Envision Eugene is our collective vision for how we will grow
while preserving what we love about our community.

Envision Eugene Newsletter
What's New with Envision Eugene?
February 24th, 2017
This week we continue our attempt to address some of the most common questions we have heard about the urban growth boundary (UGB) proposal. In this newsletter we cover the topic of current development trends and the data that underpins the UGB proposal. Read more below, or find the latest information on our website.
What data is used in adopting our UGB?
The UGB proposal is based on lots of analysis and data, all vetted by a Technical Resource Group (TRG) made up of concerned citizens and local experts. Data was pulled from sources such as the U.S. Census, the State of Oregon, and building permit data, complemented by local expertise. 


In order to set our UGB for housing, we look at population forecasts, demographic trends and average household size in Eugene. We extrapolate recent trends twenty years into the future in order to determine how many homes we need to accommodate over the twenty year planning period (2012 - 2032). As part of this analysis, we also make an assumption about the mix of housing we anticipate. In other words, we have to determine how many single-family homes we need to accommodate compared to multi-family homes, such as town homes and apartments. This infrographic summarizes this data and more.

Key Housing Data:
  • Annual population growth of 1% (34,000 new residents by 2032)
  • Average household size of 2.24 people
  • 15,100 new homes
  • 55% single-family homes / 45% multi-family

In order to set our UGB for jobs, we look at how many jobs we expect to come to Eugene over the twenty year planning period. We also consider what percentages of these jobs are likely to fall into three broad categories of employment: industrial, commercial and government. This infographic contains this data and more.

Key Employment Data:

  • Job growth rate of 1.4% (a safe harbor in State law)
  • 19% Industrial, 67% Commercial, 14% Government

In both cases, housing needs and employment needs are compared with the supply of land within the existing UGB. This is how we determine whether or not an expansion is required to accommodate twenty years of growth. In the case of housing, we have determined that we do not need to expand the UGB if we take certain actions to use our land more efficiently. In the case of jobs, we have determined that we do need to expand the UGB. The Clear Lake expansion, which will include space for over 3,000 jobs, is included in the UGB proposal.
The latest data you are using is from 2012. Isn't that kind of old?
Yes, 2012 seems like a long time ago and the data may seem out of date, especially given the economic climate over the past number of years. However, the law related to UGB adoption recognizes that the analysis required to update a UGB takes a number of years to complete. Therefore, cities are expected to set a planning period for their analysis and complete the process based on that established planning period. Our Planning period is 2012 - 2032.

Council gave staff direction to use the adopted population forecasts in 2012 and 2015. In 2016 Council gave staff direction to keep our data and assumptions as originally proposed. Keeping with this data allows us to set our UGB, an important step in implementing our community vision, and begin a monitoring program that will improve the accuracy of our data and assumptions (more on this below). At the same time, we intend on starting an urban reserve planning process that will help us identify potential future expansion areas.

Some folks have suggested that we could update at least some of our key data or assumptions that seem particularly out of date. While this may be tempting, all of the data is interconnected and policy decisions are based on the relationships between data points; updating one assumption without updating them all would impact the validity of other assumptions.
What will happen if the assumptions are wrong?
Data accuracy is an important issue. Therefore, as part of the UGB adoption package, we are proposing policies that would enable us to start a growth monitoring program. This program reflects pillar seven of Envision Eugene:  Provide for Adaptable, Flexible and Collaborative Implementation as We Plan for Growth.

With regular data collection and reporting, City staff and community members will know how current development trends compare to our assumptions, highlighting areas for policy adjustment. At the same time, the Planning Division will begin a process of urban reserve planning - planning for growth beyond the twenty year horizon. This initiative will help us prioritize potential expansion areas and make us more adaptable and flexible in the long term as we grow.
Learn More and Provide Testimony

In addition to the links provided above, you might want to look at the growth management and population or the growth monitoring pages on our website. You can also download a fact sheet about housing mix or population and demographics.

We encourage you to provide testimony either for or against aspects of the proposal before or at the March 7th public hearing. Your comments will help the Planning Commissions make their recommendations. Participating now will help us bring the best possible proposal to the Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners this summer.

You are encouraged to attend the work session and public hearing on March 7. The work session will include a presentation about the UGB proposal followed by an open house with informational materials on display and available to take home. People will have the opportunity to ask staff questions before speaking at the hearing. The public hearing that will follow offers members of the public the opportunity to provide verbal testimony to both Commissions.  Written testimony can be provided by email or regular mail at any time.

City of Eugene and Lane County
Planning Commissions
March 7th
6pm Work Session
7pm Public Hearing
Harris Hall, 125 E 8th Ave
Eugene OR

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City of Eugene Planning & Development Department
99 W. 10th Avenue | Eugene | OR | 97401