 A Passion for Solutions at NOFA Summer Conference
August 12-14, in Amherst, MA
NOFA's Summer Conference is three days of organic immersion with 200 workshops to empower, educate, build skills and confidence
(see schedule). Immerse yourself in a community of like-minded practitioners and curious learners eager to share inspiration and ideas for organic food, farming, health, activism, and beyond! Leah Penniman and Andre Leu are t
his year's
keynote speakers.
registration fee will increase after August 8th!
NH Eat Local Month Celebration
Throughout the month of August, fifty-eight partners throughout the state--including NOFA-NH--are coming together to highlight New Hampshire Eat Local Month, a month-long celebration of local food and New Hampshire farmers and producers. "All month long, we hope to inspire you to eat more locally grown, raised and made foods, meet the farmers, growers and chefs behind your food and learn new skills that keep you eating locally throughout the year," said Jen Risley of NH Farms Network.
NOFA-NH would like to highlight our member farms and their products in our special social media posts throughout August. Want to participate in this free promotional opportunity?
Send us a brief description of your farm, a listing of your organic products, and any up-coming fun activities along with your contact info and a great photo! Questions? Contact the NOFA-NH office (Mon/Wed/Fri, 9am-2pm) at (603) 224-5022 or
Organic Landscaping Course
August 15-16 & 22-23
University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME
Landscaping professionals transitioning to organic practices, and those already using chemical-free options who want to learn more, are invited to attend a 30-hour professional training course and sit for the accreditation exam. The NOFA
Accreditation Course in Organic Land Care has been the definitive professional training course for landscapers, lawn care specialists, municipal groundskeepers, landscape architects and environmental educators to learn and adopt best practices for caring for the land without synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Attendees who pass the accreditation exam become Accredited Organic Land Care Professionals (AOLCPs), joining over 500 NOFA AOLCPs in 20 states.
Thank you to our sponsors for joining our members in helping us to build a strong organic community in New Hampshire!
NH Food Alliance Seeks Opinions of
Food System Stakeholders in NH
The NH Food Alliance is conducting a survey exploring how NH residents feel about changes to forestland and agriculture in the state. UNH has successfully administered the survey with a random population of 515 people throughout the state and now seek to hear specifically from food system stakeholders.
Participation in this survey is completely voluntary, and all of your responses are anonymous.
The survey includes both images and written questions, and should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
Farmers Market Coalition's Free
SNAP EBT Equiptment
NH Dairy Producers Can Enroll
Starting July 1
to Protect Milk Production Margins
excerpted from USDA press release
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) in New Hampshire announced that dairy producers can enroll for 2017 coverage in the Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy) starting July 1. The voluntary program, established by the 2014 Farm Bill, provides financial assistance to participating dairy producers when the margin--the difference between the price of milk and feed costs--falls below the coverage level selected by the producer.
Read more . . .
Call for Steering Committee Members
& Chairperson for New England Meat Conference
The goal of the
New England Meat Conference
(NEMC) is to enhance the production, processing, and marketing of sustainable, nutritious, humanely-raised, and delicious meat from New England farms and processors by providing educational and networking opportunities for meat producers, processors, and consumers.
The NEMC is seeking nominations for Steering Committee Members and a Steering Committee Chairperson. Click here to download Word document with full details about qualifications and responsibilities as well as how to express interest
Growing Consumer Interest in Animal Welfare
Could Mean New Organic Standards
excerpted from Civil Eats blogpost by Lynne Curry
In April, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) proposed new
Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices (OLPP) in an effort to
"bring greater
consistency and transparency" to the USDA organic standards.
If the new rules are finalized, the Obama administration is poised to institute a set of long-awaited changes that could improve animal welfare in four areas of organic livestock and poultry practices, including living conditions, healthcare, transport, and slaughter.
But there's no guarantee that the proposed rules will become law before the next administration takes over.
Learn more . . .
Why Organic? What Logos Reveal
What's more important, looking for the organic seal or the non-GMO verified logo? By definition, GMOs are strictly prohibited in organic farming and food production. Perhaps even more importantly, organic farmers do not use synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or fertilizers to grow crops or feed, and they cannot administer antibiotics, growth hormones, and many other banned drugs to livestock. They are mandated to improve soil health and allow their livestock outdoor access, resulting not only in safer food, but food of superior nutritional quality. Non-GMO products are only verified not to contain genetically modified (GMO) ingredients. NonGMO farmers do use synthetic agrochemicals and petrochemicalbased fertilizers. They are not required to allow their livestock access to the outdoors or pasture, and are not restricted from administering a myriad of pharmaceuticals prohibited from use in organics.
Read full newsletter . . .
Managing Pests on the Farm
Friday, July 29, from 10am to 12pm
5 Story Hill Road, Dunbarton
Pests and diseases in vegetable production can affect yield and produce quality. Learning to correctly identify and manage pests, and have a good record-keeping system, are steps for Integrated Pest Management.
In the field presentations by Extension Food & Agriculture Specialists Alan Eaton, Nada Haddad, and Cheryl Smith. For more info, see event flyer.
Sunday, July 31, from 10am to 2pm
Breene Hollow Farm, West Greenwich, RI
Free tractor safety workshop for women, co-sponsored by NOFA/RI and RI Farm Bureau. Greg Breene, agricultural teacher, Future Farmers of America (FFA) Advisor and Breene Acres Farm, will discuss safe operation and basic maintenance requirements of gas or diesel-powered farm tractors and implements. Training will include tractor parts and tools identification. Participants will have a chance to drive the tractor, and will learn to safely attach and use common tractor implements including a seeder, harrow, tine weeder or manure spreader. For more info, visit the event page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1768839903334605
Food Stories: A 10 Year Celebration of Slow Food in the Seacoast
Sunday, July 31, from 4pm to 7:30 pm
Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth It's time to celebrate the growth of our incredible food community! We all have stories to tell about how the changes of the past 10 years have shaped our lives and our relationship to the food we eat, the farmers who grow it and the land that supports us all. We'll start with a tour of the gardens of Strawbery Banke Museum followed by a shared potluck supper and a program of Food Stories. For more info, visit the Slow Food Seacoast's event page on Facebook.
Successfully Growing Heirloom Tomatoes
Monday, August 1, from 6:30pm to 8pm
Boscawen Municipal Complex, Boscawen
Learn how to grow heirloom tomatoes in your home garden. UNH Cooperative Extension Master Gardener, Ken Cook, will discuss his "Cross-Hemisphere Dwarf Tomato Project" and how they are developing tomato varieties with heirloom tastes. Register for this free talk by contacting
or call 796-2151.
Food for Thought Film Series: Growing Local
Tuesday, August 2, from 6pm to 8pm
Peterborough Community Theatre, Peterborough
Goat Production 4-day Workshop
August 4, 11, 18, 25, from 6:30pm to 8pm
Inheritance Farm, Chichester
Attendees of this workshop, presented by Dot Perkins from UNH Cooperative Extension, will learn basic information about raising goats; nutrition and health, and goat reproduction. Attendees can sign up for one class or all four. Cost is
$15.00 per person/per class. (4-Hers are free, but must be accompanied by a registered adult). Space is limited so register early!
Online registration:
Eat Local Month Patio Party
Student Organic Seed Symposium
August 5-8
Colby College, Waterville, ME
The Student Organic Seed Symposium aims to strengthen and grow the future of organic and sustainable agriculture. We do this by supporting a new generation of plant breeders and seed professionals that will lead the way developing crops for organic, sustainable, and agroecological cultivation systems and in promoting strong, local, and regional seed systems. This is an annual event organized by and for graduate students across the country who are interested in organic plant breeding and sustainable agricultural systems. For more info, visit:
Farm Feast Breakfast & Open House
Sunday, August 7, from 10am to 1pm
D Acres, Dorchester
The first Sunday of each month, D Acres hosts an all-you-should-eat breakfast featuring pancakes made with local flour, NH maple syrup, local free-range eggs, D Acres meat, potatoes, and greens along with fair-trade coffee from Cafe Monte Alto in Plymouth. Suggested donations are on a sliding scale of $5 to $15. Work off your indulgence with a tour of the working organic farm. Can't make it in time to join the feast? Come by at 1pm for the Open House tour which includes a garden walk! [Note: for the safety and preservation of farm and wilderness flora and fauna, please leave your pets safely at home.]
NOFA Summer Conference
August 12-14
UMass Campus, Amherst, MA
Farm and Family Fest 2016
Saturday, August 13, from 2pm to 6pm
Four Winds Farm, Peterborough
Local food, local farmers, local fun! Please join us for a family event on the farm with activities and food for the entire family. Includes live music, dancing, farm animals, games, raffle and much more! Barbecue and salad bar ingredients all sourced locally and includes vegetarian fare. $25 for a family of 2 to 4; Additional family members $5; Individual $12; children under 5 free. Rain or shine. Bring your picnic blanket or chairs!
Enjoy beautiful Four Winds in Peterborough, with stunning views and a magnificent historic barn!
Supporting Pollinators in the Landscape
Thursday, September 22, from 6:30pm to 8pm The Wilmot Community Assoc. Red Barn, Wilmot
Amy Papineau, UNH Cooperative Extension Field Specialist, will discuss the many types of bees that you may find you your landscape, the role these insects play in the environment, and how you can design your garden and landscape to provide pollinators with the resources they need. Free and open to the public. Please register by Sept 19th by contacting Kristy Heath at 526-6555 or kheath@ausbonsargent.org.
What's happening in neighboring states?
Office Hours: Mon/Wed/Fri 9am-2pm
Phone: (603) 224-5022
Email: info@nofanh.org