Love & Light
Neola Stacey Justin pose for a picture after Neola received the love light award for their extraordinary volunteer service.  All three are smiling_ standing side by side with arms around each other.
Love Light Honoree, Neola Young, stands with Stacey & Justin on the SHINE Stage


We are so moved by the outpouring of love and support that our Q Center family has given us.  SHINE was an astounding success in so many ways.  
Together, we were able to raise over $80,0000 that will immediately go to ensuring that all the Betty's of the world will have a safe space to be themselves.  This means that we will start 2017 in a stronger financial position giving us the time needed to continue to work towards sustainability.

We're seriously in awe of your love.  Thank you, thank you, thank you! If you weren't able to join us at SHINE but would like to add your support to this awesome effort you can do that here.
Joaquin Lopez stands at the podium with hand to heart while he speaks into the microphone.  Joaquin was the emcee for the day_ shown here wearing a suite and tie.
Emcee Joaquin Lopez
Below you'll find some highlights from the day including Betty's speech, Q Center's lego movie and a full list of our honorees.

We'd like to thank again Bill Dickey and Morel Ink for being this year's presenting sponsor as well as our premier sponsors at Fournier Group, Imperial Sovereign Rose Court and The Standard along with all our table hosts.  It's because of their support that we are able to have a more inclusive sliding scale celebration.

We'd also like to thank all of our speakers, volunteers and especially our golden voiced emcee, Joaquin Lopez.  Joaquin worked with us for months to get the right feel and message for SHINE.  He and his family are supportive of SO many communities and nonprofits.   Thank you Joaquin!

With all our love and appreciation,

Stacey Rice & Justin Pabalate
Executive Co-Directors

PS You can see pictures of SHINE in our Facebook album here.   Tag your friends!

PPS Thank you to our hosts Marriott ONE and our bubbly sponsor, Barefoot Wines, for creating a wonderfully warm and fun atmosphere!
Thank You to Team SHINE!
SHINE took an entire year to plan and we were able to do it because the skill and expertise of the crew at Swaim Strategies and our amazingly dedicated volunteers who rocked the day!
Two volunteers pose with a homemade festive _T_ made of pvc piping which has colorful gift bags hanging from its arms.  Bags were sold as a fundraiser.
Jimena Alvarado,  Josh ua Bruce,  Karen "hole filler" Castner,  Jonathan Dahl,  Perry Eising,  Michelle Gonzalez,  Jesse Haungs,  Frankie  Howell,  Marc Kochanski,  Joe LeBlanc,  Theresa Nguyen,  Charlotte Perri,  Jenn Reyes,  Candi Rosario,  Susan Suffion,  Heather Vanderzanden, and  Joseph Wilson
"Everything is Awesome...!"

A Lego Love Story

Lego unicorn minifig holds up a purple block indicating she is going to build something new as she stands in front of a lego replica of q center while wearing a rainbow cape.
Click on the Unicorn to watch "A Q Center Story"

This year at SHINE, we took a few minutes to celebrate just a few of the business and community leaders responsible for the success and survival of our Q Center. We love and app reciate each a nd every one of you!

Lego Leila
Thank you to the brilliantly talented artist, Leila Chieko, who lent her stop animation talents to help us uplift the love and support of our Q Center family.

You can see more of Leila's work via her Linkedin profile  and you can contact her directly through email
 for a quote.

Constellation Honorees

Eight hand sized clear glass star shaped awards inscribed with honoree names sitting on a black clad table located on the center stage.

Every year we like to take a moment to recognize those in our community who are bright spots and bring love and light to our lives. This year we were honored to recognize CHKCHK, Portland Two Spirit Society, PDX Latinx Pride, API Pride, Black Pride, and Margaret Ann Jones as more than simply our community leaders but as members of our family and partners in love and justice.
African American Senior Lesbian Leader Speaks at event podium.
Margaret Ann Jones accepts the Shining Star Award.
We were also proud to lift up trans community leadership in our affinity groups program. The facilitators and conveners of the Friday Night Transgender Women's Group, FTM Peer Support Group, Gender Queery, the Northwest Gender Alliance, the Northwest Intersex Action League, Trans-Fem*, and Tranz 
Guys PDX volunteer their time, leadership, courage and compassion to create space for our trans family members.
And lastly, we brought Natalia Kay O'Brien and Neola Young on stage to recognize them as two steadfast cornerstones of Q Center's family. These two have given hundreds of hours to help and guide Q Center through the journey of the last two years and we are eternally grateful for their leadership and friendship.

Pride Leaders of Color pose with their awards.
Candi Brings Plenty, Sogene Mah, Khalil Edwards, and Christian Baeff are thanked for their community organizing efforts.
Her Turn
Our Betty

I think it's safe to say that Betty stole our hearts and the show on Sunday. Betty took to the stage and courageously shared her story which you can read below.  If you would like to make a donation in Betty's honor you can do that here.

" I'm 81 years old.
I'm here today because I came out of the closet at age 79.
After a 54-year marriage, my husband passed away 4 years ago. I grieved that man, someone I had loved like a brother. When I came out of the grief, I thought, "Betty, now it's your turn." I decided I wanted to be, for the first time in my life, who I really am. I am a lesbian. I knew this from adolescence, but when I was young, the word hardly existed. The culture, the world view, was entirely different in those days. To be gay was to be thought to have a disorder. Glory be! How far we've come in my lifetime!
OK. At age 79, I not only wanted to true to myself, and come out
 of the closet, but I also wanted to find someone to love.
But where? I'm little old church lady. Back in the day, I was raised with a lot of love but in a culture where the places you'd go to meet someone just weren't acceptable-nice girls didn't go to bars. They didn't go to places where you could meet another lesbian. Being who I was seemed impossible.
When I decided to come out two years ago, my first challenge was this: How would I find other lesbians? I've always been a writer, and I met a friend at a memoir writing group who was out. She shared her story of being in a 30-year lesbian partnership and I almost cried as I listened to her. Then I screwed up my courage and came out to her during a break in the group. She was a lovely gal, and she asked what she could do for me. And I asked, 'Can you put me in touch with an organization or two?'
When I got home the address for Q Center was in my email. I thought: I will absolutely try this place...when I get up the nerve. But my friend called me and said, "No, I'm taking you over there myself." She brought me to a workshop offered by Susan Kocen-and it was just wonderful. Soooo many friendly faces, and soooo much support.
It dawned on me that day that I felt safe. This was not some bar. This was not a place where I had to hide. It's a nice, clean, safe, sweet place. After that there was no stopping me! I went to everything I could. I followed the calendar online and I went to yoga classes, workshops, writing programs, memoir programs. I met many other lesbians. 

Senior participant looking up with a surprised look on her face to see a standing ovation after delivering a fun yet heartfelt speech.  One hand covers her mouth while one hand holds her walker with the emcee in the background applauding.
Betty looking up to see a standing ovation.
Though every woman's story was a little  different, over time I realized my story of coming out late in life wasn't unique. So many women in my generation were just as terrified.
Q Center is a safe place. That's the thing. In both the figurative and literal sense, Q Center feels like an open door to a real life. You can't believe how extraordinary that is-
except you can believe it because you're living it too-all of you here in this room know what I'm talking about. I love that we are creating a home that we can share, and we're doing it together.
I want Q Center to be around for all the Bettys who discover tomorrow that it's the ir time. For every person looking for a safe place. That's why I'm here today to ask you to give generously so Q Center can thrive."
An Event for Everyone

Accessibility Starts with You

ASL interpreters Ty and CM  smile and pose in a side hug in front of the power point thank you slide.
ASL Interpreters and Long Time Q Center Supporters Ty & CM

Thank you to Ty Lewis and CM Hall for ensuring that American Sign Language (ASL) interpreting was available for our special day. If you're planning an event, please be sure to offer the chance for Deaf and Hard of Hearing community members to request ASL interpreting in your invitations, Facebook events, etc... 

You can contact CM Hall for ASL interpreting quotes and best practices for your event.
Imperial Sovereign Rose Court

Organization of the Year

Wooden plaque inscribed with _dedication award_ q center of portland_ organization of the year_ in recognition of your dedication_ loyal service and determination_ the imperial sovereign rose court _ the evolution of the rose_ October 22_ 2016
Through thick and thin, The Imperial Sovereign Rose Court has shown up for Q Center community time and time again with financial, moral and leadership support.  Theirs is an organization whose members volunteer thousands of hours a year and have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for local organizations.

At SHINE, Jay Dela' Rosa of The Imperial Sovereign Rose Court presented Q Center staff with the Evolution of the Rose: Organization of the Year Award.

This recognition means absolutely everything to us.  The Rose Court are leaders, founders, youth and elders of our community.  We are humbled and honored to receive this award.  We remain committed to transparency and community driven efforts. We will strive to be worthy of this award everyday. Onward!

Ray Delarosa from the Rose Court reads from the Organization of the Year award to four staff members of q center on stage.
Jay Dela'Rosa presents Q Center with Organization of the Year.