2023 October 28 - Special Edition

A Message from MAFP President Susan Cheff MD

Dear Colleagues -

The Maine Academy of Family Physicians mourns with heavy hearts over the devastating tragedy in Lewiston. Our deepest sympathies go out to the families and to the Lewiston community. As family physicians, we are committed to providing essential care and emotional support to help our communities heal. Together, we stand resilient, offering solace, strength, and compassion to those in need.  


Susan Cheff, MD

MAFP President

The MMA has published a listing of resources.for medical professionals who may be affected by this tragedy:


  1. MPHP: Medical Professionals Health Program assists professionals who suffer from mental health/behavioral issues and stress and burnout in the workplace. Get in touch with MPHP at [email protected] or (207) 623–9266. Access the MPHP website here: MPHP
  2. Maine Crisis Hotline: 1-888-568-1112
  3. National Alliance on Mental Illness: 800-950-6264
  4. Clinicians, educators and first responders can call 1-800-769-9819: The FrontLine WarmLine offers free support services to help these professionals manage the stress of responding to disasters from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week.

MORE Resources for Physicians & Your Patients HERE

Maine DHHS Encourages Those Affected by the Violence in Lewiston to Reach Out for Mental Health Support


(Maine DHHS bulletin - 10/26/23)


AUGUSTA— The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) encourages anyone affected by the violence in Lewiston to reach out and connect with behavioral health support. Incidents of mass violence can lead to a range of emotional reactions, including anxiety, fear, anger, despair, and a sense of helplessness that may begin immediately or in the days or weeks following the event.


Seek help immediately if you or someone you know is talking about suicide, feelings of hopelessness or unbearable pain, or about being a burden to others.

 If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911.

READ Complete DHHS News Release HERE