Hello Todd,

Well... it's crazy to believe it's December already and that Christmas and New Years are only a few weeks away! Jodi and I want to wish you and your families a safe, fun, and blessed Holiday Season and thank you for your continued prayers and support this year!

Here's a few bits of news you might find interesting, 1) We're currently sitting at 54 active clients. 2) Most of you know that I brought on Elizabeth Larsen as an associate to meet with women one on one and she's crushing it by making a big difference in their lives. She is currently working with three clients. 3) We successfully moved into our new office space on November 1st and you can check it out here. We're on the main floor of the same building I had been in previously. We have a nice lobby/sitting area, and three individual offices, one for me, one for Liz, and the other I'm subleasing out. Better yet, the Lord provided it at the same cost as the basement space I was in. 4) This year Agape will have served 93 clients and 171 total people! Praise the Lord!!

Jodi and I have been incredibly blessed this year and the Lord's provision for us personally, relationally, spiritually and financially has made the first year (2023) of doing this ministry full time, mind blowingly amazing!! 💪🏻🙏🏻✝️ #HeIsFaithful!

Look for Marriage Tips, 1, 2, and 3 below!

Thank you,

Todd - Founder

Marriage Tip #1

What it means to give God your First and Best!

1) Your first and best involves giving God your total being.

Jesus quoted the greatest commandment as loving the Lord “with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matt. 22:37). The whole of who we are is the best we can give Him. To give God only a part of ourselves falls short of loving Him with “all” of who we are. To present ourselves to “as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God” as commanded in Romans 12:1, is only reasonable in light of what God has done for us.

2) Your first and best involves giving God your first of everything. Throughout the Old Testament we read of the Israelites giving God the first fruits and the best of the flock. We serve the same God, still worthy of the first and best of our time, efforts, and resources. To give Him leftover or misdirected time and energy isn’t giving Him the best He deserves.

3) Your first and best involves giving God your most superior work. To give God a half-hearted or sloppy effort falls short of doing whatever we do “for the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). How can we be “a workman who does not need to be ashamed” if we inaccurately represent Him (2 Tim. 2:15) because we didn’t take the time required to get it right?

In light of these three points, we must conclude that to give God our first and best, we can’t compartmentalize our lives — God time, me time, work time, family time. All of our lives, at all times and in every way, must be seen as God time. Wherever we are and in whatever we do, we do it all to the glory of God!

See More Reviews

Finding good resources to enrich and grow your marriage can be hard. You don't have the time, you don't know what you can trust, or you simply can't remember to do it and make it a priority.

Well, do I have the thing for you! Check out all of my Marriage Resources at my website by clicking on the button below. This list grows and is added to all the time, so be sure to bookmark it for future reference. When you are looking for something to study with your spouse, go no further than to this page. You will find books, podcasts, devotionals, web articles, and more.

Great Marriage Resources

You can also find more valuable marriage enrichment resources by following me on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. I post great resources daily on Facebook and Instagram, and like my Grandson Wyatt says, "Like and Subscribe!" 🤣

Are you getting married in 2024? If so, then please consider to watching or forwarding this video to someone you know who is. In this video I share some thoughts about why premarital counseling is so important to create a great marriage.

Why premarital counseling video.

Marriage Tip #2:

One of my favorite Bible verses is James 1:19. It is a bullet point list to overcoming poor communication in your marriage.

Listen to your spouse, giving them all of your attention while seeking to completely understand what they are saying. Then really think about what you will say to them.

Ask yourself, “Does what I am going to say honor God and my spouse?” Finally, don’t get angry. Your spouse is NOT your enemy and anger solves NOTHING!

Marriage Tip #3:

Honestly ask yourself these questions.

Is my daily relationship and walk with Christ where it should be?

If it's not, what changes do I need to make in my life?

Hint - Give your First and Best by setting your alarm clock for 20 minutes earlier each day.





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