,373               38        62

                         Spanish           63,593           23          77

(During the third year)

In 2018 - 2020 During the Trump Administration, the illegal entrance into the United States was initially increasing (which led to building the wall and remain in Mexico policy and a declining number of Spanish 'immigrants'. 25,429 Spanish speaking people took the driver tests in Oregon during those years.

When Joe Biden was inaugurated in January of 2021, he reversed the Trump border policies. The illegal alien crossings from Spanish speaking aliens skyrocketed in 2021 through 2023 (190,513), and has not abated in 2024.

Where have all these newly minted 'immigrants' who sought Oregon Drivers Licenses gone? And why did they come To Oregon in the first place?

Oregon the First Sanctuary State

In 1987 Oregon became the First State in the nation to enact a "sanctuary law", (HB 2314), prohibiting state and local law enforcement agencies as well as state and local government bodies, from "assisting" federal authorities (ICE), from enforcing federal laws in regard to illegal aliens, a decision for which the nation is paying dearly as other states followed Oregon's lead.

The notoriously infamous and ambitious Neil Goldschmidt was governor at that time. and signed it into law. Both houses of the legislature were controlled by liberal democrats.

The Oregon Voter Registration Question

Why does the annual Voter Registration Total Jump to 118,845 from 2019 to 2020 when the totals each year from 2020 to 2024 are far lower?

2019 2,805,447

2020 2,924,292 118,845

2021 2,947,391 22,491

2022 2,971,604 24,213

2,023 2,995,364 23,760

2,024 3,025,132 29,768


It should be noted that 157,000 people LEFT OREGON in 2022, the 7th largest outmigration state, led by New York, California, New Jersey, and Illinois. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately 125,000 LEFT OREGON in 2021; but the voter registration did not seem to reflect that. U.S. Census Bureau (See also , November 29, 2083.)

After Metro and Multnomah County levied taxes to combat homelessness and provide preschool for all, Portland now has the second-highest total state and local income tax rate in the nation—14.69%—exceeded only by New York City at 14.78%, according to a report from Ernst & Young commissioned by Oregon Business & Industry.

On the December 5th General Election Ballot, Measure 118, an aggressive Sales Tax measure furthering the States appetite to empty your wallet will be on the ballot. Be informed. Cf. The Tax Foundation report on Measure 118


On Friday, September 13, 2024, Nigel Jaquiss, a reporter for Portland's Willamette Week reported that...

"WW has learned Oregon Driver & Motor Vehicle Services, which licenses drivers in the state, has mistakenly placed more than 300 non-citizens on the voting rolls since 2021.Officials believe that 306 people without citizenship were registered to vote through a data entry error, but they believe just two of them actually cast ballots."

"Nearly a decade ago, Oregon passed a motor voter law, which automatically registered people to vote when they sought a new license (and were 18 or over) or renewed an existing one. Then, in 2019, the Legislature passed a law that allowed certain people without proof of legal residence to obtain a driver’s license. Interplay between the two laws has now led to an unanticipated outcome."

Unanticipated outcome"?

I don't think so. Since 1987 When Oregon's Democrat controlled Legislature enacted, (HB 2314), prohibiting Oregon's law enforcement agencies as well as state and local government bodies, from "assisting" U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), from enforcing federal laws in regard to illegal aliens, their intention to use Motor Voter Registration for political advantage became clear.

As further proof of the democrat strategy to incentivize illegal border 'migrants' to come to Oregon, the State provides 'eligible' undocumented 'residents' with access to in-state tuition, driver’s licenses, state financial aide, and certain professional and occupational licenses, all are 'magnets' to border crossers.

Further proof of the Left's plan to take over Oregon on the way to taking over America, can be found in Oregon's very favorable and extensive laws protecting illegal aliens (immigrants), constructed by the democrat-controlled legislature and the state's democrat Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, advised by Civil Rights and Social Justice Director Fay Stetz-Waters.


"As your State Senator for District 28 since 2017, I’ve fought relentlessly to expose the pitfalls of big government. I’ve been a consistent voice against the encroachment of federal and state overreach, advocating for policies that restore power to the people of Oregon. I’ve seen how government “solutions” often create more problems than they solve, and I’ve made it my mission to hold those in power accountable."

Meet Dennis – Elect Dennis Linthicum

Please continue to alert your friends, family, neighbors, and business associates about the importance of electing Dennis Linthicum as Oregon's Next Secretary of State

Restore America

P.O. Box 147, Grimsley, TN 38565

We urge

Oregon's lawful citizens to fulfill their essential citizenship duty to cast an informed


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Dire Consequences

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“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."

Proverbs 29:2