Organic Connection, monthly eNews from NOFA-NH
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Organic Connection
Get Your Tickets to Our Farm Tour & Luncheon Today!
Ledge Top Farm, Wilton
Sunday, August 21, from 2pm to 5pm
Join us for a tour of  Ledge Top Farm  and learn about their naturally certified produce and aquaponics. 

After the tour, you're invited to a luncheon catered by Nature's Green Grocer Market & Cafe and the Toadstool Bookshop's Bookside Cafe, featuring  Ledge Top Farm  grilled Tilapia and fresh veggies (vegetarian & vegan options available). Live  music will be provided by West Limerick Ramblers. This fundraising event for NOFA-NH is sponsored by ReVision Energy and Farm Credit East.

Tickets are $50 per person, with a 10% discount for NOFA-NH members and a 50% discount for farmers! Seating is limited and pre-registration is required; reserve your ticket today!
August is NH Eat Local Month 
Throughout the month of August, fifty-eight partners throughout the state--including NOFA-NH--are coming together to highlight New Hampshire Eat Local Month, a month-long celebration of local food and New Hampshire farmers and producers.  Check out these directories to help you get connected to your local food.

NH Certified Organic Farms Directory  (NH Dept. of Agriculture, Markets & Food)

NH Harvest-Your-Own Farms Directory  (NH Dept. of Agriculture, Markets & Food)

NH Farm Stand Directory  (NH Dept. of Agriculture, Markets & Food)

NH Farmers Market Directory  (NH Dept of Agriculture, Markets & Food)

NH Food Alliance database by region or food system category

Seacoast Eat Local
Thank you to our sponsors for joining our members in helping us to build a strong organic community in New Hampshire! 
Introducing SAMM: The Seacoast Area Mobil Market!
The goal of SAMM  will be to provide access to local foods in  communities within our service region that may lack farmers' markets of their own, have high concentrations of low-income or at-risk residents, are designated as being at higher risk for food insecurity, or have a reportedly high number of residents with lack of access to consistent means of transportation. In addition to these community stops, SAMM will also service a small number of employers in our region as an employee benefit. 

SAMM stocks fresh fruits and vegetables from a variety of local farms, as well as eggs and maple syrup. As the season progresses, organizers hope to include some local dry goods such as popcorn and beans, as well as meat and cheese as they are available.

For more info about the program, visit

Shopping information and stop schedule can be found at:

To volunteer with the program, contact the SAMM coordinator: 
Course to Help Farmers & Natural Resource Entrepreneurs Plan for Success
weekly September 12 through December 5
UNH Cooperative Extension's Agriculture and Natural Resource Business Institute (ANRBI)  provides individuals and families who want to start or expand agricultural or related business with the essential preparation they need to be successful. Collaborating with industry partners, Extension experts will help participants develop an operating plan for their new or existing business.  Fore more details, view ANRBI flyer To register, go to   
Excerpted from Food Safety News article by Cookson Beecher
There's a revolution going on in a grocery store near you. Fueled by consumer demand, it has been dubbed the "fresh revolution" by industry heavyweights such as the United Fresh Produce Association. It's all about fresh produce--fruits and vegetables that nutritionists are praising as "healthy foods" and that shoppers are increasingly seeking out. Read more . . .
Free Help in Resolving Credit Issues
Armed with the knowledge of what you can pay, and with the help of a trained mediator, you can set up a plan to resolve old debts and get back to doing what you do best: growing food for all of us. Mediators with the Agricultural Mediation Programs can help farmers and creditors come up with a payment plan that will work for everyone.  New Hampshire Agricultural Mediation Program ( NHAMP provides free services  to the agricultural community on many issues, including loans, credit problems, and adverse decisions from USDA agencies.  For more information about NHAMP, visit: 
Helping Specialty Crop Farmers Manage Risks on Diversified Farms through Whole-Farm Revenue Protection
Whole-Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) provides a risk management safety net for all commodities on the farm under one insurance policy and is available in all counties nationwide. This insurance plan is tailored for any farm with up to $8.5 million in insured revenue, including farms with specialty or organic commodities (both crops and livestock), or those marketing to local, regional, farm-identity preserved, specialty, or direct markets.  Find additional information, fact sheets, eligibility, how to apply, and insurance agent locater at  USDA Risk Management Agency  and  National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition .

Farmer Veteran Coalition, Workshop & Farm Tour
Friday, August 26, from 8am to 4:30pm
Alumni Hall, Haverhill  Winsome Farm Organics, Piermont
The workshop, held at Alumni Hall, will be presented by professionals well versed in the farming industry and will cover organic production, business planning, crop insurance, risk management and food safety. After lunch, the group will head to Winsome Farm Organics for a tour led by the owner, Glen Putnam.  This event is geared towards U.S. Military Veterans.  The guests will come away with more knowledge, confidence and resources to help them grow their business. To register for this free event, go to:

First Annual Acworth Locavore Festival: A Food Tasting Event
Sunday, August 28, from 10am to 4pm
South Acworth Village Store, South Acworth
The Acworth Community Project is proud to announce plans for an exciting event, the First Annual Acworth Locavore Festival, which is a fundraiser for The Village Store, a community owned and operated general store. The event will be held in the back field of the Village Store. For more info, visit: 

Farm Feast Breakfast & Open House
Sunday, September 4, from 10am to 1pm
D Acres, Dorchester
The first Sunday of each month, D Acres hosts an All-You-Should-Eat breakfast featuring pancakes made with local flour, NH maple syrup (in season), local free-range eggs, D Acres meat, potatoes, and greens, and fair-trade coffee from Cafe Monte Alto. $5-15 sliding scale suggested donation. Work off your indulgence with a tour of the working, organic farm at 1pm. *For the safety and preservation of farm and wilderness flora and fauna, please do not bring your pets.* For more info, contact:

Got Healthy Soils? A look at ways to make your soil healthy
Monday, September 12, from 6:30pm to 8pm
Boscawen Municipal Complex, Boscawen
Stacy Luke, the Merrimack County Conservation District manager, will discuss the Soil Health Initiative, different ways to improve your soil health, different soil tests equipment available to improve your soils for a better harvest. Come try the penetrometer to test soil compaction. Three Building Soils books will be raffled off at the event, which is c o-sponsored by the Boscawen Ag Commission, UNH Cooperative Extension, and the Merrimack County Conservation District.  Register by contacting Candace Haithwaite at 753-9188 x301.

26th Annual Tree Farm and Fun Family, Kid-Friendly Field Day
Saturday, September 17, from 8am to 4pm
Griswold Scout Reservation, Gilmanton Iron Works
Forester Ron Klemarczyk will lead an easy walk while describing how timber harvests helped fund camp maintenance and programs while protecting forest health, wildlife habitat and water quality on this heavily used recreational property. Canoes will be provided for an ecology tour through a wetland. Join Malin Clyde and Jim Frohn for pointers on how to plan and deliver fun and informative walks. Nature crafts for young kids. Join a forester for activities towards outdoor and forestry scout badges, and 4-H forestry and home-schooling projects.  Event sponsored i n cooperation with Granite State Division Society of American Foresters, NH Timberland Owners Association, NH Division of Forests and Lands, Society for the Protection of NH Forests and University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension. For full event details, check out their event flyer.

Supporting Pollinators in the Landscape
Thursday, September 22, from 6:30pm to 8pm
The Wilmot Community Assoc. Red Barn, Wilmot
Amy Papineau, UNH Cooperative Extension Field Specialist, will discuss the many types of bees that you may find you your landscape, the role these insects play in the environment, and how you can design your garden and landscape to provide pollinators with the resources they need. Free and open to the public. Please register by Sept 19th by contacting Kristy Heath at 526-6555 or

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Office Hours: Mon/Wed/Fri 9am-2pm
Phone: (603) 224-5022       Email:

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