Dearest Mishlachat, Ramah graduates, Ramah chanichim and Ramah Kehillah,

Our thoughts are with you day and night, night and day. Tzevet, campers, parents, and lay leaders ask us every day how you are doing and want to know how to help.

There are no words and there is no substitute for being together in Ojai right now, but we wanted you to know that you are with us in our hearts, and a few ways we will try to unite as a community and be with you in this unbearable time.

  • On Friday morning, October 13th, at 7:00am Israel time, we will meet as a Ramah California community. We know the timing is not ideal, but we wanted campers and staff here in California to be able to participate. Register here to receive the Zoom link and it will be recorded.
  • On Sunday, October 15th, at 19:00 pm Israel time, National Ramah is organizing a meeting of all Ramah camps from all years. Register for Ramah Mishpacha Solidarity Gathering for Israel

Please look out in the coming days, for letters and videos from our community to you. In the meantime, some of our community members who organized, befriended, and hosted Shlichim over the years, wanted to send you their love.

We are here for anything you need. We are thinking of you every second of the day.

“A cry is heard in Ramah —Wailing, bitter weeping—Rachel weeping for her children. She refuses to be comforted for her children who are gone…”

There is no consolation, but Ramah's voice is sending you a strong message of love and support...

Sending hugs, T’fillot, and strength,

Rabbi Joe, Ariella, and the entire Ramah mishpacha 

 Register here to receive the zoom link