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May  5,  2017
Meet The Staff
Star (Jessie)
Support Team



Our Dear Friend
Passes at 96
"Dee Rosenwald"

Meet Dorothy "Dee" Rosenwald one of my favorite customers and a dear friend.  

Dee was one of the first customers to come to my salon, when I first opened in Doylestown back in 1993.

I'll never forget the first time that she waltzed into my salon dressed head to toe in "Green Leather" and introduced herself to me as if she was the Queen of Buck's County (at the spry age of 72). And as I soon discovered, she was indeed a true legend in the area.

Dee was so excited to have a "real New York hairdresser" (as she put it) in the area that she came in to me as soon as she heard I was in town. And I'm happy to say that Dee remained a loyal client and a dear friend of our salon for 24 years.

But to me Dee was much more than a customer at our salon. Dee was one of the most engaging and interesting persons that I have ever met.

Dee was smart, funny, fashionable and wise. She would always captivate all of us in the salon (staff and customers alike) with her incredible stories and her amazing sense of humor. At about 4 ½ feet tall, she still had a commanding presence, when she entered a room.

Dee was an artist, sculptor, historian, teacher and soldier (yes, a military soldier) mother and wife.

Dee was also an amazing storyteller. At one point she held regular lectures at the Logan Inn, called "Tea with Dee", where she would tell historical stories about Bucks County and about the architecture in the New Hope area.

Also, Dee would always tell me the most amazing stories of her passed life and I would be captivated like a child listening to a grandparent.

Some of the memories shared were about living in Paris during the war and meeting General Patton, as well as several past Presidents.  She would proudly talk about  how she used to sneak off of the military base and hang out with Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas to discuss art and literature.

She would tell me about her second husband, Bucks County artist Robert Rosenwald, and how his father and grandfather started the Sears and Roebuck Company. She would tell how when Robert was a child, his wealthy family had to hide him from the Nazis so he wouldn't be kidnapped.

Once, soon after her husband died, it was Mothers' Day. So I asked my wife if she would mind if Dee would join us for a Mother's Day dinner. She agreed and my wife, Cynthia, our daughter, Sienna, and me took Dee to eat a Rat's Restaurant at the Grounds for Sculpture in New Jersey.

I was thinking that it would be a real treat for her, and that she had never been there before. But as soon as we arrived, she told me that not only had she been there several time before, but also she and her husband were special guests during the grand opening of the park! However, she had never eaten at Rat's, so was happy to try it.

Needless to say, I could go on and on about how much I enjoyed spending time with Dee. She was at true treasure and a dear friend.  My entire salon team, as well as I, will miss her dearly.

Thank you Dee and "Vaya con Dios",


Last Call Appointments for Next Week!

May 9 - 13


Spring Promotion

$25 For You and $50 For Your Friend's
Here at David Velasco Salon, we truly believe that our best form of advertisement is our present customers.

We have literally built our entire business on the recommendations of people just like you who have referred our salon to their friends, neighbors and relatives.

So as a little incentive to help you tell your friends about our salon we have created an Amazing Customer Referral Program that we call our: 

"$50.00 Gold Gift Card Program"

This is How It Works

Below is a Sample of our $50 Gold Gift Certificates of which you may print out as many as you would like. Click Here to Download

These $50.00 Gold Gift Certificates will enable your friends and relatives to try our salon and receive Fifty Dollars Off of any Haircut or Haircolor service available at our salon.

Once the gift certificate has been redeemed in our salon, your friends will receive $50 off any Haircut or Haircolor service in our salon and we will send you a $25 Reward Gift Certificate as a thank you for recommending our salon to your friends and family.

That's it!

This Is What You Do:

1- Simply print out the gift certificates and write your name in the appropriate line.

2- When you give a Certificate to someone just fill in their name in the appropriate line.

3- If you would like to refer a certain stylist to your friend, write in the stylist name in the "Services With" line, or you may leave it blank.

4- Tell your friend to mention this "Gold Gift Certificate" when they call for their Appointment

Click Here to Download Certificates 

Program Guidelines:

~ Only First-time guests can use this certificate

~ Recipient must be 18 years of age or older

~ Recipient must be an area resident

~ Certificate not redeemable for products or gratuities

~ Valid only for Haircuts and Haircolor services

~ Not available for bridal parties

~ Good for one-visit only (any unused amount will be voided)

~ Only one $25 "reward" certificate may be used per visit

So feel free to print out as many certificates as you would like and hand them out to everyone you know and as soon as they are redeemed,  

You will be well on your way to receiving as many $25 Reward Gift Certificates, as you would like.

 Click Here to Download Certificates 

Thank you for referring your friends and relatives to our salon.


David Velasco

David Velasco Salon | 215-340-9898 | |
150 S. Main St.
Doylestown, PA 18901