Vol. 5, Issue 1, May 2, 2019
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: WPH Employer Recruitment and Retention Toolkit; Hire Local Reverse Job Fair a success; Find out more about the Digital Main Street Grant.
WPH Employer Recruitment and Retention Toolkit coming in 2019-20!
WPH is collaborating with Mohawk College Enterprise to develop a guide that provides information for employers on best practices in recruitment, retention and how to create a solid onboarding program to ensure successful hiring.

The guide will be designed to lower employers' recruitment costs by ensuring the best match in hiring and supportive integration through orientation, resulting in less turnover.

WPH will review and revise a guide that we developed in 2008 to provide the latest information in Human Resources management with a focus on the sectors of Transportation and Warehousing.

For more information or to be involved with this project please contact Judy Travis, Executive Director, WPH at [email protected]
or call: 905-521-5777 ext. 15.
Hire Local reverse job fair a success!

Workforce Planning Hamilton and our partners, the Job Developers Network and City of Hamilton, Economic Development Division, held a reverse job fair event on April 25/19 at McMaster Innovation Park. Employers from over 50 local companies attended to network and share their job openings with employment service providers.

Hire Local was a great opportunity for the service providers to also network and learn more about services to help their clients.

Pop-up presentations on Equity Hiring, Hiring and Training Incentives, the Employment Standards Act, and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) were well attended and gave employers valuable information.

The event ended with a keynote address by Aline Ayoub, Aline Ayoub HR Consulting that provided detailed tips on how to attract and retain top performers.

Thanks to our partners, and volunteers for their help to create a worthwhile event!
Grant available for local businesses through the Digital Main Street Project 
Digital Main Street logo
The Digital Main Street Project helps small, main street businesses across Ontario improve their adoption of technologies to better promote themselves online, sell online and run back-office processes.

Your first step is to take an online assessment of your current technology use and develop a Digital Transformation Plan. To help put the plan into action, your business can then apply for a one-time grant of $2,500.

The City of Hamilton – in partnership with the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce – will be assisting eligible businesses within the 13 Business Improvement Areas (BIAs).

Labour Force Information, Hamilton, March 2019
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| [email protected] | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca