In This Issue: Honoring Our Veterans | Lifelong Learning: The Gift That Keeps on Giving | Spring 2025 Catalog Preview | Casual Coffee Social on November 7 | Member Spotlight: Lois Lenzi | Osher Programs in the Spotlight | Osher Puzzle Corner | Save the Date: Holiday Open House | SIGs in the News | Osher Faculty Grant Recipient Presentation | Speaker Spotlight: Janice Stevenor Dale | Campus Food Pantry Donations | Travel With Osher! | Upcoming Partnership and Community Events | Daylight Savings Time and Thanksgiving Closure | |
On Veterans Day, November 11, the
Osher Institute appreciates our veterans, those men and women who have honorably served in the military in any capacity. We thank you for your service.
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Lifelong Learning: The Gift That Keeps on Giving | |
As you plan your year-end giving, consider all the ways you can donate to the Osher Institute:
- Your gift is tax deductible, and your support of our Institute sustains us now and into the future. Our goal is to have at least 50% member participation at the level of giving that is comfortable to each. If you are a household of two members, you can split your donations and give in both names; this will increase our percentage of giving!
- Would you like to sponsor an Osher speaker? For a gift of $250, you can select the speaker whom you'd like to support. We'll give you a shout out at the beginning of the speaker's program, let the speaker know you are personally supporting their engagement, and introduce you to the speaker. In April 2025, we'll be hosting Dr. Asya Pereltsvaig to present in Boise. A sponsorship of this speaker includes lunch with Dr. Pereltsvaig and Osher Advisory Council members.
- New giving opportunity: You can sponsor our new Tech Team Training program! The committee composed of Osher volunteers and staff provide training to members who need assistance utilizing their Osher account and accessing recorded links. Your support helps the office with the time dedicated to this new effort. This fall, we've trained or supported more than 40 members. A gift of $50 will list you as a sponsor of the training sessions, and you'll receive a mention in our monthly newsletter and in the classroom.
- Giving the gift of lifelong learning! A membership to Osher for spring 2025 is only $60 and makes a great holiday, birthday, anniversary, or "just because" gift. Friends and loved ones near and far can use the membership to experience great programs right along with you.
Thank you for your continued support of our Osher Institute!
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Spring 2025 Catalog Preview | |
The Osher Spring 2025 catalog is in production!
Here is a sneak peak of some of the
exciting programs coming your way.
Short courses include The Road to the American Revolution, The Ancient Art of Mesoamerica, Neurointerventional Surgery, Great Broadway Composers: Stephen Sondheim, and The Benefits of Rewilding Large Rivers.
Lectures include History of the Battle of Little Big Horn, Practical Idealism in the World of Recycling, The Roman Poets in Tuscany, Adventures of an American Scientist in Pandemic China, and The Art of Finnish Log Construction.
Special Events include Evolution of Human Decomposition Facilities and Their Impact on Forensic Science, Cookin' With the New American Slovak Kitchen Band, and the Osher Spring Event at Zoo Boise.
- Popular Osher presenter Dr. Asya Pereltsvaig will join us in person for a short course and a lecture in April!
Our thanks to the Osher Curriculum Committees for their work in identifying and recommending speakers for the next season of high-quality programming.
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Casual Coffee Social on November 7 | |
Join us for the last Casual Coffee Social of the fall semester on Thursday, November 7, at the Yanke building, Room 510!
Doors will open at 11:30 a.m. for members to mingle and get acquainted. At noon, Advisory Council Chair Bae Emilson will give Osher updates, followed by a brief presentation by artist Rachel Teannalach.
Members are welcome to enjoy refreshments provided by the Osher Baker's Dozen and continue their social visits until 1:30 p.m. We hope to see you there!
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Member Spotlight: Lois Lenzi | |
Our Osher Institute thrives because of its outstanding members! This month's Member Spotlight shines on Lois Lenzi.
Lois has been a long-time Osher member and donor. She loves learning more in depth about diverse topics in art, music, literature, and religion. She particularly enjoyed learning about owls in Boise, and she won't miss one of Dr. David Adler's presentations. She is also good friends with Ron and Linda Yanke's family, Osher's building's namesake!
When she's not busy at Osher, Lois is also an active member of many other organizations, including the Idaho Conservation League, the Boise Art Museum, the Idaho Botanical Garden, the Boise Garden Club, and the Idaho Women's Charitable Foundation. With the Assistance League of Boise, where she has been a member for over 43 years, Lois has served on the board, and every Thursday morning helps sort donated clothes for the thrift store. Once a month, she volunteers at St. Michael's Cathedral to arrange 21 vases of donated flowers for the "Come to the Banquet" free luncheon for food-insecure people in Boise.
Lois started the Boise Festival of Trees over 40 years ago and has created around 15 trees for the festival. She is also an avid gardener, and during the pandemic she organized a chair chat group in her cul-de-sac so her neighbors could connect with each other.
Osher Programs in the Spotlight | |
The Evolving Geography of American Cities (Hybrid)
Presenter: Tom Baerwald
Dates and times: Wed., Nov. 6 and 13, 10:00 a.m.-noon
Cost: $25
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The Surveillance State (In Person Only)
Presenter: Mike Miraglia
Date and time: Sat., Nov. 9, 10:00 a.m. to noon
Cost: $15
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Global Initiatives With Local Impact at Boise State University (In Person Only)
Presenters: Dr. Gonzalo Bruce and Ruth Prince
Date and time: Fri., Nov. 15, 10:00 a.m.-noon
Cost: Included with membership
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The next time you're at the Yanke building for an Osher class, stop by our Puzzle Corner near Room 214 and help us solve our latest puzzle! We've provided a variety of 500 and 1,000 piece puzzles for members to assemble. Themes have included road trips, amusement parks, and nature scenes. Puzzles are a great way to stretch your memory, fine tune your visual and spatial reasoning, and get a boost of stress relief!
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Save the Date: Holiday Open House | |
Come celebrate the holiday season and the end of the semester with us at our Osher Holiday Open House on Wednesday, December 11, between 3:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. at the Boise State University Stueckle Sky Center! Mingle with members and enjoy refreshments and a buffet while listening to live musicians.
This event is free, but registration is required. To register, visit the Log In/Register Online page, or call Customer Services at (208) 426-1709.
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The Personal Writing SIG welcomes the opportunity to share selected works of its members. This month's featured writing is from Merilee Marsh.
Veterans Day, a day to honor all veterans, takes place annually on November 11. Recently, Merilee has been remembering moments that reflect the experiences of veterans. Merilee is an Air Force brat and an Air Force veteran, who financed her Master’s degree through the GI bill. An active member of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, she discovered the Idaho Veterans Network in June 2024 and found a new purpose: serving veterans. Currently, Merilee is the Idaho Veterans Network (IVN) NEWS Associate Editor.
You can read Merilee's piece, Kaleidoscope, in Osher on Demand.
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Osher Faculty Grant Recipient Presentation | |
Join 2024 Osher Faculty Grant recipient Dr. Konrad Meister on Thursday, November 7, at 4:00 p.m. at the Boise State University Stein Luminary for "Air," an experience showcasing the impact of smoke on the lungs, a paper plane/origami activity station, a smell and color experiment, and more. This event is part of the Boise Art and Science Hub (BASH).
Learn how a collaboration of artists and chemists used innovative media approaches, leveraging state-of-the-art equipment, to make STEM research accessible to the general public using the Luminary's one-of-a-kind interactive screens. Snacks and beverages will be provided.
For more information, visit the Boise State ArtSci Community site.
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Speaker Spotlight: Janice Stevenor Dale | |
The Osher Institute is fortunate to have a wealth of talented presenters from all across the country. This month, we spotlight Janice Stevenor Dale.
Janice graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design and a minor in Architecture History from Northern Illinois University. She relocated to Los Angeles after graduation and taught at UCLA and California State Long Beach. While at UCLA, she took the Architectural Licensing Examination. Janice then moved to Boise and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Master's degree in Education focusing on Education Technology from Boise State University.
Janice comes from a family of teachers who always encouraged her to do something she loved. Her grandfather was an award-winning oil painter in folk art. Her father and uncles fought in World War II and came home awarded five stars among them. Her husband, Scott, is a Hollywood cinematographer, and her son, Dashiell, is graduating with honors from the University of Utah.
In addition to her academic achievements, Janice is the President of JSDA Inc., a nationally renowned design firm specializing in large-scale corporate interiors, high-end residential and preservation projects. Their work is in the permanent archive of the Smithsonian Museum through their nomination to the Cooper Hewitt Smith National Design Awards. She also is a 15-year member of IWCF and a philanthropist to many humanitarian organizations focusing on climate change and improving the life of people in concert with UN goals.
"I relish the opportunity to expose the intricacies of the past that have been lost or forgotten," Janice says. "As an expert in historic architecture, design, and preservation, I enjoy talking about the Arts and Crafts period, as its value system aligns perfectly with my own as an artist and maker." She also enjoys teaching professional practices in design and complex 3D/high-volume spaces in her university upper-level studio coursework. She is looking forward to her upcoming Osher lecture, The Idaho Pavilion and the Chicago World's Fair on Thurs., Nov. 14, at 1:30 p.m. "The beauty of the Osher Institute is the people [who come] from many diverse experiences and adventures, knowledge bases, and with a particular acumen for continued learning," says Janice. "I am truly excited to tell the remarkable story of the Idaho Pavilion and to learn more about Osher!"
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Campus Food Pantry Donations | |
Thanks to our members for your generous donations to the Boise State Campus Food Pantry last month! You may drop off your nonperishable items in the Yanke building lobby anytime during office hours.
The theme for November is Thanksgiving Foods. Here are some donation ideas from the Pantry:
Stuffing | Gravy | Crispy onions | Rolls | Seasonings Whipped Cream | Cranberry sauce | Pie (shelf stable) Holiday meat | Butter or cooking oil
Perishable donations are welcome for the Thanksgiving holiday. Many grocery stores offer "Free Turkeys" with certain dollar amount purchases; you are welcome to donate these. However, you will need to drop off perishable donations directly at the Pantry, since there is not enough refrigeration available at the Osher office. The Campus Food Pantry is located at 2100 University Drive; the entrance is on the east side of the building that faces the big silver "B" statue.
The 2025 Dogs of Boise State calendar is available now and makes a great gift! If you order your calendar by December 3, it will arrive before the holidays. All proceeds go to the Campus Food Pantry.
For more information, visit the Campus Food Pantry website.
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Upcoming Partnership and Community Events | |
First Friday Astronomy Lecture
"Opening the Infrared Treasure Chest With JWST"
Dr. John Mather, Recipient of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics, Senior Astrophysicist, NASA GSFC, and former JWST Senior Project Scientist
Friday, November 1, 7:30 p.m.
Boise State Student Union, Jordan Ballroom and via livestream
To view the livestream, visit Astronomy at Boise State Physics.
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Brandt Foundation Lecture
"Presidents and Economics: Two Who Got It Right"
Lawrence W. Reed, President Emeritus, Humphreys Family Senior Fellow, and Ron Manners Global Ambassador for Liberty for the Foundation for Economic Education
Monday, November 4, 7:00 p.m.
Boise State Student Union, Jordan Ballroom
For more information, visit Boise State Brandt Foundation.
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Martin-Hindrichs Lit for Lunch
Sponsored by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Friday, November 8, 12:00 p.m.
Yanke Research Park, 220 E. Parkcenter Blvd., Room 510
Parking passes are available at the Osher office for $10, or you may
use the parking kiosk.
For more information, email Dr. Ann Campbell at
Center for Global Engagement International Food, Song & Dance Festival
Friday, November 8, 5:00 p.m.
Boise State Student Union, Simplot Ballroom
For more information and to register, visit International Food, Song & Dance Festival.
City Club of Boise 2024 Stimpson Award for Civic Engagement
Thursday, November 21, 4:30 p.m.
JUMP, 1000 W. Myrtle St., Boise
For more information and to register, visit City Club of Boise.
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Daylight Savings Time and Thanksgiving Closure | |
Daylight Savings Time is Sunday, November 3.
Remember to turn your clocks back one hour!
The Osher Institute will be closed for the Thanksgiving break on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday,
November 27, 28, and 29.
We wish everyone a warm, relaxing, and happy Thanksgiving full of good food, great company, and much happiness!
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Our thanks for the continued support from our Community Sponsors and Partners: | |
The Osher Institute is a proud underwriter of
Boise State Public Radio.
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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Boise State University
Phone: (208) 426-OLLI (6554)
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Boise State University operates within the Division of Extended Studies. It is a membership-based, lifelong learning program offering non-credit, college-level programs designed for intellectually curious adults age 50 and over.
Support the Osher Institute here.
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Osher Institute Advisory Council
Chair: Bae Emilson | Tom Baerwald | Linda Butler
Bob Fontaine | Ron Kaz | Sharon Moses | Rick Ogle
Rainey Pieters | Diane Ronayne | Debra Silva | Steve Villachica
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Osher Institute Staff
Director: Dana Thorp-Patterson | Assistant Director: Laura Mehlhaff
Senior Communications Specialist: Jill Chmelko
Administrative Assistant II: Cherie Ellingson
Administrative Assistant I: Jamie Frederick
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