A message from our CEO, Tony Harrison

I'm excited to reiterate that works for the Administration Building Internal Refit will commence in the coming weeks. This pivotal phase encompasses vital upgrades to our kitchen, wellness room, Level 1 meeting room, and all toilets, beginning the transformation of our workspace into a modern, refreshed, and more efficient environment. 

Our Information Services team has smoothly transitioned downstairs, setting a positive precedent. The rest of the refit work is poised to begin in mid-August.

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City Development

with Tony Lines

Breaking news!! (well, from last week anyway 😊) the Admin Centre Internal Refit Stage 1 (kitchen and toilets) is commencing mid-August AND the Admin Centre Internal Refit Stages 2 to 6 (rest of the building) has been endorsed to be delivered over a two year period commencing the start of the 2024/25 financial year.

Wonderful news – well done Thuyen and Mark. City Property is now working through finalising the tender and onboarding of the contractor to site in the coming month - exciting project, if you like to know more reach out to the project team.

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Corporate Services

with Angela Allison

The City of Marion is undergoing a lot of change activities across the organisation, which the Executive Leadership Team has been discussing and reviewing. We appreciate there is a lot going on and we are striving to support our leadership team by being clear on the need and timing of change activities. The business is engaged and embracing new ways of working, moving towards a more strategic, planned and structured organisation. 

The Change@CoM Sharepoint page has some great resources to help support our business...

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City Services

with Ben Keen

And just like that it feels as though Spring has sprung!! Here’s to more sunny days!

My wife and I recently hosted our first Christmas in July, which was a surreal experience getting out the tree in the middle of the year! Due to some over-catering on our part, I have had 5 Christmas dinners this week!! Good use of leftovers. 😊

As always, lots happening across City Services…

Cultivate Series – Professional Development in Environmentally Sustainable Design...

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Glenthorne National Park Adventure Playground

officially open!

This past weekend saw the opening of the Glenthorne National Park-Ityamaiitpinna Yarta Adventure Playground with community, Council Members, and State and Federal Government representatives in attendance to celebrate.

Thank you to everyone who joined us at the opening last Sunday. We encourage you all to check out the nature play space which fea­tures new addi­tions, includ­ing: a fly­ing fox, rope tra­verse, step­ping logs and oth­er fun ele­ments for chil­dren of all ages to enjoy. The playground includes plenty of parking, shelters, barbecues and public toilets.

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Pump Track ready for riders

Sunday saw a DJ, food trucks and riders of all ages gather at the opening of the Majors Road Pump Track, as the track officially opened to the public. The pump track has been designed for all users to encourage skill progression, social interaction and fitness.

The pump track is an endless loop with rollers, berms, jumps and transfer options that are designed to be ridden without pedalling. Instead riders use a pumping motion, pulling up on the face of rollers and pushing down on the backside.

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We're excited to host you at our General Staff Meeting at the end of this month. Come along to hear about what has been happening in the City of Marion and what is coming up next.

There will be a CEO overview, along with updates from the People and Culture, Risk and Strategy and Open Space Operations teams.

There is also the opportunity to engage in an interactive Q&A session with our leadership team, and enjoy the refreshments and networking with colleagues. We encourage you to submit your questions to SLT prior to the event through the link below.

Ask here

Your recycling supporting good

Recently, we asked you to vote for the local charity that we should donate our 10c recycling proceeds to. And Administration staff selected… Treasure Boxes!

While over at City Services, proceeds from 10c containers will continue to support connections happening in your Social Club.

You can contribute to these amazing causes, by dropping your 10c containers (with their lids off and completely empty of liquid) in the white, labelled bins at lunchrooms and kitchenettes. 

PAWGUST is here

As a fitness and fundraising challenge, PAWGUST not only helps you and your dog improve your physical and mental health by walking or running every day, but also gives you an opportunity to raise vital funds for Guide Dogs.

Learn more about the initiative and start raising fund.

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Community and Youth Grants are open!

Community Grants are available to assist local not-for-profits to establish and undertake projects or activities that are beneficial to the community.

Youth Grants are available to support organisations to deliver projects and programs for and with our young people. 

Grants are open until 28 August. 

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Community Leadership Program applications open

If you know a community volunteer, someone part of a community group or simply someone who is ready to step up into a leadership role, then this opportunity is one not to be missed. 

This FREE program will enhance leadership skills, provide networking and mentoring opportunities, increase confidence to lead in the community and more.  

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Learning and Development

Discover your learning and development opportunities at the City of Marion.

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latest news?

Visit our organisational news section to stay up to date with the latest City of Marion news.

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Access our resources including our Employee Wellbeing Program. 

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