Organic Connection, monthly eNews from NOFA-NH
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Organic Connection
Join Us for Our Holiday Potluck
Tuesday, December 13, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
NH Audubon Center, Concord
You're invited to join NOFA-NH's Board of Directors for our holiday potluck. Come celebrate with us and enjoy the bounty of organic food that NH has to offer! (Please RSVP for this event so we'll know how many people are coming.)
Early Bird Discount Ends December 1st!
Our excitement is building as we connect with presenters and exhibitors for the 2017 Winter Conference! In addition to this year's wide selection of workshops and fantastic local organic food, we have Joel Salatin coming to inspire us at the keynote event in the evening (for those who can't join us for the full day, you can get tickets separately to just the keynote event). 

Registration is now open--get a 20% early bird discount for registering before December 1 (that's in addition to 20%
member's discount)! 

Stay up-to-date with plans via our Facebook event page
Renew Your Membership & Get 20% off Winter Conference Registration Instantly!
Did you know you can renew your NOFA-NH membership at the same time you register for the Winter Conference? Well, we're happy to say now you can! (Click here to register for conference and join/renew membership.) 

You can renew, or join, and instantly enjoy the 20% discount on registration for the 2017 Winter Conference. That's in addition to the 20% Early Bird discount available through December 1st. 

Also we've streamlined to just two membership levels:
  • Student/Senior Member: $30 (Available to full-time students currently enrolled in school and persons over 65 years old)
  • Member: $45(Available to everyone)

Check out list of member benefits on the membership page of our website.

Current memberships  will continue to last for one year from the date you joined. (For anyone who joined before October 2016, your membership and corresponding benefits will be good until one year from when you joined.)
Thank you to our sponsors for joining our members in helping us to build a strong organic community in New Hampshire! 
Post Election: What's Next for Food & Agriculture?
Excerpted from National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition's blog post on Nov. 11, 2016
As we prepare for our first Administration change in eight years, the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) wants to ensure that a diverse coalition of family farmers and ranchers, conservationists, and local and regional food enthusiasts have a place at the table.

NSAC, like many other agricultural groups, will be submitting recommendations to the new transition team on our priority issues, including: new and beginning farmers, food safety regulations, immigration, agricultural research, and conservation. There are many administrative actions that could be taken in the early days of the new Administration to improve prospects for family farmers and rural communities, and we will be sure to underscore and outline those opportunities for President-elect Trump and his team.

Why Organic? Pesticide Use Associated with Lung Cancer Risk
Excerpted from  The Organic Center's Hot Science blog
Research published in  Environmental Health Perspectives  has confirmed that on-the-job exposure to certain pesticides and herbicides is associated with lung cancer later in life. Results indicated that high-level exposures to the pesticides pendimethalin, dieldrin, and parathion as well as the herbicide chlorimuron-ethyl were associated with lung cancer incidence. Read more . . .

Soil & Nutrition Conference
December 4-6
Kripalu Center in Stockbridge, MA
The 6th Annual Soil & Nutrition Conference explores how the intersection of farm and human ecosystems holds the key to environmental sustainability, quality food and overall well-being. For more information, visit:

New England Farm Succession School
December 7 & January 25, from 10am to 3:30pm
NH Farm Bureau office, Concord
The Farm Succession School is for seniors farmers and farm couples looking for a bit of structure and motivation to tackle succession planning. Program includes presentations, group discussions and individual exercises, with "assignments" between sessions. Topics include goal setting, estate planning, retirement planning, family communications, taxes, legal structure, Medicaid, and bringing on a successor. Visit website for more details.

Women's Farm Equipment and Maintenance Workshop
Saturday, December 10, from 9am to 4pm
UNH Thompson School, Durham
Emphasis will be placed on safety, breakdown prevention, and buying new vs used.  Registration is open and space is limited, so sign up early!  Click here for more information and registration. 

NOFA-NH Holiday Potluck
Tuesday, December 13, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
NH Audubon Center, Concord
You're invited to join NOFA-NH's Board of Directors for our holiday potluck. Come celebrate with us and enjoy the bounty of organic food that NH has to offer!
  Please RSVP for this free event.

NOFA-NH's 2017 Winter Conference
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Rundlett Middle School, Concord
Visit our Winter Conference page website for up-to-date details, sponsor/exhibitor opportunities, and registration form. 

What's happening in neighboring states?


Office Hours: Mon/Wed/Fri 9am-2pm
Phone: (603) 224-5022       Email:

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