We give thanks for the wonderful and dedicated Vestry members who have given so much of their time and talent to shepherd St. Andrew’s through the last three years: Lisa Garrett, Co-Junior Warden Nick Klett, Betty Self, and Co-Junior Warden Dirk Siegmund. They have shared their many gifts with us, and we are grateful.
We are pleased to introduce the four new vestry candidates for 2025 who will be invited to help shape our vision and lead us into the next season of our life together: Tim Fleming, Spencer Musick, Janice Cox Pollard, and Celeste Williams. With each candidate's photo below is a short statement about why they wish to serve St. Andrew's as a vestry member.
Please be sure to click on the blue button to learn more about the candidates through the information they have provided about their background, experiences, and what they love about St. Andrew's.
Keep our Vestry in your prayers, and we look forward to seeing you at our All-Parish Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 2, 2025.