
Dear Trinity Community,


I hope you are enjoying your summer! With the beginning of school only a few weeks away, I want to share some exciting updates regarding our Inspire Excellence campaign and campus transformations that are occurring while students are away as well as ask you one final time for your support.

We finished the school year with strong fundraising progress—less than $1 million needed toward our goal of $14.5 million—which allowed us to press forward with all our capital projects. With continued support over the summer, the Damani Rec Center construction and playground renovations were completed.


We have less than $500,000 needed to finalize funding for these projects that have transformed Trinity’s campus, and we need your help.

The strength of Trinity has always been found in the generosity and commitment of our friends and families. You are an instrumental part of this community, and we cannot achieve success without you. Please consider joining us in the Inspire Excellence campaign to help us start the school year strong.

Please click here to make a gift or pledge or contact Director of Advancement Margaret Douglas at 404-240-9446 or Pledges can be paid over a five-year period and campaign gifts totaling $25,000 and higher will be included on a permanent donor wall that will be installed when the campaign is complete.


Thank you for considering this final request to support Trinity for generations to come through a gift to Inspire Excellence and for your important role in our work.


With gratitude,



Joseph P. Marshall

Head of School