Our Children Deserve Better.
Pre-pandemic California schools were already ranked among the worst in the nation. For a state that is an economic powerhouse with an economy larger than most countries this is something that was, and still is, completely unacceptable. We have the resources to provide a world class education for our children. Instead of investing in the future, our elected officials in California prefer to bow to special interest groups and divert the state's money and resources to their lobbyist friends. 

The pandemic has only exacerbated problems in our education system. The full and partial closures of our schools defies science and hurts our children. The teachers unions, one of the most powerful special interest groups in the state, are yielding these closures like a weapon. And while they use this weapon to make gains in power and influence it is coming at an extreme cost. 

That cost is our children's future.

Studies are already showing that the learning lost is most pronounced in low income and minority students. These are students whose families already can’t afford childcare but also cannot afford to miss work. Families where these children are struggling to keep up in a virtual learning environment that is absolutely no substitute for in person instruction. The science is clear. With proper safety precautions in place there is no reason our kids cannot be back in the classroom full time, yet the teachers unions refuse to return to class until the state bows to their demands. Some of their demands have nothing to do with education and include the advancement of radical healthcare and environmental reform. Meanwhile youth mental health, which was already in decline before the pandemic, has nose dived. Across the county reports are showing an increase in youth suicide or suicidal thoughts. We are failing our children. 

If the politicians in Sacramento won’t stand up to the teachers unions then we need to elect leaders that will. With the Newsom recall qualifying for the ballot by over 200,000 signatures there is no better place to start than electing a governor who cares about our children.

Join the LAGOP in this effort by donating today or signing up to volunteer. 


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