With Heartfelt Thanks!

Another year has come and gone and once again we are overwhelmed with gratitude to our supporters and donors. The support you have provided us, whether it be financial, food and in-kind, or your valuable time, allowed us to continue to focus on our mission to alleviate hunger in the 31 communities we serve.

As we navigated through the aftermath of the pandemic you were there, you answered the call. You knew that it was a challenging time for our neighbors, and you didn’t hesitate to help us so we could help them. It is the trust you place in us that motivates us to meet these challenges each and every day, in hopes that nobody in our region goes to bed hungry.

With your help we have expanded our programs, serving more schools through our Operation Nourish children’s feeding program, and added 200 individuals to our Mobile Pantry senior feeding program.

We are able to purchase food, fresh fruits and vegetables, proteins, and shelf stable foods, making sure we have plenty of healthy food options to distribute to the 104 hunger relief organizations that we serve, who are serving an average of 70,000 people a month.

With the cost of fuel, utilities, housing, medical expenses, and food on the rise people will need us more than ever. But we are confident that we will be able to meet the increased need, especially with you on our side.

We look to 2023 with Hope. Hope for a better year, Hope for peace, Hope for joy and love. Most of all our Hope for you in the coming year is good health and prosperity as we say goodbye to 2022.

So again, we say Thank You for sharing with us what you could and helping us bring joy to those we serve throughout the year.

With sincere appreciation from our board of directors, staff and those we serve.

Debbie Callery & Jimmy Good
Merrimack Valley Food Bank
Executive Director & Board President
The Merrimack Valley Food Bank is a community-supported 501C-3 non-profit organization that provides nutritious food and personal care items to emergency feeding programs serving the low-income, homeless and hungry. 

Merrimack Valley Food Bank, Inc.
733-735 Broadway Street - Lowell, MA 01854 978-454-7272