Hi Kelly,

This month we wanted to show our amazing team of guards some love... in the form of coffee and donuts! We organized three coffee socials this past month for Brockville, Toronto, and Ottawa so that we could catch-up with our teams after the holidays over a sweet treat.

Everyday this season, our guards have braced the frigid winter weather to make sure that the kids in their communities could walk to school safely. This commitment has not gone unnoticed - we would like to say a heartfelt THANK YOU to each and every one of our guards, and we encourage you to do the same when you see them at their intersections.

Luckily, Spring is right around the corner! 👀🌷

Pedestrians can't control bad drivers. But there are some things they can control.

"The kindness and generosity of my community is amazing."

Being a Crossing Guard is more than just what you read on our website. The community impact our guards make every day can't always be measured or easily explained.

But we want to try: here is Joyce's story.

BLOG | What the job description doesn’t tell you – Joyce’s Story

Now is the perfect time to book your WalkSafe presentation for the spring!

Presentations are age-appropriate and equip children with the tools to keep themselves safe while walking, biking, skateboarding or scootering to school. They are available in both French and English and are interactive, use flash-cards, PowerPoint, props, games, songs and working models of traffic lights!


Icy roads, blizzards, hail, freezing rain and whiteouts... pedestrians face the same winter factors that drivers do, making them just as vulnerable to collisions or accidents. If you're out winter walking, it's important to keep these safety tips top of mind.

BLOG | Walking (Safely) in a Winter Wonderland

Our RoadSMARTS4Kids library of resources are free for teachers to use and align with the Ministry of Education curriculum. Each module covers various road safety topics for kids from JK to Grade 6.

Our fourth WalkSafe module teaches kids Grade 3 & 4 safe routes and sharing the road. At this age, kids are probably walking to their friends house, or walking to school. They need to learn how to interact with cars to get where they are going safely.

The lesson covers some of the following topics:

  • What "right of way" means
  • Sharing the road with cars and cyclists
  • Rules for "when it's your turn", such as traffic lights, stop signs, and pedestrian crossings
  • Planning a safe walking route

Learn more about RS4K

Every Tuesday morning for the next three months, the road in front of an elementary school in Vanier will be closed entirely to traffic while officials gauge the impact of the pedestrian-only pilot project.

School and community officials say speeding is a problem on the street, as is congestion during the busy morning drop-off period when some motorists make U-turns and sudden stops.

What are your thoughts: are there other neighbourhoods in the city you think should implement this?

According to the World Health Organization, as of 2019, road traffic injury remains the leading cause of death for children and young people aged 5–29 years and is the 12th leading cause of death when all ages are considered.

Our youth are disproportionately affected by road collisions, and it's our duty to change that - remain vigilant about road safety whether you are walking, rolling, riding or driving our streets.


Are you looking for a part-time job that makes a difference in your community? Whether you're a retiree, student, or anywhere in between, we want to hear from you!

Enjoy a work-life balance, meet new people, and be a part of a team of Crossing Guards who love their jobs - some have worked as OSC Crossing Guards for 20 years (and counting!)


This year is the 57th anniversary of our Motorcycle Training Program!

Course sign-up will be starting soon, so keep an eye on your Inbox and follow us on social media to find out when you can sign-up - spots fill up quickly!

More on MTP

It is with great pleasure and sincere appreciation that we extend our heartfelt congratulations to John Hollran for being recognized as the Brockville Employee of the Month.

In his role as a Crossing Guard, John consistently goes above and beyond, not only ensuring the safety of our community's children but also brightening their day with his warm greetings.

John's dedication to his duties is matched only by his infectious positivity. Rain or shine, he can be found at his post, greeting each child with a smile, a fist bump, or a friendly wave. His genuine interactions create a sense of trust and familiarity, making the journey to and from school a pleasant experience for all involved.

Please join us in congratulating John on this well-deserved recognition. His outstanding service and positive attitude make him a true asset to our team.

It is with great pleasure that we announce Sandra Peters as the Ottawa Employee of the Month.

Sandra's dedication and commitment as a Crossing Guard with the OSC for over 20 years have not gone unnoticed. Over the years, Sandra has formed a special bond with the children, knowing many of them by name, and they, in turn, eagerly greet her with smiles and enthusiasm. This personal touch not only demonstrates Sandra's dedication to her role but also underscores her role as a trusted and beloved figure in our community.

Please join us in congratulating Sandra on this well-deserved honor. Sandra, your dedication and connection with the children in our community are truly admirable, and we are incredibly grateful to have you as part of our team.

Congratulations to one of our two Toronto Employees of the Month, George Calberyl!

George is a valued Field Supervisor on our team in Toronto. George is always ready to lend a helping hand and is an active mentor to other guards. His positive attitude is infectious, and he consistently goes above and beyond in his role. He provides both perspective and solutions to whatever challenges he comes across. No hurdle is too big for George and his “never say no” attitude has made him a stand-out this month!

We greatly appreciate George’s dedication and service to his community and team.

Congratulations, George!

Congratulations to one of our two Toronto Employees of the Month, Assma Varacchia!

Assma is a relief guard in Toronto, and she has been a wonderful addition to our team. She is always ready and willing to take on shifts and is proactive in ensuring her schedule is filled. She is a caring and supportive team player who simply radiates positive energy.

We greatly appreciate Assma’s outstanding service and dedication to her important role within her community.

Congratulations, Assma!

We are excited to announce the OSC Staff Employee of the Month title to Dominique Rutherford, our Human Resources Manager.

Dominique is always willing to help out her colleagues and field staff with a positive, can-do attitude. Her team members had nothing but rave reviews:

“Dominique’s knowledge about employment standards and policies has been critical in leading us through a tremendous amount of growth this last year, as we doubled our field staff with our expansion into Toronto and Brockville. Her enthusiasm for the health and safety of our employees is infectious and shows how much she cares about the OSC being an amazing organization to work for. She is always there for the team to listen to issues, hash things out and provide advice and solutions!”

“Dominique consistently provides sound guidance and a steady hand during challenging times. She is the voice of reason within the OSC and with her unwavering commitment to our team, she genuinely cares for everyone. Her ability to wear her heart on her sleeve creates a warm and supportive environment where everyone feels valued and understood. Dominique, your guidance and empathy are truly appreciated, and we are fortunate to have you as a vital member of our team!”

"Dominique is an integral part of the OSC team, supporting every OSC program through her role as our HR Manager, but also by jumping in as backup for other roles when the need arises. Her willingness to learn and collaborate is inspiring and her sense of humour and care for others make working together fun and rewarding! Dominique is a gem!"

Thank you, Dominique, for all that you do!

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