Orphans of the Storm
 Special Edition

Orphans of the Storm
PO Box 838
Kittanning, PA 16201
(724) 548-4520
Join Our Mailing List
Happy Tails 
66 Adoptions
53 dogs, 13 cats
80 Adoptions
16 cats, 64 dogs
Volunteer Hours 
1678.5 Total 
186.5 dog walking
47 cat socializing
1,344 foster
101 other
1,532.25 Total 
178.5 dog walking
56.5 cat socializing
1,213 foster
84.25 other

I am writing to you during interesting times.
The coronavirus has affected everyone at some level, and our shelter is no exception.
Earlier this week we closed to the public (but allowed adoptions.) 
Now, for the safety of our volunteers and staff, I ask that volunteers refrain from visiting the shelter at this time.
What you can do now for our orphans 
If you have extra sheets or towels, cut them into washcloth-sized squares. 
How to get your papers ready for us! 
How to get your papers ready!
We always needs prepared newspapers. Click the video to the right to learn how to prepare them for us to use. 
I hate to ask for items you may need, but if you have wipes, bleach, dish liquid or paper towels, we are running very low. Click here to see our wish list for other needed items. 
If you can drop off any of the above, please stop during our regular hours.  
Spring is here! Volunteers are welcome to visit and do spring cleaning outside at anytime!
What better time to adopt? 
With everyone staying home, there may never be a better time to adopt your new family member.
Perhaps there is a special orphan you have in mind.  
Or, it is just the right time for you and your family.  
We have lots of pets waiting for forever homes: from long-term residents to bouncy puppies and playful kittens. 
  Rufus long term dog
Here's how to get started: 
1. Visit our adoptable animals by clicking here.
2. Complete the adoption contract by clicking here.
3. Call the shelter at 724-548-4520 to schedule a time to meet the pet.  
Stay safe
I hope you and your family will stay safe during this time.  
We look forward to seeing everyone once this national emergency has passed.
Bethann Galbraith
Shelter Manager