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Protecting Land & Water | Advocacy | Balanced Growth
Your support made an impact in 2021
Despite the ongoing challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and the ever-transforming social climate, Upstate Forever had one of its most productive years yet. And our team could not have accomplished this indispensable work without your support.
We thank you not only for your generosity but for understanding the importance of proactively, thoughtfully, and equitably addressing the growth happening in our region. We hope you'll take a few moments to read some of the success stories you made possible last year in our 2021 Donor Impact Report.
Free advocacy workshop April 8
Have you wondered how to help advocate for smart growth in the City of Greenville? Join UF staff & advocacy experts from Pecan PR for a free workshop on Friday, April 8 from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm. Participants will learn how to identify key issues, determine your target audience, and effectively frame and deliver your message. Register here
New date for Lobby Day: April 26
Volunteers needed April 9
Join us Saturday, April 9 from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at the Long Branch Mitigation Site on Woodside Avenue in downtown Greenville. Participants will help remove invasive plant species and litter from this property protected by Naturaland Trust and Upstate Forever. Due to limited parking, the number of volunteers will be capped at 20. RSVP now
New Upstate Advocate coming soon
The upcoming issue of our twice-yearly print publication will celebrate the conservation, advocacy, and community contributions of several remarkable Upstate women, in addition to featuring the latest news about our work. If you're not on our mailing list & would like to be added to receive this and future issues, email [email protected].
Greenville land planning updates and engagement opportunities
Sustainable GVL: Review the plan and provide comments
The City of Greenville rolled out its draft Sustainable GVL plan earlier this month and is inviting public feedback by March 31 to finalize the plan. At 24 pages, the draft plan is succinctly laid out in just three sections with graphics and images that make for an easy read. Click here to download a copy of the draft plan and click here to submit comments by the end of the month. A final plan is expected to be advanced for adoption by city council later this spring.
Greenville County UDO
Greenville County is drafting a new Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to replace existing zoning and land development regulations. The UDO will determine how and where growth occurs to accommodate the 220,000+ new residents projected for the county by 2040. Recently, the county unveiled their draft new zoning ordinance, which will be a major component of the future UDO, as well as other drafts associated with the proposed new zoning ordinance. Click here to visit Greenville County's UDO website.
Cheers to our "Allies in Ales!"
We are honored that Fireforge Crafted Beer selected UF as the recipient of donations for each pour of "Allies In Ales," a Belgian-Style Quad Ale brewed in collaboration with several other Upstate breweries. For each purchased 10- or 16-ounce pour of this ale, Fireforge will donate $1 to support our work! Visit their taproom at 311 E. Washington Street, Greenville to purchase your pint.
Spring waterfall & wildflower hikes
It’s the perfect time of year to get outside and explore our region’s natural splendor. We've put together a list of 5 great, less-traveled trails where you can enjoy this season's sights. Read the list here
What's a watershed-based plan?
Watershed-based planning and implementation is a large part of what our Clean Water does to protect water resources across the Upstate. But, because this work often takes years to complete and can get rather technical in nature, it can go unnoticed. Visit our blog for a deep dive into watershed-based planning and implementation, and learn how you can get involved. Read it here
More news, information & upcoming events
UF staff news and notes
Save these dates!
- Join us for a virtual community cleanup in celebration of Earth Month all throughout April. Pick up litter in your community and share a photo with us on social media or via email for your chance to win prizes all month long. Stay tuned for more details!
- Swing by the UF tent at the Spartanburg Criterium on Friday, April 22! The "Crit" is a thrilling bike race that turns the heart of the city into a one-of-a-kind block party. Races start at 3:15 p.m. — we hope you'll stop by to chat with our team, enjoy some refreshments, and grab some "swag."
- On Friday, April 29 at 6:30 p.m. at Liability Brewing Co. (109 W. Stone Ave, Ste. D, Greenville), we'll be joining the folks at Liability and our host JDew for a game night! UF has also been selected as Liability's nonprofit partner for the month of April, with proceeds from their special Monsieur Le Maire Golden Ale benefitting our work.
Catch our Clean Water staff at Anderson Soil & Water Conservation District's Barrels & Beer event on Saturday, May 21 from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at Magnetic South Brewery. You'll have a chance to paint a rain barrel and learn how to install it, and can chat with our team about funding opportunities for agricultural projects and septic repairs for residents in the 3&20 watershed. Register here
- Our ForeverGreen Annual Awards Luncheon has been rescheduled for Monday, June 13! The postponed event will take place at the same venue and time as previously scheduled: From 11:30 am - 1:00 pm at Embassy Suites Verdae, Greenville. Purchase tickets here
Do you know about our other email lists?
Thanks for reading the Upstate Update, Upstate Forever's monthly email newsletter! We also offer email lists dedicated to the following topics:
- Greenville County Land Planning & Policy Issues
- Land Protection in the Upstate: News and Opportunities
- Planning & Growth Updates for Spartanburg County
- South Carolina Legislative Updates
- The Water Log: Clean Water Issues and Advocacy
To sign up for one or all of the lists above, please click here and select the list(s) you'd like to join.
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Your tax-deductible gift to Upstate Forever will go directly toward protecting critical lands and saving special places in the Upstate.
Click the icons below to learn more about our work
Upstate Forever is a nonprofit conservation organization that protects critical lands, waters, and the unique character of Upstate South Carolina. Over the past two decades, we have worked to protect the natural assets that make the Upstate so special — our farmlands, forests, natural areas, rivers, and clean air. We are committed to ensuring that our communities are vibrant and retain their green spaces, outdoor heritage, and unique identities in the face of rapid development and significant sprawl. Our vision is an environmentally healthy, economically prosperous Upstate that offers a high quality of life now and for future generations.