The Jewish Federation's
First Communal Wall of Art
& Treasure Hunt Drive-Through!
Tuesday, October 6th through Friday the 9th,
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
We will have a beautiful wall of communal art open for viewing by drive-thru.
Please note the entrance gate closes at 5:00 PM.

Drive-by and see if you can pick out your masterpiece from the rest! 

There will also be a treasure hunt that can be played right from your cell phone! How much do you know about the Jewish Federation grounds? How many sukkot related objects can you find? Rack up those points and each child will walk away with a fantastic Simchat Torah goody bag filled with activities and treats for the holiday.

We respectfully ask everyone to remain in their cars, unless you are picking up your goody bags from the Sukkah. Please remain mindful of social distancing protocols when you do so.

To join in on the treasure hunt, download the Actionbound App on to your phone and click the link below. You can also scan the code posted at the gate when you enter the the Federation grounds.