Organic Connection, monthly eNews from NOFA-NH
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Organic Connection
Michael Phillips
HolisticOrchardWkshpReserve Your Space Today for Holistic Orchard Workshop this Saturday!
MansantoMarchNH March Against Monsanto
Saturday, May 21, starting at 11am
NH State House, Concord
The event, organized by the NH March Against Monsanto Community, will start at the NH State House (107 N Main Street, Concord) and then participants will march peacefully through downtown Concord. Millions of people will be marching with us across the world! 

At the rally, there will be speakers (inc. Senator Martha Fuller Clark), info tables, an organic seed swap table, and packaged organic food samples, with music provided by the Tyler Road band. Bring a d onation of GMO-Free or organic foods to be given to a NH food pantry.

For more details, contact:
NOFA-NH Participating in NH Gives Day 
NH Gives Day, an initiative of the NH Center for Nonprofits, is a 24-­hour online challenge designed to unite people around causes in which they truly believe and help nonprofit organizations connect to the larger community.

You can be a part of the celebration on Tuesday, June 7 by giving to your favorite nonprofit. Watch for an up-coming email from us with more details about how you can become a Fundraising Champion for NOFA-NH!
Thank you to our sponsors for joining our members in helping us to build a strong organic community in New Hampshire! 
Seeking Hosts for Farm Tours
This year, NOFA-NH kicks off a new initiative: farm tours! We envision these events to involve actual touring of farms as well as sit down three-course meals. An admission fee will be charged, with a share of the proceeds being paid to the host farm. Produce and other farm products could also be purchased to serve at/with the meal. 

Eligible farms should be able to accommodate a crowd of 50 to 100 attendees, lead a tour of their farm, and be permitted under local laws to host such an event. NOFA-NH members preferred. 

If you are interested in hosting a farm tour, please contact the NOFA-NH office. We will be collecting names in May; interested farms can expect to hear back in June.
Cultivating the Organic Grassroots Movement at NOFA Summer Conference
Join people from across the Northeast and beyond for a three-day celebration of the grassroots organic movement. At NOFA's Summer Conference  learning is a community action--with amazing farmers, presenters, seminars, workshops, food and fun. Immerse yourself with like-minded practitioners and curious learners eager to share their inspiration and ideas for organic food, farming, health, activism, and beyond.

For more Summer Conference info, visit:
Help Us Create the Best Ever Winter Conference in 2017
Please take a moment to fill out our Winter Conference survey (just six questions) to help the planning team get info to help us create the best ever conference on Saturday, January 2017.

Click the button or use this link:
We're hiring! View the job description for part-time Financial Coordinator
Enhanced Tax Incentive for Conservation Easement Donations
Article by  Amy Manzelli, Esq., President of NOFA-NH Board of Directors (and part owner of BCM Environmental & Land Law, PLLC)
While the primary motivation for anyone giving land or an easement to a conservancy is to protect a place they love in perpetuity, there can also be significant federal income tax benefits. The value of land or a conservation easement donated to a non-profit land trust is treated as a charitable contribution by the IRS, and is deductible from taxable income. Thanks to concerted lobbying by the national Land Trust Alliance, the tax deduction for donated conservation easements has become more generous in recent years, but the level of the deduction has not always been predictable. This uncertainty ended on December 2015, when Congress voted overwhelmingly to make the "enhanced" income tax incentive for conservation easement donations permanent.
USDA Offers New Loans for Portable Farm Storage & Handling Equipment
Portable equipment can help producers, including small-scale and local farmers, get products to market quickly. Learn more about the new USDA Farm Storage Facility Loan Program

Holistic Orchard Workshop with Michael Phillips
Saturday, May 21, from 10am-5pm
Canterbury Shaker Village, Canterbury 
See article above.  Discount available for NOFA-NH members. Enrollment is limited, register today!

NH March Against Monsanto
Saturday, May 21, starting at 11am
NH State House, Concord

Container Gardening: Food for You and Nature in Small Spaces
Wednesday, May 25, 7-8:15pm
Massabesic Audubon Center, Auburn
Even a small corner of your porch or balcony can grow something for food for you or nature. Join UNH Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners, and some of the best gardeners at the Massabesic Audubon Center, to learn tips and "how-to's" for working in small spaces to maximize your production be it veggies, herbs, or flowers. And if your container garden can provide food for birds and bees, you helped nature! For full event details, visit:

Vegetable, Berry & Tree Fruit Twilight Meeting: Drip Irrigation
Friday, June 3, from 3-7pm
Brookdale Fruit Farm, Hollis 

Sell More at the Farm Market & Make Money
Monday, June 6, from 6:30-7:30pm
Boscawen Municipal Complex, Boscawen
Nada Haddad, Food & Agriculture Field Specialist with UNH Cooperative Extension, will offer tips for commercial growers and garden enthusiasts, who are thinking of selling at a farm stand or farmers market, as they get ready for selling at farm markets. Product quality, sales etiquette, and customer profile will be discussed. Questions? Contact Mary West at (603) 796-2151 or  Pre-register online:

Vegetable, Berry & Tree Fruit Twilight Meeting: NH Tree Fruit
Wednesday, June 8, from 5:30-7:30pm
Gould Hill Farm, Contoocook

7th Annual Herb & Garden Day
Saturday, June 18, from 9am-5pm
NH Audubon Center, Concord
Herb and Garden Day, presented by the NH Herbal Network, includes a large vendor fair featuring herbs and plants grown by local farmers, herbal products, educational information, artisans, environmental advocacy groups and local businesses. For more info, visit:

Pollinators in Small Spaces Workshop
Monday, June 20, from 4:30-6:30pm
Franklin Pierce University, Rindge
Join the Cheshire County Conservation District for a workshop on pollinator identification and habitat enhancement led by Jarrod Fowler, the Pollinator Conservation and Conservation Biological Control Specialist for New England and Northeast Regions at The Xerces Society and a Technical Service Provider at USDA-NRCS. The workshop will include both classroom and field components.

NH Audubon's Pollinator Party
Sunday, June 26, from 1-4:30pm
NH Audubon Center, Concord
Celebrate Pollinator Week with workshops and hands-on explorations with experts. Check out the informational displays, crafts and demos, plant sale, and insect hunt for the kids. Free event for the whole family! For more info: or (603) 224-9909.

What's happening in neighboring states?


Office Hours: Mon/Wed/Fri 9am-2pm
Phone: (603) 224-5022       Email:

We're Hiring! 

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