Friday, January 17, 2025!

Oreo's Dad Thanks

Social Compassion for Rescue!

Heroes Among Us!

Update on Volunteer Fosters!

Social Compassion helps the dog, Oreo, reunite with his owner!

Above: Casey's viral reunification with Oreo.

Below: Casey Colvin and Oreo on a Zoom thanking the Social Compassion team. Clockwise from top left: Casey Colvin and Oreo, Judie Mancuso, Nick Sackett, Jane Garrison, Simone Reyes

Many of you saw the heartwarming viral videos of Oreo being reunited with his owner, Casey. We are so proud that the efforts of our team, including Simone Reyes, Judie Mancuso, and rescue partner, Jane Garrison were at the center of the rescue.

Click on the picture above or HERE to watch Casey and Oreo's heartfelt thank you to the Social Compassion team!

We have been in contact with Casey since the rescue and will work with him on legislation, "Oreo's Bill," to help prevent pet owners like him from being prevented from saving their animals.

If you have read Judie's book, you are already familiar with Jane Garrison. The book includes their harrowing rescue efforts at Hurricane Katrina. Judie and Jane reunited this past week to help the LA Fire victims.

Here is Jane recounting the events of Sunday that led to her finding Oreo and keeping eyes on him until Casey could arrive on the scene and reunite with his poor little scared dog.

"I heard about this dog, Oreo, who had been missing since Tuesday. He actually was outside during the fires! I went looking for him yesterday as there were reports he was seen on PCH in the evacuated areas. I ended up running into his mother about a mile from where he originally lived."

"I happened to talk to a woman, show her a picture of a dog I'm looking for and she said it was her dog! How crazy is that? She gave me her address but I couldn't get there that afternoon. All night I thought about this dog and went up there about 5:30 a.m. the next morning."

"I went to the place that he was last seen and then went to where his house used to stand. Unbelievably, I saw him with my binoculars! He was too frightened to come to me.

"I tried calling Judie to contact his pet parents, but I had no cell service. I then saw two men and asked it they had service, turns out they were BBC reporters and had a satellite phone. I called Judie, she called Simone who had Casey's number, and a couple hours later we got Casey to the location and sure enough Oreo ran to him and his other dog, Tiki! I know this is only one family and one dog but sometimes you need some good news! I needed this today!"

We are so happy that Casey, his partner, and Tiki were reunited with Oreo. Just one example of Social Compassion's rescue efforts, and why it's so important to save every animal we can - for the animals and for their human families!

The Heroes Among Us!

Animal disaster responders working in Malibu. From left to right: Angelique Williams and Niki Dawson of Paws of War, and Leah Sturgis, board member of

Social Compassion in Legislation.

Mr. Rogers once said, "Always look for the helpers. There will always be helpers." In times of crisis, these words ring especially true. Over the past week, countless helpers have emerged to rescue animals affected by the devastating fires—and today, we want to shine a spotlight on some of these incredible heroes.

Leah Sturgis, a dedicated board member of Social Compassion in Legislation, tragically lost her home in the fire this past week. But despite her personal loss, Leah returned to Malibu to assist in rescuing animals—both pets and wildlife—left stranded in the aftermath.

Leah has always had a deep love and commitment to the animals, which is why she joined our board in 2019. Over the years, her advocacy work has focused on pressing issues like whale entanglement and the protection of bobcats and mountain lions. But in the past 10 days, the resilience and dedication she’s shown in the face of such hardship have been nothing short of heroic.

Our hearts go out to Leah for everything she’s endured, yet she has continued to put others first, fighting tirelessly for those who cannot speak for themselves. We are endlessly grateful for her bravery and commitment. Leah truly is a hero for the animals and for us.

More Heroes Saving Animals...

We also must highlight the extraordinary work and partnership that the Paws of War (PoW) team has provided over the last week.

As a 25 year disaster responder, Niki Dawson has been deployed to many major disasters, including Katrina, Joplin and the Alabama tornadoes, Hurricanes Barry, Ian, Dorian, Sandy, Matthew, Helene, and Milton, as well as flooding in Louisiana and Cedar Rapids. During these events, she served as Incident Commander as well as field response and search and rescue. All of this on top of being a certified animal control officer in New Jersey and a certified animal cruelty investigator of 35 years. She also served as the director of the Hudson County animal response team for 10 years and was a member of the UASI steering committee to develop CART protocols for the state. 

Also with the PoW team is Angelique Williams, a 20-year Navy veteran who served in Iraq and Kuwait and has conducted search and rescue missions for humans overseas.  

Jane Garrison enlisted both to lead the on-the-ground effort for Social Compassion. These heroes flew in from New Jersey and hit the ground running, doing everything in their power to reach animals in need in the Palisades and Malibu fire areas. Over the last week we have been astounded by their sheer effort and determination to save animals' lives!

More about Jane Garrison, Judie's friend of 30 years, and the Founder and Executive Director of the Oswit Land Trust. Jane and Judie first teamed up in 2005 in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to help save thousands of animals. Here they are again, 20 years later, doing whatever they can to save every animal possible. Jane has been in and out of the fire areas, setting up feeding stations and reaching as many animals as possible. If you skipped it, go back up to read more about her part in finding Oreo the dog!

We know that there are a lot of other heroes out there - you know who you are and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Click on the photo of the parrot below to watch the KTLA segment on Leah, Niki, and Angelique in the field, working to save animals.


Coverage of Social Compassion's Leadership & Rescue Efforts

Click on the three pictures below to watch KTLA's coverage of Judie's commentary regarding the City's ongoing response to the animal rescue efforts, and Social Compassion's on the ground search and rescue stories.

Clip 1- (all from Thursday, January 16th) Judie's Commentary

Clip 2 - Social Compassion chicken rescue efforts on KTLA 5

Clip 3 - Social Compassion parrot rescue efforts

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to KTLA reporter Andrew Riesmeyer for his dedication to in-depth and ongoing coverage of vital animal life-saving efforts!



The City of Los Angeles now has a dedicated phone number and database for rescue calls, and as of yesterday, animal control officers have begun being dispatched to the field. We’ve been informed that even more officers will be deployed in the coming days to help with the rescue efforts.

However, these vital contact numbers have not been widely publicized, and many people remain unaware of their existence.

To make matters worse, we've received reports that National Guard personnel at various checkpoints are turning people away when they try to access their homes. When asked how they can get help rescuing their animals, the guards have been directing them to law enforcement or fire departments, neither of which are answering calls or even aware of these newly established rescue numbers.

Please help spread the word—share these phone numbers on your social media platforms so that more people in need can access the crucial assistance they require!

Both the City of Los Angeles and Pasadena & Altadena have phone numbers for those needing help with animals left behind in fire zones:

L.A. City: 213-270-8155

Pasadena & Altadena: 626-577-3752

Update on Volunteer Fosters

Last week, we put out a call for foster volunteers, and wow—did you all answer! Over 180 of you stepped up, and we couldn’t be more grateful!

After speaking with animal shelters directly impacted by the fires, it became clear that the most effective way to coordinate foster care was through a partnership with Orange County Animal Care. All fosters volunteers have been turned over to their foster team.

All the Southern California shelters are in close contact and supporting each other with space and resources, so by helping OC Animal Care, you're also supporting shelters across the entire L.A. area.

At this time, we’re no longer collecting foster volunteer information. If you’re still interested in fostering, please reach out directly to OC Animal Care or your local animal shelter. There are many dogs, cats, and rabbits in need of a loving home while they await their forever families!

Thank you for your incredible support!

On behalf of the Social Compassion and SCIL teams and all the animals, we thank you for your support in this time of desperate need! Our hearts our broken for all of the tragic loss.

Judie Mancuso, founder/CEO/president

Social Compassion in Legislation

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