Happy New Year!
And thanks to all who made 2024 such a great year for us and our business. A combination of good fortune in our buying efforts and the enthusiastic response of regulars and newcomers gave us one of the best years on record. We ended the year with our November Opening, followed by our annual December Gift Fest, and both exceeded our expectations. Look for a similar schedule in 2025.
Jan began the new year with a long-overdue surgery to replace her right hip. After months of misdiagnoses by various physicians, we got her to a brilliant young surgeon in Brattleboro, VT. Her surgery was concluded on Monday before 1:00 p.m., and she was walking with assistance before 4:00. We came home on Tuesday, and I'm writing this in our office on Wednesday afternoon, while Jan is in the house icing, exercising, and walking hourly. We're pleased to report that she seems well on the way to full recovery.
And now . . .