April 16, 2021
Dear Orinda USD Community,

I am excited that we are increasing the amount of in-person learning time for our TK-8th grade students beginning Tuesday, April 20, through the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Starting Monday, April 26, all in-person learners will be on campus Monday through Friday! The key changes are as follows:
  • TK students will remain in the current AM/PM schedule but will now learn on campus Monday through Friday starting Monday, April 26.
  • Students in Grades K-5 will begin a longer school day schedule on Tuesday, April 20, and they will begin attending school five days per week on Monday, April 26. The AM and PM cohorts will be combined for the majority of the school day. Approximately half of each class will arrive at 8:00 a.m. (early cohort) or at 8:45 a.m. (late cohort) to provide students the opportunity to receive targeted instruction by their teachers at the beginning or end of each school day.
  • Students at OIS will continue in the current Session Cycle schedule but will attend school five days per week, Monday-Friday. Students in Cohorts A and B will be combined into a single cohort, and students in Cohort C (distance learning) will continue to livestream into their classes. The combined A and B cohorts will begin on Tuesday, April 20, and students will attend school five days per week starting on Monday, April 26.

Expanded Schedules for In-Person Learning for 2020-2021
The expanded schedules for in-person learning for students in grades TK-8 can be accessed here. Please read the Principal's newsletters for more detailed site-specific information about drop-off and pick-up, snack or lunch, Frontline, childcare, etc. Thank you to our teachers, staff, students, the Orinda Education Association, the California School Employees Association Chapter 320, parents, Parents' Clubs, ONE Orinda, administrators, and the greater Orinda community for your support in transitioning to this final schedule change for the 2020-2021 school year.

Looking to Fall 2021
All Orinda USD schools will be open for full time, in-person instruction in our regular school schedules starting August 11, 2021, the first day of school. The Board proudly passed Resolution 21-12, Reopening Schools for Full In-Person Instruction During the 2021-22 School Year at the Special Board Meeting on March 23, 2021.

We understand that some students have medical conditions (or have family members with medical conditions) that may preclude them from participating in their educational program on campus until they, and/or their loved ones, are vaccinated. We are currently investigating options for continuing to provide these students with a distance learning program during the 2021-2022 school year. More information will be forthcoming as details are developed.

Q and A with Dr. Monica Gandhi
We are honored to have renowned infectious disease specialist Dr. Monica Gandhi with us for a brief presentation on COVID-19 followed by a Q and A on Monday, April 19, from 7-8 p.m. For more information, including links to the Zoom webinar and a form to submit your questions in advance, click here.

COVID-19 Testing on Monday, April 19
Our next testing opportunity will be on Monday, 4/19, from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. This is voluntary, but we very strongly encourage you to take advantage of this testing event. If you tested on previous test dates, you are welcome to test again. As essential workers, Orinda USD staff are covered for asymptomatic testing by their insurance. Parents/guardians should check with their insurance company to determine coverage for their children and themselves.

This testing opportunity is in partnership with Eurofins/Transplant Genomics Laboratory. Registration is online, and results are available within 24 hours. Here are the details for the 4/19 event:

Date: Monday, April 19, 2021
Time: 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Location: District Office, 8 Altarinda Rd.
Parking: District Office Lot or Masonic Lodge Lot (across the street)

To access more information including the online scheduling calendar, click here.  
As always, I welcome your comments, suggestions, and questions on any topic related to our Orinda USD schools.


Dr. Carolyn Seaton
Superintendent of Schools
District Calendar
  • April 19: COVID-19 Testing for Staff, Students, and Parents at the District Office, 7 a.m.-12 p.m.
  • April 19: Parcel Tax Independent Oversight Committee, 8:00-9:30 a.m.
  • April 19: Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee Meeting, 5:00-6:30 p.m.
  • April 19: Q & A with Dr. Monica Gandhi, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
  • April 20: Start of Expanded Schedules for Elementary and OIS In-Person Learning
  • April 21: WISSE Committee Meeting, 3:30 p.m.
  • April 27: Coordinating Council, 9:30-11:00 a.m.
  • April 28: Special Board Meeting - Budget Workshop, 3:30 p.m.
  • April 28: LCAP Parent Stakeholder Meeting, 6 p.m. Zoom Link
  • May 5: Facilities Safety Committee Meeting, 9:00 a.m.
  • May 10: Regular School Board Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
  • May 13: Board Coffee, District Wide, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
  • May 19: OTAC Meeting, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
  • May 25: Coordinating Council, 9:30-11:00 a.m.
  • May 27: OIS 8th Grade Promotion (details TBD)
  • May 28: Last Day of School
  • June 7: Regular School Board Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
  • June 14: Regular School Board Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
Board Shorts
2020-21 Orinda USD Board School Assignments:
OIS: Liz Daoust
Del Rey: Cara Hoxie
Glorietta: Hillary Weiner
Sleepy Hollow: Jason Kaune
Wagner Ranch: Carol Brown
The Board of Trustees took the following actions at their April 12, 2021, regularly scheduled meeting:

  • The Board recognized the 2020-2021 Teachers of the Year: Scott Adams (Del Rey), Betsy Howe (Teacher at More than One Site), Kathrynn Kang (Glorietta), Marshall Sachs (OIS), Jennifer Kelly (Sleepy Hollow), and Shauna Yeager (Wagner Ranch). Shauna Yeager was named the District Teacher of the Year. 
  • The Board approved Resolution 21-13 California Day of the Teacher, May 12, 2021.
  • The Board approved the amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Orinda for Scheduling and Maintenance of Sports Fields.
  • The Board approved the change order for Cal Engineering and Geology for additional contractual work on the Sleepy Hollow MPR.

If you would like information regarding future Board meetings, email Debbie Jamieson at [email protected].

Upcoming Events
  • May 10: Regular Board Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
  • May 13: Board Coffee, District Wide, 8:30 a.m.
End of Year Assessments for Students
As a part of federal requirements, all California public schools typically assess students in English Language Arts, Math, and Science annually. This year due to the pandemic, school districts have been granted more flexibility with standardized testing options, as a large number of schools and districts across the state continue with some form of distance learning. This flexibility allows us to identify local assessments which meet a specific set of criteria to implement in lieu of the CAASPP. These local assessments must be:
  • Aligned to California Common Core State Standards for ELA and mathematics;
  • Used to assess students in grades 3-8 (and 11 in high school);
  • Administered uniformly across a grade span, school, or district; and
  • Able to provide results to parents and educators about individual students, and to the public by school and by district, disaggregated by student group.

Orinda Union School District has identified effective assessments that meet these criteria and will utilize them this year for students in grades 3-8 in lieu of the CAASPP English Language Arts and mathematics assessments. These assessments:
  • Mirror the CAASPP assessment and will provide immediate, actionable data on all students which will inform our planning and programs for Summer and Fall 2021.
  • Will be considerably less time intensive, allowing for more instruction and time for teaching and learning in the final weeks of school.
  • Will provide similar data that can be shared with parents and the community about student progress far earlier than CAASPP scores would be available.

Additionally, we are waiting to hear if the same waiver has been applied to the required California Science Test (CAST) for grades 5 and 8. The CAA (California Alternative Assessment) given to eligible special education students will continue to be utilized this spring.

The Orinda USD standards-aligned assessments for English Language Arts and Math for 3rd-8th grade students are slated to be administered during the week of April 26th - May 7th. More details including specific times will be shared by individual school sites in the coming days. For more information about the State waiver, click here.

Read more to learn about Orinda USD's plans for Summer School, an opportunity for students turning 5 from December 3-31, 2021, to attend Transitional Kindergarten next school year, a parent education event about bilingualism, an LCAP parent feedback opportunity, and more!
2021 Teachers of the Year
Orinda Union School District is proud to recognize the 2021 Teachers of the Year:
  • Del Rey: Scott Adams
  • Glorietta: Kathrynn Kang
  • Sleepy Hollow: Jennifer Kelly
  • Wagner Ranch: Shauna Yeager
  • OIS: Marshall Sachs
  • Teacher at More than One Site: Betsy Howe

It was an incredibly difficult task to select one of these outstanding teachers as the Orinda Union School District Teacher of the Year. This year, that honor went to Shauna Yeager who teaches first grade at Wagner Ranch. Congratulations, Shauna, and to all of our Teachers of the Year. You make Orinda USD better!

The Board of Trustees was proud to recognize the California Day of the Teacher which will occur on May 12, 2021. This year's theme is "Cultivating Minds and Healing Hearts." To read the Board's resolution which honors all of our outstanding Orinda USD teachers, click here.
ONE Orinda is proud to support the educational enrichment efforts with over $4.2M raised of a $4.6M goal. This April, ONE has launched a Double Your Impact campaign thanks to an anonymous community donor who has pledged a $25K match. Community members, business owners, and school families who have already made their ONE Ask who wish to contribute to this campaign supporting all Orinda schools can donate this month at www.oneorinda.org/double-your-impact.

As ONE rounds up the fundraising year, it also prepares to give Orinda Union School District a check for $48K for its specific Back to Campus effort for air filtration systems and necessary items for a safe return to in-person education. We remain grateful for our parents and community supporters and would like to encourage more volunteers to join us by contacting: [email protected]

We are ONE Community, and we remain Stronger Together for a Brighter Tomorrow in 2021.
As anticipated, 7th and 8th grade students who have recently joined the 6th graders on campus in the OIS hybrid model have been thriving, and the energy on site has been exhilarating after so many months without students. OIS will welcome full cohorts back to campus five days per week starting Tuesday, April 20th. OIS students who have selected to remain remote will continue to utilize Zoom to livestream with their classes.

Last month, OIS families donated $7,750 to the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano through a virtual food drive sponsored by the OIS Leadership class. A friendly competition with Stanley Middle School made this endeavor fun, and together the two schools raised over $14,000. 

The OIS math department will continue its training with a renowned consultant from Solution Tree on April 23th. With guidance from the consultant throughout this school year, the teachers have worked hard, despite the challenges of a continually changing learning landscape, to identify essential standards and evaluate student achievement.

Upcoming Events:
  • April 22: Special Education Transition Night (Incoming 6th Grade)
Spring is in the air! The Del Rey community (both distanced and in-person) is having fun bringing back “Spirit Wear” Fridays and enjoying an occasional surprise appearance of the beloved Del Rey Dolphin. Our garden is being cared for by family volunteers as well as our children in the after school childcare program. 

This week, local restaurant Nation’s (owned by a Del Rey family) treated our teachers and staff to a delicious lunch including slices of their famous pie! Thank you Nation’s!

We are looking forward to some fun school-wide activities, including a fit-a-thon and virtual bingo night.

Upcoming Events:
  • April 15: School Site Council meeting
  • April 19-26: Virtual Fit-A-Thon
  • April 26-30: Gently used book drive
  • April 30: Virtual Bingo
  • May 10-14: Staff Appreciation Week
  • May 12: DRPC Board Meeting, 4:00 p.m.
Glorietta kicked off the month of March with Spirit Week with a special emphasis on all things reading! In-person learners have been discovering nice outdoor locations to read in the shady nooks on campus. With the warm days of spring ahead, we’ll appreciate those spots even more.

Congratulations to Kathrynn Kang for being chosen as Glorietta’s Teacher of the Year. This is Ms. Kang’s 22nd year at Glorietta, and she has taught grades 2-5. This year in particular, she has stepped up to be a leader in so many ways, especially helping to support our new teachers at 3rd grade and modeling how classroom teachers plan and teach to meet the needs of all students in a rigorous and caring environment. Kathrynn is a 'warm demander' who brings out the best in students. She is committed to her own continuous growth and professional development, and she always goes above and beyond for staff, students, and families. Please join the Glorietta community in congratulating Kathrynn for this much deserved recognition!

Upcoming Events:
  • April 21: GPC All Members Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
  • April 22: GCC Meeting, 3:20 p.m.
  • April 22: Community Forum on Diversity, 7:00 p.m.
  • April 23: Virtual Assembly AsiaFantasia, 9:00 a.m.
  • April 28: Superintendent Visit. 8:30 a.m.
Sleepy Hollow is gearing up for another exciting change on our campus. Students saw more desks in their classrooms this week and are very eager to join cohorts and see all of their classmates in person for the first time this year. 

Sleepy Hollow Student Council Members planned and executed a marvelous Study Buddy session on Monday afternoon. They invite younger students to hop on a Zoom call and find out how they can help them. From solving math problems together to reading stories, it is a real treat to see students helping one another. 

Sleepy Hollow recently had the opportunity to recognize Jennifer Kelly, 2nd grade teacher, as Sleepy Hollow's Teacher of the Year. Jennifer is often described as calm and confident. She certainly has the magic touch when it comes to creating an inviting and invigorating learning environment for her students. Jennifer has been teaching at Sleepy Hollow for 18 years and has made wonderful contributions to our school. A dedicated teacher who enjoys the collaborative team approach, we are very lucky to have Jennifer on our campus!
Upcoming Events:
  • Book Drive Coming in May!
At the School Board meeting on April 12, Wagner Ranch was very proud to honor Shauna Yeager as the Wagner Ranch Teacher of the Year and then ecstatic when she was selected as the Orinda USD Teacher of the Year. Ms. Yeager is a masterful teacher who melds extraordinary teaching skills into a magnificent learning environment that supports, nurtures, challenges, and enthralls her students. 

This month, all of Wagner Ranch’s kindergarten classrooms became home to 50 redworms and 20 nightcrawlers! They kicked off their animal science unit by becoming worm experts and learning about the parts of worms, where they live, and what they eat. Students created their very own worm jars with soil, leaves, apple cores, newspaper, and water - all the things worms need to live! Kudos to Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Natal, and Ms. Nielsen for bringing science to life and for changing students’ perception of creepy-crawlies from “ick!” to “interesting!”

Upcoming Events:
  • April 21 and 23: Vision and Hearing Screening for Grades K, 2, and 5
  • April 29 and 30: Kindergarten Interviews
  • April 29: New Families Welcome
  • May 3: Flag Salute Virtual Assembly
  • May 3 - 7: Maker Faire - COVID Style
  • May 13: Diverse-abilities Day
  • May 10: School Site Council, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.