We are looking for candidates for various opportunities!
The Early Childhood Community Advocate positions are two part-time opportunities that will be working side-by-side with the ASQ Community Liaison and the Norwalk ACTS Early Childhood Community Engagement Specialist to develop supportive relations with parents of young children with a central focus on improving parent understanding of early childhood development, completion of the ASQ-3 and promotion of statewide mobile app for parents, Sparkler.
The SEH Community Engagement Coordinator is a part time position that will be integral in building bridges and cultivating partnerships with parents, families, and leaders in Norwalk communities.
Norwalk ACTS is a member of the StriveTogether Cradle to Career Network. StriveTogether partners with nearly 70 communities across the country to advance equity so local success stories can become the reality for every child, everywhere. Together, we transform failing systems with a collaborative improvement methodology and a proven, data-driven framework for change.
Communities like ours are changing, disrupting, and transforming systems to deliver equitable results for every young person and family. Learn about the impact of civic infrastructure StriveTogether’s new annual report.
Rebel Daughter Cookies is donating a portion of their annual sales to Norwalk ACTS! Rebel Daughter Cookies donates "a bite out of all profits to organizations championing and empowering women and children."
Their founder, Anne, says, "Our brand is centered around women empowerment and giving yourself permission to indulge and savor every bite. The only thing forbidden here is guilt. I want each cookie to be rich, memorable, and freakin' amazing, like life itself; otherwise--and I mean really--what's the point? Now, get out there and live it up!
Learn more about RDC's mission, and swing by to enjoy their delicious and empowering cookies! Visit them at 21 Isaacs Street, Norwalk, CT, Tuesday + Friday 11 am-4 pm, or order online!
"Across Connecticut, the Covid pandemic has left an indelible stamp on student learning and mental health...To address the catastrophic impact of Covid, Congress approved three waves of emergency funding for K-12 public schools, providing a total of $1.7 billion for Connecticut. With local and regional education agencies set to receive at least 90 percent of the federal windfall, it’s instructive to know how they plan to spend it." -Billon Dollar Question
As an extension to our internal Thursday equity conversations, the Norwalk ACTS Backbone team participated in Triangle Community Center’s LGBTQ+ 101 Training for parents, families, and caregivers! To practice truly effective allyship, we need first to be informed. This training engaged us all in a thorough overview of what it means to be LGBTQ+ - with special emphasis on the mental health concerns disproportionately experienced by LGBTQ+ youth. From terminology and definitions to rethinking traditional assumptions about gender and sexuality (and how they impact all of us), this training is a must for all those who wish to support and affirm. Are you or your group/organization interested in participating in future LGBTQ+ trainings? For more information, email Cadence at cadence@ctpridecenter.org.
Advocating for policy change can take many forms and looks different for everyone, such as petitioning policymakers, sharing data and informational briefs to impact change, or bringing together your neighbors to spread awareness of certain issues. All methods of advocacy can bring impactful change to our community!
Storytelling is one of the most effective methods of advocating for policy change. Using your voice and personal experiences, having lived with and through different systems can ground a conversation or debate around transforming systems and policies. While statistics and data are important in making a plea for change, a personal or community story brings empathetic impact and unique perspective, rooting it in everyday life.
We all have personal stories that shape who we are and what we have been through. Using your voice and story to impact change in our community is vital to transforming systems, and we want to hear your stories!
If you want to share your story with us or learn how you can use your voice to advocate for change, please reach out to our Policy Director, Brandon Hayden, at brandon.hayden@ctc2c.org.
Connecticut Primary Elections on Tuesday, August 9th
Next Tuesday, August 9th, the polls are open for the primary elections from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. If you are standing in line by 8:00 pm, you can cast a vote.
Voters can apply for an absentee ballot until the day before the election, and once you receive the ballot, it can be returned to the Town Clerk or deposited in the Ballot Drop Box.
To vote in the Connecticut Primary Elections, you must be registered and affiliated with the major party whose Primary you wish to vote in. If you are a newly registered voter or not registered with a party, the deadline to register with a party is on August 8th in person and on August 4th by Mail (must be postmarked for August 4th). Check your voter registration and voting location here!
For more information, check out these helpful links:
View the ballots:
We are convening the OST group on Tuesday, August 16, from 11:00 AM-12:30 PM at the Main Branch of the Norwalk Public Library. Please register here. We hope you will join us, share updates, and provide feedback!
New Grant Opportunity for After School Programs!
The Connecticut State Department of Education is pleased to announce the new competitive ARP ESSER After School Innovation Request for Proposals (RFP). The ARP ESSER After School Innovation Request for Proposals (SDE RFP # 834) will be posted on the Department’s website and electronic grants management system on August 2nd. A bidder’s conference is scheduled for August 8th (registration link below). All Local Education Agencies are eligible to apply. Nonprofits, smaller communities, and those without previous state or federal after-school funding are especially encouraged to apply. Applications will be due September 6th.
Purpose: To support innovative after-school programs for the next two school years (2023 and 2024). The grant application primarily focuses on creating new and innovative after-school programs to reach underserved target populations most impacted by COVID-19 while simultaneously building the grantees’ capacity through the assistance of local and community partnerships.
Contact: agnes.quinones@ct.gov and shelby.pons@ct.gov
Phone: (860) 807-2103
Bidder's Conference: August 8th, 2022, 10:00 am to 11:30 am. If you cannot attend, the webinar will be recorded and available afterward. Use the registration link below to ensure you are emailed a link to the recording as soon as it becomes available.
Norwalk ACTS supported E.J's Heart Inc. on July 16th for their 7th Annual Walk for Elijah at Norwalk High School. The walk is dedicated to raising funds for scholarships that support and covers students' financial needs for college. What a great cause and a fun way to bring the community together!
On behalf of the Youth Business Initiative (YBI) and Norwalk ACTS, we would like to extend our gratitude to the community members and providers who attended the Basketball Tournament Fundraiser and Community Day.
Apart from raising funds for YBI, the intention of this collaboration between the YBI basketball tournament and providers is the power of connection within the community. Over 200 families attended and watched the tournament, received back-to-school supplies and engaged with community providers to learn about their services! By uniting, we believe we can not only create more equitable and just systems but true connections and engagement with our neighbors, youth, and community members We look forward to continuing to grow this Community Day each year!
Save the Date!
Event: Let’s NorWALK with Spark!
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Calf Pasture Beach, 6-7 PM
Sparkler sparks healthy early development for children (0-5) and families in Connecticut. Check in on your child’s development and get a library of 1000+ play activities just right for your child’s age. Get regular coaching and advice. Sparkler is in English and Spanish.
Interested in Sparkler? Download Sparkler from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. Or scan the QR Code with your mobile device to go straight to the right place for downloading.
We are looking for candidates to assist with Norwalk ACTS’ community outreach and engagement plan specifically aligned with the SEH Initiative Plan Goals and Objectives. To apply for the position, please email a brief cover letter and your resume to mjchironna@norwalkacts.org.
We are looking for candidates to help support and build a workforce development infrastructure for Norwalk residents. To apply for the position, please email a brief cover letter and your resume to info@norwalkacts.org.
GIVE WHILE YOU SHOP: Are you an Amazon shopper? Set Norwalk ACTS as your selected charity on Amazon Smile, and a portion of every purchase will be donated to transform how a community works. Get started here.
Norwalk ACTS | [www.norwalkacts.org]