Christmas Parties Pointed To Jesus

The parties for hundreds of kids in multiple places ALL pointed to Jesus' coming to earth being the reason we celebrate Christmas! There were songs, puppet shows, winter boots, toys, games, food, and even a birthday cake for "Isus." THANK YOU to all who have prayed and supported the ministry to make this happen. We are blessed, the kids are blessed, and we pray that you and your family and friends are blessed in return this Christmas.

Please enjoy the photos from some of the events of the past few days. If you have not already seen our Year End Report please click on it to read more. If you are in a place to give at year end, please consider supporting Livada Orphan Care again or for the first time this year. We need your help this Christmas as we celebrate 20 years of Livada!

Merry Christmas (Craciun Ferecit from Romania),
Bruce and the Livada/LOC Staff

Livada Orphan Care | 972-941-4416 | [email protected] |
2001 W. Plano Parkway Suite 3430 Plano, TX 75075