January 2025

In This Issue: Message From the Director | Reminder: Yanke Building Closure | Spring Semester Preview | Osher Programs in the Spotlight | Volunteering Information Sessions | SIGs in the News | Casual Coffee Social on January 28 | NEW! Constitutional Conversations Book Club | Campus Food Pantry Donations Resume | Upcoming Partnership and Community Events

Message From the Director

Thank you for taking an educational journey with the Osher Institute this past year and for continuing your adventures into 2025. The Osher community is a place where we find friends, make connections, and expand our horizons while learning from one another and some of the best and brightest speakers and facilitators. All are welcome and encouraged to be a part of our special program.

This year, we will feature special events with visits from speakers from various locations, including Dr. Asya Pereltsvaig from California; author Debbie Miller from Alaska; Dr. En-Hsun Lai, visiting professor from Providence University; and Dr. Sophia Mavroudas from Texas State University accompanied by her PhD candidates. Hosting Boise State University's excellent faculty members is a source of pride, as the university was named “one of the most innovative universities in the country” by U.S. News & World Report. Check out “Adventures of an American Scientist in Pandemic China” with Dr. Matt Kohn and “The American Citizen Soldier and the Atomic Soldier” with Dr. David Walker. Medical topics include GLP-1RAs, neurointerventional surgery, and the story behind the drug Thalidomide. Be sure to watch our Semester Sneak Preview for special insights on some of our speakers and key updates for members.

Finally, we are introducing new book club options this spring! Osher member Carolyn Russ will facilitate the Osher Book Lovers SIG with two sections: "Amazing Women" and "Stories of the West and Northwest." Dr. David Adler, President of the Alturas Institute, will host a Constitutional Conversations Book Club featuring classics and new releases on political topics. Both book clubs are featured at Rediscovered Books, providing a discount to the books selected for reading and discussion.

On behalf of the Osher Staff and Advisory Council, we wish you a joyful 2025 with more experiences at the Osher Institute that leads to continued health and happiness.


Dana Thorp-Patterson, Director

Reminder: Yanke Building Closure

The Yanke Family Research Park is getting a new HVAC system this winter! All offices in the building will be closed through January 20.

The Osher staff will be working remotely from January 2-17, and can be reached at 208-426-6554 or osher@boisestate.edu. If you need assistance with your spring registration, please call Customer Services at 208-426-1709.

Several Osher committee meetings are scheduled in January during the closure dates. If you are on a committee, you'll receive reminders with directions to the meeting sites, along with parking instructions.

We'll see everyone back in the building for our first classes that begin on January 22.

Spring Semester Preview

Join us for the Osher Spring Semester Preview, an online welcome and orientation for the spring 2025 semester! Director Dana Thorp-Patterson and Osher Staff will provide information about new programs available to Osher members and a sneak preview from new and returning presenters. To view this recording, click on the Spring Semester Preview link. It is also posted on the Osher website's homepage under "Spring 2025 Semester Updates."

Osher Programs in the Spotlight

A Layperson's Guide to Electricity and Electronics (Hybrid)

Presenter: Paul Nelson, retired Senior Engineer, DRAM Research and Development, Micron Technology

Dates and times: Thur., Jan. 23, 30, and Feb. 6, 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Cost: $35

History of the Battle of Little

Big Horn (Livestream/

Recorded Only)

Presenter: Donovin Sprague, author, lecturer, and direct descendant of Chief Crazy Horse

Date and time: Fri., Jan. 24,

10:00 a.m.-noon

Cost: Included with membership

Why It Matters Who is on Your School Board (In Person Only)

Presenter: Dr. Phil Gore, speaker, researcher, author, and Chief Learning Officer, Idaho School Board Association

Date and time: Mon., Jan. 27,

1:30-3:30 p.m.

Cost: Included with membership

Medieval Science: Exploring Insights and Discoveries (Livestream/Recorded Only)

Presenter: Dr. Ilya Dines, Codicology Specialist, Library of Congress and Chief Paleographer, The Lazarus Project

Dates and times: Tues., Jan. 28, Feb. 4 and 11, 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Cost: $35

Building Community Through Creativity (In Person Only)

Presenter: Terra Feast, K-12 Professional Development Manager and Adjunct Art Professor, Boise State University

Dates and times: Wed., Jan. 29 and Feb. 5, 10:00 a.m.-noon

Cost: $45

Capacity: 40

The Television Canon of Norman Lear (Livestream/Recorded Only)

Presenter: Jim McKairnes, former CBS Television executive, writer, and college instructor

Dates and times: Wed., Jan. 29, Feb. 5 and 12, 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Cost: $35

Dance for Parkinson's Idaho

(In Person Only)

Presenter: Elizabeth Keller, ballet dancer

Date and time: Fri., Jan. 31,

10:00 a.m.-noon

Cost: Included with membership

For more information and to register for these programs, visit the Log In/Register Online page, or call Customer Services at (208) 426-1709.

Volunteering Information Sessions

Are you interested in learning about ways that Osher members can volunteer and support the Osher Institute? Join us for a casual meeting to discuss the upcoming semester and see where your talents can be utilized.

Dates and times: Thu., Jan. 9, 10:30 a.m.-noon and Mon., Jan. 13, 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Location: Boise State Alumni and Friends Center

(1173 W. University Dr.), Room 317

To register for one of these sessions, visit the Log In/Register Online page, or call Customer Services at (208) 426-1709.

If you would like to become a volunteer, please fill out the Volunteer Interest Form.

SIGs in the News

The Personal Writing SIG welcomes the opportunity to share selected works of its members. This month's featured writing is from Lindy Freeman.

After 30+ years as an educator, Lindy has divided her retirement between the joys of being a student of life via Osher classes and donning her traveling shoes to places hither and yon.  

You can read Lindy's piece, Bathing Rituals, in Osher on Demand.

A reminder to those members enrolled in the new Osher Book Lovers SIG: You may pick up copies of the books for the first meetings at Rediscovered Books. There is a separate section in the store for this SIG, and members receive a 10% discount when purchasing the SIG titles at the store.

The first book for the "Amazing Women" section is Good Night, Irene by Luis Urrea, and the first book for the "Stories of the West and Northwest" section is Last Bus to Wisdom by Ivan Doig. The SIG facilitator for both sections is Carolyn Russ.

Casual Coffee Social on January 28

Join us for the first Casual Coffee Social of the spring semester on Tuesday, January 28, at the Yanke building, Room 510! Doors will open at 11:30 a.m. for members to mingle and get acquainted, followed by a brief program at noon. Afterwards, members are welcome to enjoy refreshments provided by the Osher Baker's Dozen and continue their social visits until

1:30 p.m. We hope to see you there!

NEW! Constitutional Conversations Book Club

We're excited to announce a new monthly book club with Dr. David Adler, President of the Alturas Institute, starting this spring! The first meeting of the Constitutional Conversations Book Club will be held on Wednesday, January 29, at 4:00 p.m. at the Yanke building, Room 207 to discuss On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons From the 20th Century by Timothy Snyder. The book club is partnering with Rediscovered Books and will have a section for it in their store. Admission of $10 at the door is welcome.

PLEASE NOTE: This book club is open to the public; it is NOT an Osher Institute program, and no registration is necessary.

Campus Food Pantry Donations Resume

We appreciate your generosity in helping Boise State students by donating to the Campus Food Pantry last semester! Donations are now being accepted to kick off the spring semester.

Here are some of the most requested items:

Snack foods | Peanut butter | Cereal | White rice | Ketchup | Macaroni and cheese | Canned chili |

Coffee, tea, and cocoa

For more information, visit the Campus Food Pantry website.

Upcoming Partnership and Community Events

First Friday Astronomy Lecture

"Burning Bright: Exploring Be Stars and Their Mysteries From Our Campus Observatory"

Dr. James Dull, Professor of Physics, College of Idaho

Friday, January 3, 7:30 p.m.

Boise State Education Building, Room 112 and via livestream

To view the livestream, visit Astronomy at Boise State Physics.

City Club of Boise 30th Annual Pundits Forum

Moderator: Kevin Richert, Idaho Education News

Thursday, January 16, 11:30 a.m.

Boise Centre East, 850 W. Front St., Boise

For more information and to register, visit City Club of Boise.

Golden Eagle Audubon

Hope is the Thing With Feathers

Christopher Cokinos, author and educator

Tuesday, January 21, 6:30 p.m.

Livestream via Zoom

For more information and to register, visit Golden Eagle Audubon.

Our thanks for the continued support from our Community Sponsors and Partners:

The Osher Institute is a proud underwriter of
Boise State Public Radio.

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Boise State University

Phone: (208) 426-OLLI (6554)

Email: osher@boisestate.edu

Website: boisestate.edu/osher

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Boise State University operates within the Division of Extended Studies. It is a membership-based, lifelong learning program offering non-credit, college-level programs designed for intellectually curious adults age 50 and over.

Support the Osher Institute here.

Osher Institute Advisory Council

Chair: Bae Emilson | Tom Baerwald | Linda Butler

Bob Fontaine | Ron Kaz | Sharon Moses | Rick Ogle

Rainey Pieters | Diane Ronayne | Debra Silva | Steve Villachica

Osher Institute Staff

Director: Dana Thorp-Patterson | Assistant Director: Laura Mehlhaff

Senior Communications Specialist: Jill Chmelko

Administrative Assistant II: Cherie Ellingson

Administrative Assistant I: Jamie Frederick

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