Leaders’ Digest from Our Better Angels

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Tuesday, April 11, 2023: Twice a week we bring you informational, educational, inspirational, and entertaining messages. This edition showcases the following topic:

  • Tuesday Information and Education Our Better Angels (OBA) was created in 2015 as a qualified subsidiary of the Wisconsin Leadership Institute (WLI). The WLI itself was created as an initiative of the Wisconsin Governor’s Commission on the Study of Administrative Value and Efficiency (the SAVE Commission), which conducted a wide-ranging study of strategies to enhance the performance of state, county, and municipal governments in Wisconsin in 1994. Find out more at:
  • https://www.ourbetterangels.org/about/our-sponsor-the-wli

  • Coming Up on Friday – Inspiration and Fun.

Our previous articles are available at the

Better Angels Leaders' Digest On-line Archive

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A Better Angels Quote to Live by: Journalism is

what we need to make democracy work.” – Walter Cronkite

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