Hello Todd,
I'm excited to update you with some news, one really fun thing, and some great marriage enrichment resources and tools as usual. Please take just a few minutes to read through the entire newsletter so you don't miss anything.
One quick bit of news is that I've grown to 47 active clients with the mix being: 1/3 men, 1/3 married couples, and 1/3 premarital counseling. Friends and family ask me, "How many clients do you need to support you and Jodi?" That's a tough question to answer. Early on I was thinking 35 or so, but what I'm coming to realize is a growing segment of my client list is men and couples that are staying on with me in what I would call a "Maintenance" capacity (where we meet every 4-6 weeks).
These men and couples have come to like and appreciate the accountability and the care I provide. They've told me it helps keep them on track and doing what they need to do. I've heard more than once this statement when we meet. "Hey, don't forget we're meeting with Todd next week, so we better work this out now so we have a good report to give him." 💞🤣
Bottom line: I'm invested with the people I work with. They are more than just a transaction to me! They become like family. I'm in this with them 'til death do us part!!
By the way, I'm thinking 50-55 clients is where I need to be.
Look for Marriage Tips, 1, 2, and 3 below!
Thank you,