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What's your acceptable failure rate?
For million-dollar water plant filters, why do people accept the documented and repeated failure of plastic block and triangular sheet metal lateral underdrains? And why keep specifying and purchasing the same failure-prone brands?
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Orthos Liquid Systems, Inc. 

Providing filtration solutions since 1978, Orthos Liquid Systems, Inc., is the leading manufacturer of nozzle-based filter systems and nozzle products in water/wastewater treatment. With thousands of North American installations in the municipal and industrial markets and millions of nozzles sold, Orthos delivers unparalleled quality and system longevity. Orthos is also the North American master licensee for Schlick® atomizing nozzles for pharmaceutical and other precision application industries. 
Poseidon Filtration Systems® deliver to municipal clientele comprehensive process technology that includes Ortho-WashTM PLC-based controls, nozzle-based underdrains, backwash troughs, air header piping, filtration media, blowers, pumps, valves, and instrumentation.

Poseidon is used for conventional water treatment, wastewater tertiary filtration, biologically active filtration, GAC adsorption and ion exchange, as well as denitrification.
Orthos Liquid Systems, Inc.
596 Browns Cove Road
Ridgeland, SC 29936
© 2022 Orthos Liquid Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.