Fall has arrived!!!
Looking west on Orindawoods Drive 9-20-16
(taken by Sheena Wellman-Miner)
For more information and to complete the forms needed to enter the contest, Click Here!
Orinda's New City Clerk
We are delighted to announce Sheri Spediacci will be joining us as Orinda's new City Clerk on Monday, September 26, 2016.
Sheri comes to us after having worked for the City of Brisbane for over 23 years, and as the Brisbane City Clerk for almost 20 years. Brisbane, like Orinda, is a small, close knit community, with core values of transparency and service to the public.
Sheri is a member of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) and a California Notary Public.
Sheri will be formally introduced at the October 4, 216 City Council meeting which begins at 7:00pm in the Orinda Library Auditorium.
Public Works and Engineering Services
16 Annual and Measure J & L Pavement Rehabilitation Project
The City's Measure L and J Program is funded each year through a combination of .5% Sales Tax (Measure L) and bond (Measure J) funds. The scope of work for this program consists of repairing/reconstructing the worst most used residential streets and the associated drainage pipes under the roadways. For information and a list of streets scheduled for repair in 2016.
Click Here
Last week Bay Cities Paving & Grading, Inc. placed asphalt concrete (AC) along Cedar Lane, Keith Drive, Alice Lane, Goodfellow Drive, Greenwood Court and Hall Drive (see all pictures below).
North Lane Storm Water Mitigation Project
This project consists of the installation of approximately 1,300 feet of 60-inch reinforced concrete storm drain pipe and creates an outfall structure at San Pablo Creek. The storm drain bypass project is comprised of approximately 900 linear feet of 60-inch reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) open trench installation under the length of North Lane; and from the foot of North Lane, approximately 320 linear feet of 60-inch RCP that will be jacked and bored under Camino Pablo. An additional 80 linear feet of 60-inch RCP jacking pipe will connect to a new outfall structure upstream from the existing outfall on San Pablo Creek. The newly constructed storm drain system will also include construction of debris racks, headwalls, and inlet structures at the upstream end, manholes, connection to existing lateral storm drain pipes, fence reinstallation, and pavement repair, among other elements.
Construction of this project began on June 27, 2016 and is expected to be completed by October 14, 2016.
Upon completion of the project, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) will replace a main sewer pipe along the upper portion of North Lane. This work will take two (2) to three (3) weeks. Once the sewer pipe replacement CCCSD project is finalized, the City of Orinda will pave North Lane as part of the 2016 Annual and Measures J & L Pavement Rehabilitation Project.
Last week Bay Cities Paving & Grading Inc. replaced concrete curb at the EBMUD's water treatment plant. At San Pablo Creek, the contractor continued curing the wingwalls of the outfall structure, installed the rip rap and backfilled the bank of the creek.
Trenching activities along North Lane continued with the installation of four of the five manholes. The contractor also diverted water and demolished the existing retaining wall located where the upstream structure will be built. On North Lane, the contractor has encountered differing site conditions that have impacted negatively the production of trenching activities. City engineering staff and the construction management team are monitoring this situation.
Next week, at the EBMUD's water treatment plant, the contractor will replace all electrical connections. At San Pablo Creek, the contractor will remove the creek diversion and will initiate planting and hydroseeding at the bank of the creek. The contractor will also complete the installation of the 60 inch RCP along North Lane and will initiate the construction of the headwall structure at the upstream area.
Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC)
At the recently held Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC) meeting, two traffic calming requests were discussed - Barbara Road and Loma Vista Drive. TSAC recommended that City staff hire a consultant to perform an Engineering & Traffic Survey on Barbara Road. The Engineering & Traffic Survey includes a study of the road geometrics and travel speeds with the final work product being a recommendation of whether or not to revise the speed limit along the road. This study will be complete and the results will be presented at the October TSAC meeting which will beheld on Monday, October 17, 2016 at 7:00pm. An ongoing traffic calming request for speed cushions along Loma Vista Drive was also presented with a revised location for one set of speed cushions. The new location has been marked with orange paint on the road. Property owners within 40 feet of the proposed speed cushion locations will vote indicating their approval or opposition to the speed cushions near their property. If all property owners within 40 feet of the proposed speed cushions approve, then all property owners along Loma Vista will have a chance to vote on the speed cushions.
Friends of Orinda Creeks
Kudos for Coastal Cleanup volunteers!
Orinda participated in National Coastal Cleanup Day with a huge, three-site success!!!
On Tuesday, September 13, Miramonte High School teacher, Barbara Denny plus 90 capable students cleaned up 36 pounds of trash and recycling from Moraga Creek.
On Thursday, September 15, Del Rey Elementary teacher, Marta Wallace, Friends of Orinda Creek's president, Jim Luini, and 18 energetic third grade students picked up 3 pounds of trash from inside the fence that borders upper Moraga Creek.
On Saturday, September 17, Friends of Orinda Creek board members Jim Luini, Adriane Bosworth, Toris Jaeger, and Bob Stoops, supervised 42 terrific volunteers in downtown Orinda, San Pablo Creek. These volunteers, including girl scouts, boy scouts, parents, citizens, and high school students, spread out all along the creek from the back of the Chevron Station to the culvert under the Safeway parking lot; they cleaned up 48 pounds of trash from San Pablo Creek. Donna Pickthall, owner of Genuine Goodness (near the UPS store), kept everyone fueled with her delicious, made-from-scratch goodies that she donated to the cause.
That is almost 90 pounds of trash that will NOT make its way to our coastal waters, thanks to these wonderful volunteers and their hard work. Thank you all for a successful multi-creek cleanup!!!
Finance Department
Good New$$$
The Finance Department is currently in the process of closing the books for Fiscal Year 2016 (the year ending June 30, 2016). The City is required to have a financial audit each year by an independent Public Accounting firm. The audit should be complete in December 2016 and final numbers will be presented to Council.
Preliminary numbers show General Fund revenue will be over budget projections by $346,000. This is mainly due to increased Building and Planning Fees from the Wilder project. Since Building and Planning fee revenues fluctuate from year to year based on the economy and real estate market conditions, the City considers the additional revenue "one-time" money and does not anticipate receiving this additional amount in future years.
Preliminary General Fund expense numbers are under budget by approximately $600,000. The majority of this savings is due to Public Safety costs which were below budget as a result of salary/benefit savings and temporarily vacant positions. The combination of excess revenues and expense savings results in an estimated $946,000 in excess revenues over expenses.
The excess revenues over expenses will be used to pay for drain and slide repair projects that must be completed this fiscal year. The projects include the Candlestick Storm Drain repair, the Santa Maria Park and Ride Slide repair, and the City Hall Parking Lot Slide repair. The cost to complete these projects will deplete the City's Slope Stabilization Reserve of $700,000, the City's Risk Management Fund of $380,000, and require the use of part of the City's General Fund reserve.
Upcoming Council and Committee Meeting Schedules
Planning Commission
Tuesday, September 27, 2016, 7:00pm
Library Auditorium, Orinda Library 26 Orinda Way, Orinda, CA 94563
Click Here for Materials
Finance Advisory Committee
Wednesday, September 28, 2016, 6:00pm
Sarge Littlehale Community Room, City Hall
22 Orinda Way, Orinda, CA 94563
Click Here for Materials
City Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday, October 4, 2016, 7:00pm
Library Auditorium, Orinda Library
26 Orinda Way, Orinda, CA 94563
Mayor's Community Liaison Meeting Wednesday, October 12, 2016, 8:30am Sarge Littlehale Community Room, City Hall 22 Orinda Way, Orinda, CA 94563
Citizens' Infrastructure Oversight Commission
Monday, October 3, 2016 6:30pm
Sarge Littlehale Community Room, City Hall
22 Orinda Way, Orinda, CA 94563
Parks and Recreation Commission
Wednesday, October 12, 2016 7:00pm Orinda Community Center, Room 7 28 Orinda Way, Orinda, CA 94563
Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC) Monday, October 17, 2016, 7:00pm Sarge Littlehale Community Room, City Hall 22 Orinda Way, Orinda, CA 94563
Parking Study Results to be presented to the Orinda City Council
TJKM, the traffic engineering firm hired by the City to prepare a parking study
will present their findings and recommendations of the
Orinda Downtown and Affected Neighborhoods Parking Study to the
City Council on Tuesday, October 4, 2016. The meeting will begin at 7:00pm
The meeting materials will be available by Friday, September 30, 2016 at 5:00pm.
If you would like to be notified when the Council meeting materials are available,
Click Here and sign up for City Council meeting Email Alerts.
If you have questions, contact Tonya Gilmore at tgilmore@cityoforinda.org.
Petty Theft from Vehicle - September 20, 2016 - Tahos Road
Report concerns unknown suspect(s) taking items from victim's unlocked vehicle.
Auto Burglary - September 22, 2016 - Casa Orinda Parking Lot
Report concerns the burglary of victim's vehicle in the parking lot of the Casa Orinda Restaurant at 20 Bryant Way in Orinda. The take was a black briefcase with checkbooks and miscellaneous financial records.
Residential Burglary - September 24, 2016 - Loma Vista Drive
This report concerns an unknown suspect(s) gaining access into victim's house which is for sale and unoccupied. The only item taken was an eight place setting of antique china worth approximately $1500.00. The suspects gained access though the garage door by figuring out the code for the garage door. The main house front door was unlocked.
No incidents reported.
Crime Statistics September 18, 2016 - September 24, 2016
Calls for Service
1 |
1 |
1 |
18 |
28 |
9 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
6 |
19 |
1 |
9 |
8 |
1 |
5 |
1 |
38 |
1 |
5 |
2 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
8 |
4 |
2 |
5 |
Arrests |
2 |
3 |
For Information on Crime locations visit
www.crimereports.com and type in Orinda
Planning Department
29 Bates Boulevard: The Planning Commission will hold a continued public hearing to consider a Design Review application to construct a 1,302 square foot addition located at the rear of an existing 3,431 square foot residence. The residence is located within the Ridgeline Overlay District.
94 Tarry Lane: The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a Historic Landmark application for a cast-iron lamp post originally installed at the triangle at the corner of Orinda Way and Camino Sobrante, now located at a private residence. The lamp post is proposed for historic landmark dedication due to its part in Orinda's history and as an example of an art deco ornamental post.
96 Camino Encinas:The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider design review for Phase II of a home remodel which involves demolishing greater than 50% of walls, adding 445 square feet of living area, and rebuilding the pool deck and pool house. The resulting residence and accessory structures will be 4,685 square feet. Two exception permits are required: one permit for adding to the second story of the existing nonconforming house encroaching into the San Pablo Creek setback; and a second permit for rebuilding and changing the pool deck and pool house which also encroach into the creek setback.
18 Tarry Lane: Elevated deck permit to modify an existing 444 square foot elevated deck. The proposed deck is 420 square feet.
51 Camino del Diablo: At the
Tuesday, September 20, 2016 City Council meeting, Council held a public hearing regarding an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to approve a Design Review application for a proposed 1,999 adjusted square-foot, single-family residence on an 8,169 square-foot lot.
ACTION:The City Council voted unanimously to deny the appeal and approve the project.
Contra Costa County Libraries to host
life science themed community events
The interactive, science-based festival includes presenters, demonstrations, and hands-on activities. The events are free and open to library guests of all ages.
Guests include the Oakland Zoo with some animals to help library patrons learn about animal senses and body parts. The Aquarium of the Bay is bringing a touch tank where guests will be able to reach in and touch the invertebrates. And the Insect Lab will allow patrons to touch, hold and learn about some creepy, crawly friends.
Guests will enjoy hands-on activities like DNA extraction kits with Bio-Rad, leaf rubbing, dissecting owl pellets, building bird houses and making clay fossils.
"Libraries are places to read and to learn beyond the pages of a book," said Pittsburg Community Library Manager Ginny Golden. "Many of our library events are interactive and engage all five senses for a more complete learning experience."
This year the Contra Costa County Library is celebrating a Year of STEAM. Programming at all 26 library locations across the county is focused on engaging students and library visitors in new, fun activities designed to introduce them to science, technology, engineering, art and math.
As part of the celebration this fall, the Contra Costa County Library is hosting three Exploration Stations at library branches around the county. Each will have a different theme.
Exploration Station #2 Saturday, October 22 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Orinda Library 26 Orinda Way Theme: Rad tech Learn about flying drones, building robots and virtual reality.
Exploration Station #3
Saturday, November 19 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Hercules Library 109 Civic Drive Theme: Earth and space science
Look at the sun through a solar telescope, pan for gold and make your own space helmet.
For general questions about the event, please call the Pittsburg Library at (925) 427-8390.
Parks and Recreation
Futsal Program
The Fall Drop-In Futsal Program began last week. After a successful inaugural season last year, staff decided to separate the program into two groups; children 8 to 12 years of age who will play from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., and 12 to 16-year-olds, who will play from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This program is held Sunday afternoons at Wagner Ranch Elementary and will run through December 18. Fees are $75 for residents and $87 for non-residents. To register, call (925) 254-2445 or
click here
and search for barcodes 21675 to 21678. See futsal flyer
Click Here
Summer Adult Sports Wrap-up
This summer over 500 individuals participated in one of the Parks and Recreation Adult Sports Leagues. With a record number of teams, the Adult Basketball League played games on Tuesday and Thursday nights. The winners of the Summer Shootout Championship was
IPA Reality.
The historic Adult Softball League, now in its 28
year, consists of 3 divisions, including Senior's, Men's and Co-ed and was comprised of 34 teams in total. The
Old Scouts
were the winners of the Senior Division. The winners of the Men's Division were
The Mystery Men,
Down and Dirty captured the championship for the Co-ed Division.
Thank you and great job to everyone who participated in these leagues!
Adult Basketball league begins soon, and will be featured in the
Winter/Spring Activity Guide and registration will begin December 1.
Upcoming Lunch 'n Learn will Discuss Fall Prevention
Falls are an inevitable part of aging, so taking action can reduce your risk of having a life-changing fall. Join the Town of Moraga and City of Orinda during the next Lunch 'n Learn on October 11, 2016 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to learn about the three most important parts of fall prevention, and what to do should a fall occur.
Participants will receive a fall prevention checklist to help make your home safer and learn a few simple exercises to improve balance. Space is limited and pre-registration is required.
Register today by calling
(925) 254-2445 or
click here
and search for barcode 21730.
Downtown Planning Options and Community Engagement
At the September 6, 2016 meeting of the City Council, Planning Director Drummond Buckley presented a report outlining downtown planning options and community engagement strategies.
meeting was well attended, with a standing-room-only crowd and approximately 30 speakers. In addition, we received approximately 120 pieces of correspondence from members of the public.
After receiving the report, listening to public testimony and asking questions of staff, the City Council directed staff to return at a future City Council meeting with the following:
1. A more detailed strategy to engage downtown property owners.
2. Regarding a Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) option from the nonprofit ULI:
Present suggested questions or issues that ULI could address as part of the TAP process
b) Bring a representative from ULI to answer questions from the City Council
3. Provide additional information regarding the potential services of Main Street America as it pertains to downtown planning.
4. Identify potential grant sources for revitalization of San Pablo Creek.
For more information, the following items are available online:
We have not scheduled the next meeting date but will ensure that
the information is announced when the date has been confirmed.
Contra Costa Health Services
The misuse of prescription medication has become a serious public health issue in Contra Costa County and across the nation. We need your input to help identify the best methods of disposing unused, expired or unwanted, and left-over prescription medication.
If you are an adult resident of Contra Costa County,
please take a moment to complete our survey on prescription drug disposal options.
Please take the survey by clicking the link below....Your input is needed!!!
Orinda Farmers Market
Morning Market & Music - Saturdays 9:00am - 1:00pm